app/views/exception_handler/exception/show.html.erb in exception_handler-0.5.1 vs app/views/exception_handler/exception/show.html.erb in exception_handler-0.6.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,32 +1,3 @@
-<div class="error">
- <% if /^(5[0-9]{2})$/ =~ @exception.status.to_s %>
- <!--Message -->
- <%= content_tag :div, class: "message" do %>
- <%= content_tag :div, class: "title" do %>
- <span><%= "#{@exception.status} Error - #{details[:name]}" %></span>
- <%= link_to image_tag("exception_handler/close.png"), main_app.root_url, title: "Close (Go back home)", class: "close" %>
- <% end %>
- <%= content_tag :div, class: "details" do %>
- <%= image_tag "exception_handler/alert.png", title: "#{@exception.status} Error" %>
- <div class="status"><%= @exception.status %> Error</div>
- <% end %>
- <%= content_tag :div, class: "info" do %>
- <span><%= details[:description] %></span>
- <div class="notification">
- <%= link_to image_tag("exception_handler/home.png", title: "Go Back Home"), main_app.root_url, class: "home" %>
- <div class="version">v<%= Rails.version %></div>
- <strong>Our developers have been notified - we're working on it!</strong>
- </div>
- <% end %>
- <% end %>
- <% else %>
- <%= content_tag :div, details[:description], class: "message" %>
- <% end %>
\ No newline at end of file
+<%= content_tag :div, class: "exception", data: { status: @exception.status, response: @exception.response.to_s.humanize, rails: Rails.version }, onclick: "location.href=\"#{root_url}\";" do %>
+ <%= content_tag :span, @exception.description.html_safe %>
+<% end %>