lib/et-orbi.rb in et-orbi-1.1.7 vs lib/et-orbi.rb in et-orbi-1.1.8
- old
+ new
@@ -2,512 +2,17 @@
require 'date' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
require 'time'
require 'tzinfo'
-require 'et-orbi/eo_time'
-require 'et-orbi/zone_aliases'
+require 'et-orbi/info'
+require 'et-orbi/make'
+require 'et-orbi/time'
+require 'et-orbi/zones'
+require 'et-orbi/zone'
module EtOrbi
- VERSION = '1.1.7'
- #
- # module methods
- class << self
- def now(zone=nil)
-, zone)
- end
- def parse(str, opts={})
- str, str_zone = extract_zone(str)
- if defined?(::Chronic) && t = ::Chronic.parse(str, opts)
- str = [ t.strftime('%F %T'), str_zone ].compact.join(' ')
- end
- begin
- DateTime.parse(str)
- rescue
- fail ArgumentError, "No time information in #{str.inspect}"
- end
- #end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
- #end if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0'
- #
- # is necessary since Time.parse('xxx') in Ruby < 1.9 yields `now`
- zone =
- opts[:zone] ||
- get_tzone(str_zone) ||
- determine_local_tzone
- local = Time.parse(str)
- secs = zone.local_to_utc(local).to_f
-, zone)
- end
- def make_time(*a)
- zone = a.length > 1 ? get_tzone(a.last) : nil
- a.pop if zone
- o = a.length > 1 ? a : a.first
- case o
- when Time then make_from_time(o, zone)
- when Date then make_from_date(o, zone)
- when Array then make_from_array(o, zone)
- when String then make_from_string(o, zone)
- when Numeric then make_from_numeric(o, zone)
- when ::EtOrbi::EoTime then make_from_eotime(o, zone)
- else fail
- "Cannot turn #{o.inspect} to a ::EtOrbi::EoTime instance")
- end
- end
- alias make make_time
- def make_from_time(t, zone)
- z =
- zone ||
- get_as_tzone(t) ||
- get_tzone( ||
- get_local_tzone(t)
- z ||=
- # pass the abbreviation anyway,
- # it will be used in the resulting error message
-, z)
- end
- def make_from_date(d, zone)
- make_from_time(
- d.respond_to?(:to_time) ?
- d.to_time :
- Time.parse(d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')),
- zone)
- end
- def make_from_array(a, zone)
- t = Time.utc(*a)
- s = t.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.#{'%06d' % t.usec}")
- make_from_string(s, zone)
- end
- def make_from_string(s, zone)
- parse(s, zone: zone)
- end
- def make_from_numeric(f, zone)
- + f, zone)
- end
- def make_from_eotime(eot, zone)
- return eot if zone == nil || zone ==
-, zone)
- end
- def get_tzone(o)
- return o if o.is_a?(::TZInfo::Timezone)
- return nil if o == nil
- return determine_local_tzone if o == :local
- return ::TZInfo::Timezone.get('Zulu') if o == 'Z'
- return o.tzinfo if o.respond_to?(:tzinfo)
- o = to_offset(o) if o.is_a?(Numeric)
- return nil unless o.is_a?(String)
- s = unalias(o)
- get_offset_tzone(s) ||
- get_x_offset_tzone(s) ||
- (::TZInfo::Timezone.get(s) rescue nil)
- end
- def render_nozone_time(seconds)
- t =
- Time.utc(1970) + seconds
- ts =
- t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') +
- ".#{(seconds % 1).to_s.split('.').last}"
- tz =
- EtOrbi.determine_local_tzone
- z =
- tz ? tz.period_for_local(t).abbreviation.to_s : nil
- "(secs:#{seconds},utc~:#{ts.inspect},ltz~:#{z.inspect})"
- end
- def tzinfo_version
- Gem.loaded_specs['tzinfo'].version.to_s
- rescue => err
- err.inspect
- end
- def tzinfo_data_version
- #TZInfo::Data::VERSION rescue nil
- Gem.loaded_specs['tzinfo-data'].version.to_s rescue nil
- end
- def platform_info
- etos = { |k, v| "#{k}:#{v.inspect}" }
- h = {
- 'etz' => ENV['TZ'],
- 'tnz' =>,
- 'tziv' => tzinfo_version,
- 'tzidv' => tzinfo_data_version,
- 'rv' => RUBY_VERSION,
- 'rp' => RUBY_PLATFORM,
- 'win' => Gem.win_platform?,
- 'rorv' => (Rails::VERSION::STRING rescue nil),
- 'astz' => ([, ] rescue nil),
- 'eov' => EtOrbi::VERSION,
- 'eotnz' => '???',
- 'eotnfz' => '???',
- 'eotlzn' => '???' }
- if ltz = EtOrbi::EoTime.local_tzone
- h['eotnz'] =
- h['eotnfz'] ='%z')
- h['eotnfZ'] ='%Z')
- h['eotlzn'] =
- end
- "(#{',')},#{',')})"
- end
- # For `make info`
- #
- def _make_info
- puts render_nozone_time(
- puts platform_info
- end
- ZONES_ISO8601 =
- %r{
- (?<=:\d\d)\s*
- (?:
- [-+]
- (?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-4])
- (?:(?::)?(?:[0-5][0-9]|60))?
