in expandsync-0.1.0 vs in expandsync-0.1.1
- old
+ new
@@ -5,12 +5,40 @@
# Installation
$ gem install expandsync
+# Warning
+ExpandSync is still *heavily* in development; as such, expect this repository to change daily. **USE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.**
# Usage
-TODO: Write usage instructions here
+TODO: Write better usage instructions
+Syntax and usage can be accessed by running `expandsync --help`:
+$ expandsync --help
+Usage: expandsync [options] atext_filepath
+An engine for synchronizing snippets from aText on OS X and TextExpander iOS
+ -h, --help Show command line help
+ --version Show help/version info
+ -a FILEPATH Specify an output location for aText rules (default to /Users/abach/aText-snippets.csv})
+ -n Disable backing up of Settings.textexpander (RUN AT YOUR OWN RISK!)
+ -t FILEPATH Specify a location for the TextExpander iOS XML file
+ -v, --verbose Turn on verbose output
+ atext_filepath
+ The filepath to a CSV file exported from aText
# Contributing
1. Fork it ( )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
\ No newline at end of file