spec/client_spec.rb in evostream-0.0.2 vs spec/client_spec.rb in evostream-0.0.3
- old
+ new
@@ -4,30 +4,56 @@
describe Evostream::Client do
subject {
Evostream::Client.new(:host => 'somehost', :path_prefix => '/some_path')
- it "should respond to an empty liststreams" do
+ it "should handle a SUCCESS response with null data" do
stub_request(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/liststreams").
- to_return(:body => '{"data":null,"description":"","status":"SUCCESS"}')
+ to_return(status: 200, body: '{"data":null,"description":"Available streams","status":"SUCCESS"}')
subject.liststreams.should be_nil
- it "should respond to a non empty liststreams" do
+ it "should handle a SUCCESS response with data" do
liststreams = '{"data":[{"appName": "evostreamms"}],"description":"Available streams","status":"SUCCESS"}'
stub_request(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/liststreams").
- to_return(:body => liststreams)
+ to_return(status: 200, body: liststreams)
subject.liststreams.should == JSON.parse(liststreams)['data']
- it "should respond to a non implemented method" do
+ it "should handle a FAIL response to a non existant service" do
+ stub_request(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/non_existant_service").
+ to_return(status: 200, body: '{"data":null,"description":"command non_existant_service not known. Type help for list of commands","status":"FAIL"}')
+ expect { subject.non_existant_service }.to raise_error(NoMethodError)
+ end
+ it "should rescue from an unexpected response" do
stub_request(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/liststreams").
- to_return(:body => '{"data":null,"description":"command non_existant_service not known. Type help for list of commands","status":"FAIL"}')
- expect { subject.non_existant_service }.to raise_error
+ to_return(status: 200, body: '<html><head><title>It works!</title></head><body>It works!</body></html>')
+ expect { subject.liststreams }.to raise_error(/^Invalid response:/)
- it "should encode params with base64" do
- stub_request(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/some_service?params=Zmlyc3RfcGFyYW09eHh4IHNlY29uZF9wYXJhbT14eHg=").
- to_return(:body => '{"data":null,"description":"","status":"SUCCESS"}')
- subject.some_service(:first_param => 'xxx', :second_param => 'xxx').should be_nil
+ it "should handle a 500 response" do
+ stub_request(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/liststreams").
+ to_return(status: 500, body: 'Internal server error')
+ expect { subject.liststreams }.to raise_error('Internal server error')
+ end
+ it "should handle a 404 response" do
+ stub_request(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/liststreams").
+ to_return(status: 404, body: 'Not found')
+ expect { subject.liststreams }.to raise_error('Not found')
+ end
+ it "should encode params as symbols with base64" do
+ stub_request(:get, /.*some_service.*/).
+ to_return(status: 200, body: '{"data":null,"description":"","status":"SUCCESS"}')
+ subject.some_service(:first_param => 'xxx', :second_param => 'xxx')
+ WebMock.should have_requested(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/some_service?params=Zmlyc3RfcGFyYW09eHh4IHNlY29uZF9wYXJhbT14eHg=")
+ end
+ it "should encode params as strings with base64" do
+ stub_request(:get, /.*some_service.*/).
+ to_return(status: 200, body: '{"data":null,"description":"","status":"SUCCESS"}')
+ subject.some_service('first_param' => 'xxx', 'second_param' => 'xxx')
+ WebMock.should have_requested(:get, "http://somehost:80/some_path/some_service?params=Zmlyc3RfcGFyYW09eHh4IHNlY29uZF9wYXJhbT14eHg=")