spec/routing/routing_spec.rb in exception_handler- vs spec/routing/routing_spec.rb in exception_handler-
- old
+ new
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
-## _____ _ ##
-## | ___ \ | | ##
-## | |_/ /___ _ _| |_ ___ ___ ##
-## | // _ \| | | | __/ _ \/ __| ##
-## | |\ \ (_) | |_| | || __/\__ \ ##
-## \_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__\___||___/ ##
-## ##
-require 'spec_helper'
-# => Routes (base)
-# => Test underlying routes + engine routes
-RSpec.describe 'ExceptionHandler::Engine.routes' do
- #############################################
- #############################################
- # => Let (config)
- let(:dev) { ExceptionHandler.config.dev }
- #############################################
- #############################################
- # => Rails application Routes
- # => Should be routable WITH dev option
- # => Should not be routable WITHOUT dev option
- ['Rails.application.routes', 'ExceptionHandler::Engine.routes'].each do |item|
- # => Different types of route
- # => Shouldn't have any routes for engine
- context item do
- # => Routes
- routes { eval item }
- # => Dev mode
- context "✔️ dev mode" do
- subject { dev }
- before { ExceptionHandler.config.dev = true }
- before { Rails.application.reload_routes! }
- it { should eq(true) }
- it "has exception routes" do
- Rack::Utils::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE.select{ |key, value| value.to_s.match('\b(?:4[0-9]{2}|5[0-9]{2}|599)\b') }.each do |status,code|
- if item == 'Rails.application.routes'
- expect(:get => code.to_s).to route_to(:controller => "exception_handler/exceptions", :action => "show", :code => status.to_sym)
- else
- expect(:get => code.to_s).not_to be_routable
- end
- end
- end
- end
- # => Non Dev mode
- context "❌ dev mode" do
- subject { dev }
- before { ExceptionHandler.config.dev = false }
- before { Rails.application.reload_routes! }
- it { should_not eq(true) }
- it "does not have exception routes" do
- Rack::Utils::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE.select{ |key, value| value.to_s.match('\b(?:4[0-9]{2}|5[0-9]{2}|599)\b') }.each do |status,code|
- expect(:get => code.to_s).not_to be_routable
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #############################################
- #############################################
+## _____ _ ##
+## | ___ \ | | ##
+## | |_/ /___ _ _| |_ ___ ___ ##
+## | // _ \| | | | __/ _ \/ __| ##
+## | |\ \ (_) | |_| | || __/\__ \ ##
+## \_| \_\___/ \__,_|\__\___||___/ ##
+## ##
+require 'spec_helper'
+# => Routes (base)
+# => Test underlying routes + engine routes
+RSpec.describe 'ExceptionHandler::Engine.routes' do
+ #############################################
+ #############################################
+ # => Let (config)
+ let(:dev) { ExceptionHandler.config.dev }
+ #############################################
+ #############################################
+ # => Rails application Routes
+ # => Should be routable WITH dev option
+ # => Should not be routable WITHOUT dev option
+ ['Rails.application.routes', 'ExceptionHandler::Engine.routes'].each do |item|
+ # => Different types of route
+ # => Shouldn't have any routes for engine
+ context item do
+ # => Routes
+ routes { eval item }
+ # => Dev mode
+ context "✔️ dev mode" do
+ subject { dev }
+ before { ExceptionHandler.config.dev = true }
+ before { Rails.application.reload_routes! }
+ it { should eq(true) }
+ it "has exception routes" do
+ Rack::Utils::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE.select{ |key, value| value.to_s.match('\b(?:4[0-9]{2}|5[0-9]{2}|599)\b') }.each do |status,code|
+ if item == 'Rails.application.routes'
+ expect(:get => code.to_s).to route_to(:controller => "exception_handler/exceptions", :action => "show", :code => status.to_sym)
+ else
+ expect(:get => code.to_s).not_to be_routable
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # => Non Dev mode
+ context "❌ dev mode" do
+ subject { dev }
+ before { ExceptionHandler.config.dev = false }
+ before { Rails.application.reload_routes! }
+ it { should_not eq(true) }
+ it "does not have exception routes" do
+ Rack::Utils::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE.select{ |key, value| value.to_s.match('\b(?:4[0-9]{2}|5[0-9]{2}|599)\b') }.each do |status,code|
+ expect(:get => code.to_s).not_to be_routable
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #############################################
+ #############################################