README.txt in facebox-render-0.9.0 vs README.txt in facebox-render-0.9.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,26 +1,26 @@
Author:: Wen-Tien Chang(
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2008 Handlino Inc.
Licensed under the MIT:
-= Description =
+== Description ==
FaceboxRender plugin let you use lightbox seamlessly using Facebox library.
-= Install =
- * gem install facebox-render
- * cd /your_rails_app/vendor/plugin/
- * gem unpack facebox-render
+== Install ==
+ * download from
+ * uncompress to /vendor/plugins/facebox_render
-= USAGE =
-You must install Facebox first(see
+ Note that you must install Facebox first(see
1.Download jQuery (or you can try to install to replace Prototype library totally)
2.Download facebox
3.Copy facebox js file to /public/javascripts/
4.Copy facebox css file to /public/styleshees/
5.Copy facebox all image files to /public/facebox/
6.Config your layout (stylesheet_link_tag and javascript_include_tag) to add these js,css files
+= USAGE =
== Helper ==
We have facebox_link_to helper (it's will launch loading facebox first, send ajax request second)
or you can use link_to_remote, form_remote_tag...etc Ajax helper.
Don't use <a href="somelink" ref="facebox">
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