- (?![-+])
- |Z
- )
- }x
- #
- # Postel's law applies
- #
- def list_iso8601_zones(s)
- s.scan(ZONES_ISO8601).collect(&:strip)
- end
- TZInfo::Timezone.all.collect { |z| }.sort +
- (0..12).collect { |i| [ "UTC-#{i}", "UTC+#{i}" ] })
- .flatten
- .sort_by(&:size)
- .reverse
- def list_olson_zones(s)
- s = s.dup
- .inject([]) { |a, z|
- i = s.index(z); next a unless i
- s[i, z.length] = ''
- a << z
- a }
- end
- def find_olson_zone(str)
- list_olson_zones(str).each { |s| z = get_tzone(s); return z if z }
- nil
- end
- def extract_zone(str)
- s = str.dup
- .inject([]) { |a, z|
- i = s.index(z); next a unless i
- a << z
- s[i, z.length] = ''
- a }
- s.gsub!(ZONES_ISO8601) { |m| zs << m.strip; '' } #if zs.empty?
- zs = zs.sort_by { |z| str.index(z) }
- [ s.strip, zs.last ]
- end
- def determine_local_tzone
- # ENV has the priority
- etz = ENV['TZ']
- tz = etz && get_tzone(etz)
- return tz if tz
- # then Rails/ActiveSupport has the priority
- if Time.respond_to?(:zone) &&
- tz =
- return tz if tz
- end
- # then the operating system is queried
- tz = ::TZInfo::Timezone.get(os_tz) rescue nil
- return tz if tz
- # then Ruby's time zone abbs are looked at CST, JST, CEST, ... :-(
- tzs = determine_local_tzones
- tz = (etz && tzs.find { |z| == etz }) || tzs.first
- return tz if tz
- # then, fall back to GMT offest :-(
- n =
- get_tzone( ||
- get_tzone(n.strftime('%Z%z'))
- end
- alias zone determine_local_tzone
- attr_accessor :_os_zone # test tool
- def os_tz
- return (@_os_zone == '' ? nil : @_os_zone) \
- if defined?(@_os_zone) && @_os_zone
- @os_tz ||= (debian_tz || centos_tz || osx_tz)
- end
- # Semi-helpful, since it requires the current time
- #
- def windows_zone_name(zone_name, time)
- twin = Time.utc(time.year, 1, 1) # winter
- tsum = Time.utc(time.year, 7, 1) # summer
- tz = ::TZInfo::Timezone.get(zone_name)
- tzo = tz.period_for_local(time).utc_total_offset
- tzop = tzo < 0 ? nil : '-'; tzo = tzo.abs
- tzoh = tzo / 3600
- tzos = tzo % 3600
- tzos = tzos == 0 ? nil : ':%02d' % (tzos / 60)
- abbs = [
- tz.period_for_utc(twin).abbreviation.to_s,
- tz.period_for_utc(tsum).abbreviation.to_s ]
- .uniq
- if abbs[0].match(/\A[A-Z]/)
- [ abbs[0], tzop, tzoh, tzos, abbs[1] ]
- .compact.join
- else
- [ windows_zone_code_x(zone_name), tzop, tzoh, tzos || ':00', zone_name ]
- .collect(&:to_s).join
- end
- end
- #
- # protected module methods
- protected
- def windows_zone_code_x(zone_name)
- a = [ '_' ]
- a.concat(zone_name.split('/')[0, 2].collect { |s| s[0, 1].upcase })
- a << '_' if a.size < 3
- a.join
- end
- def get_local_tzone(t)
- l = Time.local(t.year, t.month,, t.hour, t.min, t.sec, t.usec)
- ( == ? determine_local_tzone : nil
- end
- #
- #
- # If it responds to #time_zone, then return that time zone.
