Rakefile in exchange-0.9.0 vs Rakefile in exchange-0.10.0

- old
+ new

@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ gem.name = "exchange" gem.homepage = "http://github.com/beatrichartz/exchange" gem.license = "MIT" gem.summary = %Q{Simple Exchange Rate operations for your ruby app} gem.description = %Q{The Exchange Gem gives you easy access to currency functions directly on your Numbers. Imagine a conversion as easy as - 1.eur.to_usd + 1.in(:eur).to(:usd) or even better - 1.eur.to_usd(:at => Time.now - 84600) + 1.in(:eur).to(:usd, :at => Time.now - 84600) which gets you an exchange at the rates of yesterday.} gem.email = "exchange_gem@gmail.com" gem.authors = ["Beat Richartz"] # dependencies defined in Gemfile end