lib/extlib/mash.rb in extlib-0.9.8 vs lib/extlib/mash.rb in extlib-0.9.9
- old
+ new
@@ -7,95 +7,95 @@
# @details [Alternatives]
# If constructor is a Hash, a new mash will be created based on the keys of
# the hash and no default value will be set.
def initialize(constructor = {})
- if constructor.is_a?(Hash)
- super()
- update(constructor)
- else
- super(constructor)
- end
+ if constructor.is_a?(Hash)
+ super()
+ update(constructor)
+ else
+ super(constructor)
+ end
# @param key<Object> The default value for the mash. Defaults to nil.
# @details [Alternatives]
# If key is a Symbol and it is a key in the mash, then the default value will
# be set to the value matching the key.
- def default(key = nil)
- if key.is_a?(Symbol) && include?(key = key.to_s)
- self[key]
- else
- super
- end
- end
- alias_method :regular_writer, :[]= unless method_defined?(:regular_writer)
+ def default(key = nil)
+ if key.is_a?(Symbol) && include?(key = key.to_s)
+ self[key]
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ alias_method :regular_writer, :[]= unless method_defined?(:regular_writer)
alias_method :regular_update, :update unless method_defined?(:regular_update)
# @param key<Object> The key to set.
# @param value<Object>
# The value to set the key to.
# @see Mash#convert_key
# @see Mash#convert_value
- def []=(key, value)
- regular_writer(convert_key(key), convert_value(value))
+ def []=(key, value)
+ regular_writer(convert_key(key), convert_value(value))
# @param other_hash<Hash>
# A hash to update values in the mash with. The keys and the values will be
# converted to Mash format.
# @return <Mash> The updated mash.
- def update(other_hash)
- other_hash.each_pair { |key, value| regular_writer(convert_key(key), convert_value(value)) }
- self
- end
+ def update(other_hash)
+ other_hash.each_pair { |key, value| regular_writer(convert_key(key), convert_value(value)) }
+ self
+ end
alias_method :merge!, :update
# @param key<Object> The key to check for. This will be run through convert_key.
# @return <TrueClass, FalseClass> True if the key exists in the mash.
- def key?(key)
- super(convert_key(key))
- end
+ def key?(key)
+ super(convert_key(key))
+ end
# def include? def has_key? def member?
alias_method :include?, :key?
alias_method :has_key?, :key?
alias_method :member?, :key?
# @param key<Object> The key to fetch. This will be run through convert_key.
# @param *extras<Array> Default value.
# @return <Object> The value at key or the default value.
- def fetch(key, *extras)
- super(convert_key(key), *extras)
+ def fetch(key, *extras)
+ super(convert_key(key), *extras)
# @param *indices<Array>
# The keys to retrieve values for. These will be run through +convert_key+.
# @return <Array> The values at each of the provided keys
- def values_at(*indices)
- indices.collect {|key| self[convert_key(key)]}
+ def values_at(*indices)
+ indices.collect {|key| self[convert_key(key)]}
# @param hash<Hash> The hash to merge with the mash.
# @return <Mash> A new mash with the hash values merged in.
- def merge(hash)
- self.dup.update(hash)
+ def merge(hash)
+ self.dup.update(hash)
# @param key<Object>
# The key to delete from the mash.\
- def delete(key)
- super(convert_key(key))
+ def delete(key)
+ super(convert_key(key))
# @param *rejected<Array[(String, Symbol)] The mash keys to exclude.
# @return <Mash> A new mash without the selected keys.
@@ -109,40 +109,40 @@
# Used to provide the same interface as Hash.
# @return <Mash> This mash unchanged.
def stringify_keys!; self end
# @return <Hash> The mash as a Hash with string keys.
- def to_hash
- end
+ def to_hash
+ end
# @param key<Object> The key to convert.
# @param <Object>
# The converted key. If the key was a symbol, it will be converted to a
# string.
# @api private
- def convert_key(key)
- key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key
+ def convert_key(key)
+ key.kind_of?(Symbol) ? key.to_s : key
# @param value<Object> The value to convert.
# @return <Object>
# The converted value. A Hash or an Array of hashes, will be converted to
# their Mash equivalents.
# @api private
- def convert_value(value)
+ def convert_value(value)
if value.class == Hash
- value.to_mash
+ value.to_mash
elsif value.is_a?(Array)
- value.collect { |e| convert_value(e) }
+ value.collect { |e| convert_value(e) }
- end
+ end
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