- #
- def get_as_tzone(t)
- t.respond_to?(:time_zone) ? t.time_zone : nil
- end
- def to_offset(n)
- i = n.to_i
- sn = i < 0 ? '-' : '+'; i = i.abs
- hr = i / 3600; mn = i % 3600; sc = i % 60
- sc > 0 ?
- '%s%02d:%02d:%02d' % [ sn, hr, mn, sc ] :
- '%s%02d:%02d' % [ sn, hr, mn ]
- end
- # custom timezones, no DST, just an offset, like "+08:00" or "-01:30"
- #
- def get_offset_tzone(str)
- m = str.match(/\A([+-][0-1]?[0-9]):?([0-5][0-9])?\z/) rescue nil
- #
- # On Windows, the real encoding could be something other than UTF-8,
- # and make the match fail
- #
- return nil unless m
- tz = custom_tzs[str]
- return tz if tz
- hr = m[1].to_i
- mn = m[2].to_i
- hr = nil if hr.abs > 11
- hr = nil if mn > 59
- mn = -mn if hr && hr < 0
- hr ?
- custom_tzs[str] = create_offset_tzone(hr * 3600 + mn * 60, str) :
- nil
- end
- if defined?(TZInfo::DataSources::ConstantOffsetDataTimezoneInfo)
- # TZInfo >= 2.0.0
- def create_offset_tzone(utc_off, id)
- off =, 0, id)
- tzi =, off)
- tzi.create_timezone
- end
- else
- # TZInfo < 2.0.0
- def create_offset_tzone(utc_off, id)
- tzi =
- tzi.offset(id, utc_off, 0, id)
- tzi.create_timezone
- end
- end
- def get_x_offset_tzone(str)
- m = str.match(/\A_..-?[0-1]?\d:?(?:[0-5]\d)?(.+)\z/) rescue nil
- #
- # On Windows, the real encoding could be something other than UTF-8,
- # and make the match fail (as in .get_offset_tzone above)
- m ? ::TZInfo::Timezone.get(m[1]) : nil
- end
- def determine_local_tzones
- tabbs = (-6..5)
- .collect { |i|
- t = + i * 30 * 24 * 3600
- "#{}_#{t.utc_offset}" }
- .uniq
- .sort
- .join('|')
- t =
- #tu = t.dup.utc # /!\ dup is necessary, #utc modifies its target
- twin = Time.local(t.year, 1, 1) # winter
- tsum = Time.local(t.year, 7, 1) # summer
- @tz_winter_summer ||= {}
- @tz_winter_summer[tabbs] ||= tz_all
- .select { |tz|
- pw = tz.period_for_local(twin)
- ps = tz.period_for_local(tsum)
- tabbs ==
- [ "#{pw.abbreviation}_#{pw.utc_total_offset}",
- "#{ps.abbreviation}_#{ps.utc_total_offset}" ]
- .uniq.sort.join('|') }
- @tz_winter_summer[tabbs]
- end
- def custom_tzs; @custom_tzs ||= {}; end
- def tz_all; @tz_all ||= ::TZInfo::Timezone.all; end
- #
- # system tz determination
- def debian_tz
- path = '/etc/timezone'
- File.exist?(path) ? : nil
- rescue; nil; end
- def centos_tz
- path = '/etc/sysconfig/clock'
-, 'rb') do |f|
- until f.eof?
- if m = f.readline.match(/ZONE="([^"]+)"/); return m[1]; end
- end
- end if File.exist?(path)
- nil
- rescue; nil; end
- def osx_tz
- path = '/etc/localtime'
- File.symlink?(path) ?
- File.readlink(path).split('/')[4..-1].join('/') :
- nil
- rescue; nil; end
- def gather_tzs
- { :debian => debian_tz, :centos => centos_tz, :osx => osx_tz }
- end
- end
+ VERSION = '1.1.8'