lib/ezcrypto.rb in ezcrypto-0.1 vs lib/ezcrypto.rb in ezcrypto-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,357 +1,357 @@
-require 'openssl'
-require 'digest/sha2'
-require 'digest/sha1'
-require 'base64'
-module EzCrypto
-=begin rdoc
-The Key is the only class you need to understand for simple use.
-=== Algorithms
-The crypto algorithms default to aes-128-cbc however on any of the class methods you can change it to one of the standard openssl cipher names using the
-optional <tt>:algorithm=>alg name</tt> parameter.
- @raw, :algorithm=>"des"
- Key.generate :algorithm=>"blowfish"
- Key.with_password @pwd,@salt,:algorithm=>"aes256"
-== License
-Action Web Service is released under the MIT license.
-== Support
-To contact the author, send mail to
-Also see my blogs at:
- and
-This project was based on code used in my project StakeItOut, where you can securely share web services with your partners.
-(C) 2005 Pelle Braendgaard
- class Key
- attr_reader :raw,:algorithm
-=begin rdoc
-Initialize the key with raw binary key data. This needs to be at least
-16 bytes long for the default aes-128 algorithm.
- def initialize(raw,options = {})
- @raw=raw
- @algorithm=options[:algorithm]||"aes-128-cbc"
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Generate random key.
- def self.generate(options = {})
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Create key generated from the given password and salt
- def self.with_password(password,salt,options = {})
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Initialize the key with Base64 encoded key data.
- def self.decode(encoded,options = {})
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Encrypts the data with the given password and a salt. Short hand for:
- key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
- key.encrypt(data)
- def self.encrypt_with_password(password,salt,data,options = {})
- key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
- key.encrypt(data)
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Decrypts the data with the given password and a salt. Short hand for:
- key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
- key.decrypt(data)
- def self.decrypt_with_password(password,salt,data,options = {})
- key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
- key.decrypt(data)
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Given an algorithm this calculates the keysize. This is used by both the generate and with_password methods. This is not yet 100% complete.
- def self.calculate_key_size(algorithm)
- if !algorithm.nil?
- algorithm=~/^([[:alnum:]]+)(-(\d+))?/
- if $3
- size=($3.to_i)/8
- else
- case $1
- when "bf"
- size = 16
- when "blowfish"
- size = 16
- when "des"
- size = 8
- when "des3"
- size = 24
- when "aes128"
- size = 16
- when "aes192"
- size = 24
- when "aes256"
- size = 32
- when "rc2"
- size = 16
- when "rc4"
- size = 16
- else
- size = 16
- end
- end
- end
- if size.nil?
- size = 16
- end
- size
- end
-=begin rdoc
-returns the Base64 encoded key.
- def encode
- Base64.encode64 @raw
- end
-=begin rdoc
-returns the Base64 encoded key. Synonymo for encode.
- def to_s
- encoded
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Encrypts the data and returns it in encrypted binary form.
- def encrypt(data)
- @cipher.encrypt(data)
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Encrypts the data and returns it in encrypted Base64 encoded form.
- def encrypt64(data)
- Base64.encode64(encrypt(data))
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Decrypts the data passed to it in binary format.
- def decrypt(data)
- @cipher.gulp(data)
- rescue
- puts @algorithm
- throw $!
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Decrypts a Base64 formatted string
- def decrypt64(data)
- decrypt(Base64.decode64(data))
- end
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Abstract Wrapper around OpenSSL's Cipher object. Extended by Encrypter and Decrypter.
-You probably should be using the Key class instead.
-Warning! The interface may change.
- class CipherWrapper
-=begin rdoc
- def initialize(key,target,mode,algorithm)
- @cipher =
- if mode
- @cipher.encrypt
- else
- @cipher.decrypt
- end
- @cipher.key=key.raw
- @cipher.padding=1
- @target=target
- @finished=false
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Process the givend data with the cipher.
- def update(data)
- reset if @finished
- @target<< @cipher.update(data)
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def <<(data)
- update(data)
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Finishes up any last bits of data in the cipher and returns the final result.
- def final
- @target<<
- @finished=true
- @target
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Processes the entire data string using update and performs a final on it returning the data.
- def gulp(data)
- update(data)
- final
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def reset(target="")
- @target=target
- @finished=false
- end
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Wrapper around OpenSSL Cipher for Encryption use.
-You probably should be using Key instead.
-Warning! The interface may change.
- class Encrypter<EzCrypto::CipherWrapper
-=begin rdoc
- def initialize(key,target="",algorithm="aes-128-cbc")
- super(key,target,true,algorithm)
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def encrypt(data)
- gulp(data)
- end
- end
-=begin rdoc
-Wrapper around OpenSSL Cipher for Decryption use.
-You probably should be using Key instead.
-Warning! The interface may change.
- class Decrypter<EzCrypto::CipherWrapper
-=begin rdoc
- def initialize(key,target="",algorithm="aes-128-cbc")
- super(key,target,false,algorithm)
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def decrypt(data)
- gulp(data)
- end
- end
-=begin rdoc
- class Digester
-=begin rdoc
-Various handy Digest methods.
-Warning! The interface may change.
- def self.get_key(password,salt,size)
- digest(salt+password,size)
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def self.generate_key(size=16)
- key=OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(size)
- digest(key,size)
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def self.generate_key64(size=32)
- key=OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(size)
- digest(key,size)
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def self.digest(data,size=16)
- if size==0
- ""
- elsif size<=16
- Digest::SHA1.digest(data)[0..(size-1)]
- else
- Digest::SHA256.digest(data)[0..(size-1)]
- end
- end
-=begin rdoc
- def self.digest64(data)
- Base64.encode64(digest(data))
- end
- end
+require 'openssl'
+require 'digest/sha2'
+require 'digest/sha1'
+require 'base64'
+module EzCrypto
+=begin rdoc
+The Key is the only class you need to understand for simple use.
