README.rdoc in ey_cloud_awareness-0.2.0 vs README.rdoc in ey_cloud_awareness-0.2.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
= ey_cloud_awareness
This gem makes it a little easier to live on the EngineYard cloud:
-* allow your instances to get information about the app_master, db_master, utility workers, etc. in its EngineYard environment
+* allow your instances to get information (metadata) about the app_master, db_master, utility workers, etc. in its EngineYard environment
* automatically map cap tasks to all your instances
* automatically update your ssh aliases
We use it over at
@@ -22,13 +22,23 @@
== Using the commandline tool directly
Running this command only works from EngineYard AppCloud Amazon EC2 instances.
+ seamus-absheres-macbook:~ $ ssh my_app_staging-app_master
+ Last login: Wed Sep 22 10:33:56 2010 from
+ deploy@ip-10-202-197-254 ~ $ sudo gem install ey_cloud_awareness --no-rdoc --no-ri
+ Successfully installed string_replacer-0.0.1
+ Successfully installed ey_cloud_awareness-0.2.0
+ 2 gems installed
+ deploy@ip-10-202-197-254 ~ $ sudo chmod a+r /etc/chef/dna.json
+ deploy@ip-10-202-197-254 ~ $ ey_cloud_awareness
+ {"apps":[{"name":"my_app","ebuilds":[{"name":"dev-libs/oniguruma"}],"repository_name":"","database_name":"my_app", [...]
* SSH into one of your EngineYard AppCloud Amazon EC2 instances.
-* Run <tt>sudo gem install ey_cloud_awareness --no-rdoc --no-ri</tt> to make sure the gem binary is installed somewhere in your path.
-* Run <tt>sudo chmod a+r /etc/chef/dna.json</tt> to make sure everybody can read the EngineYard DNA information.
-* Run <tt>ey_cloud_awareness</tt> and you should get back a JSON-encoded hash of instance, environment, app, and other metadata.
+* Running <tt>sudo gem install ey_cloud_awareness --no-rdoc --no-ri</tt> makes sure the gem binary is installed somewhere in your path.
+* Running <tt>sudo chmod a+r /etc/chef/dna.json</tt> makes sure everybody can read the EngineYard DNA information.
+* Running <tt>ey_cloud_awareness</tt>, you should get back a JSON-encoded hash of instance, environment, app, and other metadata.
It returns a cleaned-up combination of Amazon EC2 and EngineYard metadata.
== Capistrano