lib/exchange/iso.rb in exchange-1.0.4 vs lib/exchange/iso.rb in exchange-1.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
# @private
# @macro [attach] install_operations
def install_operation op
self.class_eval <<-EOV
- def #{op}(amount, currency, precision=nil, opts={})
+ def #{op} amount, currency, precision=nil, opts={}
minor = definitions[currency][:minor_unit]
money = amount.is_a?(BigDecimal) ? amount :, precision_for(amount, currency))
if opts[:psych] && minor > 0
money.#{op}(0) -**minor)).to_s)
elsif opts[:psych]
@@ -85,11 +85,11 @@
# @return [BigDecimal] The instantiated currency
# @example instantiate a currency from a string
# Exchange::ISO.instantiate("4523", "usd") #=> #<Bigdecimal 4523.00>
# @note Reinstantiation is not needed in case the amount is already a big decimal. In this case, the maximum precision is already given.
- def instantiate(amount, currency)
+ def instantiate amount, currency
if amount.is_a?(BigDecimal)
else, precision_for(amount, currency))
@@ -109,29 +109,33 @@
# @example Convert a currency with a three decimal minor to a string
# Exchange::ISO.stringif(34.34, :omr) #=> "OMR 34.340"
# @example Convert a currency to a string without the currency
# Exchange::ISO.stringif(34.34, :omr, :amount_only => true) #=> "34.340"
- def stringify(amount, currency, opts={})
+ def stringify amount, currency, opts={}
definition = definitions[currency]
separators = definition[:separators] || {}
format = "%.#{definition[:minor_unit]}f"
string = format % amount
major, minor = string.split('.')
+ major.gsub!(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/) { $1 + separators[:major] } if separators[:major] && opts[:format] != :plain
- if separators[:major] && opts[:format] != :plain
- major.reverse!
- major.gsub!(/(\d{3})(?=.)/) { $1 + separators[:major] }
- major.reverse!
- end
string = minor ? major + (opts[:format] == :plain || !separators[:minor] ? '.' : separators[:minor]) + minor : major
pre = [[:amount, :plain].include?(opts[:format]) && '', opts[:format] == :symbol && definition[:symbol], currency.to_s.upcase + ' '].detect{|a| a.is_a?(String)}
+ # Returns the symbol for a given currency. Returns nil if no symbol is present
+ # @param currency The currency to return the symbol for
+ # @return [String, NilClass] The symbol or nil
+ #
+ def symbol currency
+ definitions[currency][:symbol]
+ end
# Use this to round a currency amount. This allows us to round exactly to the number of minors the currency has in the
# iso definition
# @param [BigDecimal, Fixed, Float, String] amount The amount of money you want to round
# @param [String, Symbol] currency The currency you want to round the money in
# @example Round a currency with 2 minors
@@ -157,11 +161,11 @@
install_operation :floor
# Forwards the assure_time method to the instance using singleforwardable
- def_delegators :instance, :definitions, :instantiate, :stringify, :round, :ceil, :floor, :currencies, :country_map, :defines?, :assert_currency!
+ def_delegators :instance, :definitions, :instantiate, :stringify, :symbol, :round, :ceil, :floor, :currencies, :country_map, :defines?, :assert_currency!
# symbolizes keys and returns a new hash
@@ -173,9 +177,12 @@
new_hsh[k.downcase.to_sym] = v
+ # Interpolates a string with separators every 3 characters
+ #
# get a precision for a specified amount and a specified currency
# @params [Float, Integer] amount The amount to get the precision for
# @params [Symbol] currency the currency to get the precision for