in evil-blocks-rails-0.3.2 vs in evil-blocks-rails-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -15,12 +15,12 @@
.title User Name
// Evil Blocks add @data-role alias to Slim
// .class to bind styles, @data-role to bind JavaScript
- href="#"
- href="#"
+ href="#"
+ href="#"
img src="photos/1.jpg"
img src="photos/2.jpg"
img src="photos/3.jpg"
@@ -44,36 +44,33 @@
### CoffeeScript
-# Will execute callback only if .gallery-control is in current page
-evil.block '.gallery-control', ($, b, block) ->
- current = 0
- showPhoto = (num) ->
- # b-function finds only inside .gallery-control
- b('img').hide()
- b("img:eql(#{ num })").show()
+# Will execute init only if .gallery-control is in current page
+evil.block '.gallery-control',
+ current: 0
- initState: ->
- showPhoto(current)
+ showPhoto: (num) ->
+ @('img').hide().
+ filter("eql(#{ num })").show()
- buttons: ->
- # Shortcuts for data-role="next-photo"
- ->
- showPhoto(current += 1)
+ init: ->
+ @showPhoto(@current)
- slideShow: ->
+ 'click on @nextPhoto', (link, event) ->
+ @showPhoto(current += 1)
+ 'on start-slideshow', ->
# You can communicate between blocks by simple events
- block.on 'slideshow-start', ->
- setTimeout( -> , 5000)
+ setTimeout( => , 5000)
-# Will execute callback only on user page, where .user-page exists
-evil.block '.user-page', ($, b, block) ->
+# Will execute init only on user page, where .user-page exists
+evil.block '.user-page',
- startSlidehow: ->
- b('.gallery-control').trigger('slideshow-start')
+ init: ->
+ @('.gallery-control').trigger('start-slideshow')
## Styles
* You split all you tags to “blocks” and “elements”. Elements must belong
@@ -94,23 +91,22 @@
## JavaScript
* Unobtrusive JavaScript.
* Write animation and states in CSS. JavaScript just changes CSS classes.
* Avoid rendering. Send from server HTML, not JSON.
-* Wrap scrips to revive blocks in `evil.block(selector, callback)`.
- It will execute `callback` only if block `selector` exists in current page.
- So you can be free to join all JS files in one.
-* `evil.block` will send to `callback` three arguments: `$` is jQuery,
- `b` is “b-function”, `block` is blocks found by `selector`.
-* B-function is like jQuery function, but find only inside finded block
- (alias `b('a') = $('a', selector)`).
+* Split JS by widgets. Describe widget class in `evil.block(selector, klass)`.
+ It will create `klass` instance and call `init` method for each selectors,
+ which exist in current page. So you can be free to join all JS files in one.
+* Describe events by `EVENTS on SELECTORS` methods
+ (like `keyup submit on @name, @family`). This methods save this and
+ receive jQuery node in first argument and event in second.
* Bind JavaScript to `data-role` attribute to be free to change styles
and classes without dangeros of breaking scripts.
-* You can easy find special`data-role` by b-function. It will has properties
- for all roles inside block (`@role-name` will be camelized to `b.roleName`).
-* If `callback` return object, `evil-block` will execute all it methods.
- It’s useful to split your script to several initializer with separated
- variables scope.
+* Every tag with `data-role` will by as property in object with jQuery node.
+* If you need to find elements inside block, use `@(selector)` function.
+* If you need to communicate between blocks, use custom events and create
+ block events listeners by `on EVENTS` method. It will receive events object
+ as first argument and event parameters as next arguments.
## Install
### Ruby on Rails