README.rdoc in ey_cloud_awareness-0.1.1 vs README.rdoc in ey_cloud_awareness-0.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,18 +1,93 @@
= ey_cloud_awareness
-Description goes here.
+Make your EngineYard cloud instances aware of each other.
-== Note on Patches/Pull Requests
-* Fork the project.
-* Make your feature addition or bug fix.
-* Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a
- future version unintentionally.
-* Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
- (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but
- bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
-* Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
+Never download a new <tt>deploy.rb</tt> again.
+== Quick start
+Put this in <tt>config/environment.rb</tt>:
+ config.gem 'ey_cloud_awareness', :version => '[WHATEVER THE CURRENT GEM VERSION IS]', :lib => false, :source => ''
+Put this in your <tt>config/deploy.rb</tt> (or wherever your deploy-related Capfile is):
+ load "#{Gem.searcher.find('ey_cloud_awareness').full_gem_path}/lib/tasks/capistrano_tasks.rb"
+ task :my_app_production do
+ role :app_master, '' # or you can use its Elastic IP
+ set :rails_env, 'production' # required
+ set :deploy_to, '/data/my_app' # required
+ find_and_execute_task 'eyc_setup' # note that we don't use eyc: namespace
+ end
+ task :my_app_staging do
+ role :app_master, '' # or you can use its Elastic IP
+ set :rails_env, 'production' # required
+ set :deploy_to, '/data/my_app' # required
+ find_and_execute_task 'eyc_setup' # note that we don't use eyc: namespace
+ end
+ # add more tasks if you have more cloud environments
+Now you should be able to eycap stuff like:
+ cap my_app_production monit:status
+...and <b>capistrano will always have a fresh list of your environment's instances</b>. Roles like <tt>:app</tt>, <tt>:db</tt>, and <tt>:utility</tt> are set properly.
+== Just dumping information about your instances
+Once you've done the quickstart, try:
+ cap my_app_production eyc:app # gets a list of your app instances, including app_master
+ cap my_app_production eyc:utility # ditto for utility instances
+ cap my_app_production eyc:db # gets your master db instance (FIXME: I don't think it will find slaves)
+ cap my_app_production eyc:all # gets a list of all your instances
+== Using the EngineYardCloudInstance class inside Rails
+I run a memcached server on every app instance, so I have this in <tt>config/environment.rb</tt>:
+ do |config|
+ [...]
+ config.cache_store = :mem_cache_store, { |i| "#{i.private_dns_name}:11211" }
+ [...]
+ end
+Or whatever you want:
+ >> all_app_instances =
+ => [#<EngineYardCloudInstance:0xb5e12f70 @instance_id="i-50cf5838">, #<EngineYardCloudInstance:0xb5e12f5c @instance_id="i-dc9207b4">, #<EngineYardCloudInstance:0xb5e12f34 @instance_id="i-b2d84fda">]
+ >> all_app_instances.first.dns_name
+ => ""
+ >> pp all_app_instances.first.to_hash
+ {:dns_name=>"",
+ :instance_role=>"app",
+ :aws_groups=>["ey-app1_production-1256085955-3205-13340"],
+ :aws_instance_id=>"i-50cf5838",
+ :private_dns_name=>"domU-12-31-39-01-99-D3.compute-1.internal",
+ :aws_state=>"running"}
+ => nil
+== A note on EngineYard dependence
+This gem depends on
+ /etc/chef/dna.json
+being present and containing certain attributes as named by EngineYard. Please let me know if something changes.
+== A note on caching and network needs
+I tried to be smart about caching the results of network calls.
+Stuff like the current instance id, which is pulled from an EC2 metadata server, is stored in
+ CURRENT_INSTANCE_ID_CACHE_PATH = defined?(RAILS_ROOT) ? "#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/engine_yard_cloud_instance_id" : '/etc/engine_yard_cloud_instance_id'
+Please let me know if this causes problems.
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2009 Seamus Abshere. See LICENSE for details.