lib/evil/client/settings.rb in evil-client-2.0.0 vs lib/evil/client/settings.rb in evil-client-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,12 @@
class Evil::Client
# Container for settings assigned to some operation or scope.
- class Settings
+ class Settings < Model
Names.clean(self) # Remove unnecessary methods from the instance
- extend ::Dry::Initializer
- @policy = Policy
class << self
# Subclasses itself for a given schema
# @param [Class] schema
# @return [Class] a subclass for the schema
@@ -35,58 +32,10 @@
alias_method :to_s, :name
alias_method :to_str, :name
alias_method :inspect, :name
- # Only options can be defined for the settings container
- # @private
- def param(*args)
- option(*args)
- end
- # Creates or updates the settings' initializer
- #
- # @see []
- #
- # @param [#to_sym] key Symbolic name of the option
- # @param [#call] type Type coercer for the option
- # @option opts [#call] :type Another way to assign type coercer
- # @option opts [#call] :default Proc containing default value
- # @option opts [Boolean] :optional Whether it can be missed
- # @option opts [#to_sym] :as The name of settings variable
- # @option opts [false, :private, :protected] :reader Reader method type
- # @return [self]
- #
- def option(key, type = nil, as: key.to_sym, **opts)
- NameError.check!(as)
- super
- self
- end
- # Creates or reloads memoized attribute
- #
- # @param [#to_sym] key The name of the attribute
- # @param [Proc] block The body of new attribute
- # @return [self]
- #
- def let(key, &block)
- NameError.check!(key)
- define_method(key) do
- instance_variable_get(:"@#{key}") ||
- instance_variable_set(:"@#{key}", instance_exec(&block))
- end
- self
- end
- # Policy class that collects all the necessary validators
- #
- # @return [Class] a subclass of [Tram::Policy] named after the scope
- #
- def policy
- @policy ||= superclass.policy.for(self)
- end
# Add validation rule to the [#policy]
# @param [Proc] block The body of new attribute
# @return [self]
@@ -99,27 +48,17 @@
# @param [Logger, nil] logger
# @param [Hash<#to_sym, Object>, nil] opts
# @return [Evil::Client::Settings]
- def new(logger, opts = {})
- logger&.debug(self) { "initializing with options #{opts}..." }
- opts = Hash(opts).each_with_object({}) { |(k, v), o| o[k.to_sym] = v }
- in_english { super logger, opts }
- rescue => error
- raise ValidationError, error.message
+ def new(logger, op = {})
+ logger&.debug(self) { "initializing with options #{op}..." }
+ super(op).tap do |item|
+ item.logger = logger
+ logger&.debug(item) { "initialized" }
+ end
- private
- def in_english(&block)
- available_locales = I18n.available_locales
- I18n.available_locales = %i[en]
- I18n.with_locale(:en, &block)
- ensure
- I18n.available_locales = available_locales
- end
# The processed hash of options contained by the instance of settings
# @return [Hash<Symbol, Object>]
@@ -158,16 +97,7 @@
params = { |k, v| "@#{k}=#{v}" }.join(", ")
number ? "#<#{self.class}:#{number} #{params}>" : super
alias_method :to_str, :inspect
alias_method :to_s, :inspect
- private
- def initialize(logger, **options)
- super(options)
- @logger = logger
- self.class.policy[self].validate!
- logger&.debug(self) { "initialized" }
- end