lib/core/facets/hash/keyize.rb in facets-2.1.3 vs lib/core/facets/hash/keyize.rb in facets-2.2.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,38 +1,21 @@
-# Hash Key-ize Extensions
-# Extensions of Hash for converting keys.
-# - David H. H.
-# - Thomas Sawyer
-# - These methods are largely usurped by Hash#rekey.
-# They remain available for the time being for improved
-# intercompability with Rail's ActiveSupport library.
class Hash
+ # NOTE: These methods are largely usurped by Hash#rekey.
+ # They remain available for the time being for improved
+ # intercompability with Rail's ActiveSupport library.
# Converts all keys in the Hash accroding to the given block.
# If the block return +nil+ for given key, then that key will be
# left intact.
# foo = { :name=>'Gavin', :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.normalize_keys{ |k| k.to_s } #=> { "name"=>"Gavin", "wife"=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { :name =>"Gavin", :wife=>:Lisa }
- #--
- # Adapted from Gavin Sinclair's #convert_keys.
- #++
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: Gavin Sinclair
def normalize_keys( &block )
dup.send(:normalize_keys!, &block)
@@ -40,13 +23,12 @@
# foo = { :name=>'Gavin', :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.normalize_keys!{ |k| k.to_s } #=> { "name"=>"Gavin", "wife"=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { "name"=>"Gavin", "wife"=>:Lisa }
- #--
- # Adapted from Gavin Sinclair's #convert_keys.
- #++
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: Gavin Sinclair
def normalize_keys!( &block )
keys.each{ |k|
nk = block[k]
self[nk]=delete(k) if nk
@@ -59,13 +41,12 @@
# foo = { :name=>'Gavin', :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.stringify_keys #=> { "name"=>"Gavin", "wife"=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { :name =>"Gavin", :wife=>:Lisa }
- #--
- # Adapted from Gavin Sinclair's #convert_keys.
- #++
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: Gavin Sinclair
def stringify_keys( &filter )
if filter
normalize_keys{ |k| filter[k] ? k.to_s : nil }
@@ -80,13 +61,13 @@
# foo = { :name=>'Gavin', :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.stringify_keys! #=> { "name"=>"Gavin", "wife"=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { "name"=>"Gavin", "wife"=>:Lisa }
- #--
- # Adapted from Gavin Sinclair's #convert_keys.
- #++
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: Gavin Sinclair
def stringify_keys!( &filter )
if filter
normalize_keys!{ |k| filter[k] ? k.to_s : nil }
normalize_keys!{ |k| k.to_s }
@@ -100,13 +81,12 @@
# foo = { :name=>'Gavin', 'wife'=>:Lisa }
# foo.symbolize_keys #=> { :name=>"Gavin", :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { "name" =>"Gavin", "wife"=>:Lisa }
- #--
- # Adapted from Gavin Sinclair's graceous work #symbolify_keys.
- #++
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: Gavin Sinclair
def symbolize_keys( &filter )
if filter
normalize_keys{ |k| filter[k] ? k.to_sym : nil }
@@ -127,13 +107,12 @@
# foo = { 'name'=>'Gavin', 'wife'=>:Lisa }
# foo.symbolize_keys! #=> { :name=>"Gavin", :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { :name=>"Gavin", :wife=>:Lisa }
- #--
- # Adapted from Gavin Sinclair's graceous work #symbolify_keys!
- #++
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: Gavin Sinclair
def symbolize_keys!( &filter )
if filter
normalize_keys!{ |k| filter[k] ? k.to_sym : nil }
@@ -155,11 +134,15 @@
# It defaults to nil which convert any key class.
# foo = { :name=>'Gavin', :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.variablize_keys #=> { "@name"=>"Gavin", "@wife"=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { :name =>"Gavin", :wife=>:Lisa }
+ #
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: David Hansson
def variablize_keys( of_class=nil )
self.dup.variablize_keys!( of_class )
# Synonym for Hash#keys_to_string, but modifies the receiver in place (and returns it).
@@ -167,10 +150,13 @@
# It defaults to nil which convert any key class.
# foo = { :name=>'Gavin', :wife=>:Lisa }
# foo.variablize_keys! #=> { "@name"=>"Gavin", "@wife"=>:Lisa }
# foo.inspect #=> { "@name"=>"Gavin", "@wife"=>:Lisa }
+ #
+ # CREDIT: Trans
+ # CREDIT: David Hansson
def variablize_keys!( of_class=nil )
raise ArgumentError, "Parameter must be a class" unless of_class.kind_of?(Class) if of_class
if of_class
self.each_key do |k|
@@ -191,59 +177,5 @@
-# _____ _
-# |_ _|__ ___| |_
-# | |/ _ \/ __| __|
-# | | __/\__ \ |_
-# |_|\___||___/\__|
-=begin test
- require 'test/unit'
- class TestHashKeyize < Test::Unit::TestCase
- def test_normalize_keys_01
- foo = { :a=>1, :b=>2 }
- assert_equal( { "a"=>1, "b"=>2 }, foo.normalize_keys{|k|k.to_s} )
- assert_equal( { :a =>1, :b=>2 }, foo )
- end
- def test_normalize_keys_02
- foo = { :a=>1, :b=>2 }
- assert_equal( { "a"=>1, "b"=>2 }, foo.normalize_keys!{|k|k.to_s} )
- assert_equal( { "a"=>1, "b"=>2 }, foo )
- end
- def test_keys_to_s
- foo = { :a=>1, :b=>2 }
- assert_equal( { "a"=>1, "b"=>2 }, foo.stringify_keys )
- assert_equal( { :a =>1, :b=>2 }, foo )
- end
- def test_keys_to_s!
- foo = { :a=>1, :b=>2 }
- assert_equal( { "a"=>1, "b"=>2 }, foo.stringify_keys! )
- assert_equal( { "a"=>1, "b"=>2 }, foo )
- end
- def test_keys_to_sym
- foo = { 'a'=>1, 'b'=>2 }
- assert_equal( { :a=>1, :b=>2 }, foo.symbolize_keys )
- assert_equal( { "a" =>1, "b"=>2 }, foo )
- end
- def test_keys_to_sym!
- foo = { 'a'=>1, 'b'=>2 }
- assert_equal( { :a=>1, :b=>2 }, foo.symbolize_keys! )
- assert_equal( { :a=>1, :b=>2 }, foo )
- end
- end