src/scss/facades/_mixins.scss in facades-1.0.9 vs src/scss/facades/_mixins.scss in facades-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -7,103 +7,104 @@
@import 'facades/config';
@import 'facades/mixins/rhythm';
@import 'compass/css3';
@import 'facades/mixins/gradients';
+@import 'facades/mixins/media';
// Custom opacity mixin, uses whole numbers instead of floats.
@mixin opacity($opacity: 100) {
- @if $legacy-support-for-ie7{
- filter: alpha(opacity=#{$opacity});
- }
- @if $legacy-support-for-ie8{
- -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=#{$opacity})";
- }
- opacity: $opacity / 100;
+ @if $legacy-support-for-ie7{
+ filter: alpha(opacity=#{$opacity});
+ }
+ @if $legacy-support-for-ie8{
+ -ms-filter:"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(Opacity=#{$opacity})";
+ }
+ opacity: $opacity / 100;
// override compass's version because we don't need prefixing
@mixin border-radius($radians){
- border-radius:$radians;
+ border-radius:$radians;
// compass uses the overflow style clearfix which can be rather annoying when you
// dont want overflow:hidden on things.
@mixin clearfix{
- &:before, &:after{
- content:"";
- display:table;
- }
- &:after{
- clear:both;
- }
+ &:before, &:after{
+ content:"";
+ display:table;
+ }
+ &:after{
+ clear:both;
+ }
- @if $legacy-support-for-ie8 or $legacy-support-for-ie7{
- &{ zoom:1; }
- }
+ @if $legacy-support-for-ie8 or $legacy-support-for-ie7{
+ &{ zoom:1; }
+ }
// Custom box-shadow mixin to skip false or none values
@mixin optional-box-shadow($props){
- @if $props != false and $props != none{
- @include border-radius($props);
- }
+ @if $props != false and $props != none{
+ @include border-radius($props);
+ }
// Custom border-radius mixin to skip false or none values
@mixin optional-border-radius($props){
- @if $props != false and $props != none{
- @include border-radius($props);
- }
+ @if $props != false and $props != none{
+ @include border-radius($props);
+ }
// Cross browser inline-block implementations
-@mixin inline-block($align: middle){
- display: inline-block;
- vertical-align: $align;
- @if $legacy-support-for-ie7{
- *display: inline;
- *vertical-align: auto;
- *zoom:1;
- }
+@mixin inline-block($align: middle){
+ display: inline-block;
+ vertical-align: $align;
+ @if $legacy-support-for-ie7{
+ *display: inline;
+ *vertical-align: auto;
+ *zoom:1;
+ }
@mixin user-select($val: "none"){
- @include experimental("user-select", unquote($val), -moz, -webkit, -khtml, -ms, official);
- @include experimental("touch-callout", unquote($val), -webkit, official, not -moz, not -khtml, not -ms);
+ @include experimental("user-select", unquote($val), -moz, -webkit, -khtml, -ms, official);
+ @include experimental("touch-callout", unquote($val), -webkit, official, not -moz, not -khtml, not -ms);
// Clip properties
// Creates a clip rect, including IE specific version.
@mixin clipped{
- @include clip(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
+ @include clip(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px);
@mixin clip($top: 1px, $right: 1px, $bottom: 1px, $left: 1px, $shape: rect, $abs: true){
- $shape:unquote($shape);
- clip: unquote("#{$shape}(#{$top}, #{$right}, #{$bottom}, #{$left})");
- @if $legacy-support-for-ie{
- clip: unquote("#{$shape}(#{$top} #{$right} #{$bottom} #{$left})"); // Stupid IE
- }
- @if $abs{ position: absolute; }
+ $shape:unquote($shape);
+ clip: unquote("#{$shape}(#{$top}, #{$right}, #{$bottom}, #{$left})");
+ @if $legacy-support-for-ie{
+ clip: unquote("#{$shape}(#{$top} #{$right} #{$bottom} #{$left})"); // Stupid IE
+ }
+ @if $abs{ position: absolute; }
// returns a contrasting version of a color based on luminance
@function contrasting-color($color, $contrast: 100%) {
- @return if(lightness($color) > 50, darken($color, $contrast), lighten($color, $contrast));
+ @return if(lightness($color) > 50, darken($color, $contrast), lighten($color, $contrast));
// sets a contrasting text shadow based on $color
@mixin bevel-text($color){
- $dark-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0 -.08em 0;
- $light-shadow: rgba(255,255,255,.25) 0 .08em 0;
- text-shadow:if(luminance($color) == light, $dark-shadow, $light-shadow);
+ $dark-shadow: rgba(0,0,0,.5) 0 -.08em 0;
+ $light-shadow: rgba(255,255,255,.25) 0 .08em 0;
+ text-shadow:if(luminance($color) == light, $dark-shadow, $light-shadow);
// creates an empty psuedo element
@mixin pseudo-element($width: 0, $height: auto, $content: "", $display: block, $position: absolute){
content: $content;
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