+=== Algorithms
+The crypto algorithms default to aes-128-cbc however on any of the class methods you can change it to one of the standard openssl cipher names using the
+optional <tt>:algorithm=>alg name</tt> parameter.
+ @raw, :algorithm=>"des"
+ Key.generate :algorithm=>"blowfish"
+ Key.with_password @pwd,@salt,:algorithm=>"aes256"
+== License
+Action Web Service is released under the MIT license.
+== Support
+To contact the author, send mail to
+Also see my blogs at:
+ and
+This project was based on code used in my project StakeItOut, where you can securely share web services with your partners.
+(C) 2005 Pelle Braendgaard
+ class Key
+ attr_reader :raw,:algorithm
+=begin rdoc
+Initialize the key with raw unencoded binary key data. This needs to be at least
+16 bytes long for the default aes-128 algorithm.
+ def initialize(raw,options = {})
+ @raw=raw
+ @algorithm=options[:algorithm]||"aes-128-cbc"
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Generate random key.
+ def self.generate(options = {})
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Create key generated from the given password and salt
+ def self.with_password(password,salt,options = {})
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Initialize the key with Base64 encoded key data.
+ def self.decode(encoded,options = {})
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Encrypts the data with the given password and a salt. Short hand for:
+ key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
+ key.encrypt(data)
+ def self.encrypt_with_password(password,salt,data,options = {})
+ key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
+ key.encrypt(data)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Decrypts the data with the given password and a salt. Short hand for:
+ key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
+ key.decrypt(data)
+ def self.decrypt_with_password(password,salt,data,options = {})
+ key=Key.with_password(password,salt,options)
+ key.decrypt(data)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Given an algorithm this calculates the keysize. This is used by both the generate and with_password methods. This is not yet 100% complete.
+ def self.calculate_key_size(algorithm)
+ if !algorithm.nil?
+ algorithm=~/^([[:alnum:]]+)(-(\d+))?/
+ if $3
+ size=($3.to_i)/8
+ else
+ case $1
+ when "bf"
+ size = 16
+ when "blowfish"
+ size = 16
+ when "des"
+ size = 8
+ when "des3"
+ size = 24
+ when "aes128"
+ size = 16
+ when "aes192"
+ size = 24
+ when "aes256"
+ size = 32
+ when "rc2"
+ size = 16
+ when "rc4"
+ size = 16
+ else
+ size = 16
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if size.nil?
+ size = 16
+ end
+ size
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+returns the Base64 encoded key.
+ def encode
+ Base64.encode64 @raw
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+returns the Base64 encoded key. Synonym for encode.
+ def to_s
+ encode
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Encrypts the data and returns it in encrypted binary form.
+ def encrypt(data)
+ @cipher.encrypt(data)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Encrypts the data and returns it in encrypted Base64 encoded form.
+ def encrypt64(data)
+ Base64.encode64(encrypt(data))
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Decrypts the data passed to it in binary format.
+ def decrypt(data)
+ @cipher.gulp(data)
+ rescue
+ puts @algorithm
+ throw $!
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Decrypts a Base64 formatted string
+ def decrypt64(data)
+ decrypt(Base64.decode64(data))
+ end
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Abstract Wrapper around OpenSSL's Cipher object. Extended by Encrypter and Decrypter.
+You probably should be using the Key class instead.
+Warning! The interface may change.
+ class CipherWrapper
+=begin rdoc
+ def initialize(key,target,mode,algorithm)
+ @cipher =
+ if mode
+ @cipher.encrypt
+ else
+ @cipher.decrypt
+ end
+ @cipher.key=key.raw
+ @cipher.padding=1
+ @target=target
+ @finished=false
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Process the givend data with the cipher.
+ def update(data)
+ reset if @finished
+ @target<< @cipher.update(data)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def <<(data)
+ update(data)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Finishes up any last bits of data in the cipher and returns the final result.
+ def final
+ @target<<
+ @finished=true
+ @target
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Processes the entire data string using update and performs a final on it returning the data.
+ def gulp(data)
+ update(data)
+ final
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def reset(target="")
+ @target=target
+ @finished=false
+ end
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Wrapper around OpenSSL Cipher for Encryption use.
+You probably should be using Key instead.
+Warning! The interface may change.
+ class Encrypter<EzCrypto::CipherWrapper
+=begin rdoc
+ def initialize(key,target="",algorithm="aes-128-cbc")
+ super(key,target,true,algorithm)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def encrypt(data)
+ gulp(data)
+ end
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+Wrapper around OpenSSL Cipher for Decryption use.
+You probably should be using Key instead.
+Warning! The interface may change.
+ class Decrypter<EzCrypto::CipherWrapper
+=begin rdoc
+ def initialize(key,target="",algorithm="aes-128-cbc")
+ super(key,target,false,algorithm)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def decrypt(data)
+ gulp(data)
+ end
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ class Digester
+=begin rdoc
+Various handy Digest methods.
+Warning! The interface may change.
+ def self.get_key(password,salt,size)
+ digest(salt+password,size)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def self.generate_key(size=16)
+ key=OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(size)
+ digest(key,size)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def self.generate_key64(size=32)
+ key=OpenSSL::Random.random_bytes(size)
+ digest(key,size)
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def self.digest(data,size=16)
+ if size==0
+ ""
+ elsif size<=16
+ Digest::SHA1.digest(data)[0..(size-1)]
+ else
+ Digest::SHA256.digest(data)[0..(size-1)]
+ end
+ end
+=begin rdoc
+ def self.digest64(data)
+ Base64.encode64(digest(data))
+ end
+ end