in et_fake_ccd-1.1.3 vs in et_fake_ccd-1.1.4
- old
+ new
@@ -95,10 +95,77 @@
#### Force a 422 error
* Use the lead claimant name "Force Error422"
* Use the lead claimant title of "Mr" to only force the error on the first occurence
* Use the lead claimant title of "Mrs" to force the error on every occurence
+### Improved Deliberate Error Control
+The above deliberate error mechanism worked, it does not give quite enough control.
+A new system has therefore been developed that you can use instead of it.
+This uses special configuration settings in the 'External System' in the admin.
+There are 2 key entries
+1. 'extra_headers'
+2. 'send_request_id'
+#### extra_headers
+'extra_headers' should contain a JSON encoded value of a hash. Each entry in the hash is a header
+to add to every request to this fake ccd server.
+##### force_failures header
+The force_failures header should contain a hash which looks like this
+ {
+ "idam_stage": { ..spec.. },
+ "token_stage": { ..spec.. },
+ "data_stage": { ..spec.. }
+ }
+The 4 different stages give control of when the error will happen
+The 'idam_stage' is the stage of the transaction when an IDAM token is requested.
+However, this does not happen all of the time because IDAM tokens are cached, so
+you will not necessarily see one request per transaction.
+The 'token_stage' is used in most transactions such as case creation
+where a 'token' is the starting stage - which then allows the case
+to be created against this token.
+The 'documents' stage is used in transactions that require documents uploading before the
+case is created.
+The 'data_stage' is used in most transactions and means the actual data
+The '..spec..' is the same irrespective of which stage and is described below:
+ [a, b, c]
+a, b, c (you can specify as many as you want here, not just 3)
+are http response codes for the 'nth' request. i.e. the first argument
+is for the first request, the 2nd for the 2nd etc..
+The special value of 0 means allow the normal response and do not force an
+error - allowing for patterns such as error on the 1st, 2nd and 5th.
+Any non zero value is the http status code to respond with.
+#### send_request_id
+'send_request_id' should be set to 'true' to enable a request identifier to be sent with every
+request to this fake ccd server. This identifier is unique to a particular export from the main system,
+so it will persist even across retries of the same export.
+This is then used to assist in special rules where errors are forced on the 'nth' request for example.
## Development
After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.