lib/et-orbi.rb in et-orbi-0.9.5 vs lib/et-orbi.rb in et-orbi-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,6 +1,552 @@
+require 'date' if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
+require 'time'
+require 'tzinfo'
module EtOrbi
- VERSION = '0.9.5'
+ VERSION = '1.0.0'
+ class EoTime
+ #
+ # class methods
+ def
+, zone)
+ end
+ def self.parse(str, opts={})
+ if defined?(::Chronic) && t = ::Chronic.parse(str, opts)
+ return, nil)
+ end
+ #rold = RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0'
+ #rold = RUBY_VERSION < '2.0.0'
+#p [ '---', str ]
+ begin
+ DateTime.parse(str)
+ rescue
+ fail ArgumentError, "no time information in #{str.inspect}"
+ end #if rold
+ #
+ # is necessary since Time.parse('xxx') in Ruby < 1.9 yields `now`
+ zone = izone = get_tzone(list_iso8601_zones(str).last)
+ list_olson_zones(str).each { |s| break if zone; zone = get_tzone(s) }
+ zone ||= local_tzone
+ str = str.sub(, '') unless\A[-+]/)
+ #
+ # for 'Sun Nov 18 16:01:00 Asia/Singapore 2012',
+ # although where does rufus-scheduler have it from?
+ local = Time.parse(str)
+ secs =
+ if izone
+ local.to_f
+ else
+ zone.period_for_local(local).to_utc(local).to_f
+ end
+, zone)
+ end
+ def self.time_to_eo_time(t)
+ z =
+ get_tzone( ||
+ (
+ local_tzone.period_for_local(t).abbreviation.to_s == &&
+ local_tzone
+ ) ||
+, z)
+ end
+ def self.make(o)
+ ot =
+ case o
+ when Time
+ time_to_eo_time(
+ o)
+ when Date
+ time_to_eo_time(
+ o.respond_to?(:to_time) ?
+ o.to_time :
+ Time.parse(o.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')))
+ when String
+ #Rufus::Scheduler.parse_in(o, :no_error => true) || self.parse(o)
+ parse(o)
+ else
+ o
+ end
+ ot = + ot, nil) if ot.is_a?(Numeric)
+ fail
+ "cannot turn #{o.inspect} to a EoTime instance"
+ ) unless ot.is_a?(EoTime)
+ ot
+ end
+ def self.to_offset(n)
+ i = n.to_i
+ sn = i < 0 ? '-' : '+'; i = i.abs
+ hr = i / 3600; mn = i % 3600; sc = i % 60
+ (sc > 0 ? "%s%02d:%02d:%02d" : "%s%02d:%02d") % [ sn, hr, mn, sc ]
+ end
+ def self.get_tzone(o)
+#p [ :gtz, o ]
+ return nil if o == nil
+ return local_tzone if o == :local
+ return o if o.is_a?(::TZInfo::Timezone)
+ return ::TZInfo::Timezone.get('Zulu') if o == 'Z'
+ o = to_offset(o) if o.is_a?(Numeric)
+ return nil unless o.is_a?(String)
+ (@custom_tz_cache ||= {})[o] ||
+ get_offset_tzone(o) ||
+ (::TZInfo::Timezone.get(o) rescue nil)
+ end
+ def self.get_offset_tzone(str)
+ # custom timezones, no DST, just an offset, like "+08:00" or "-01:30"
+ m = str.match(/\A([+-][0-1][0-9]):?([0-5][0-9])?\z/)
+ return nil unless m
+ hr = m[1].to_i
+ mn = m[2].to_i
+ hr = nil if hr.abs > 11
+ hr = nil if mn > 59
+ mn = -mn if hr && hr < 0
+ return (
+ @custom_tz_cache[str] =
+ begin
+ tzi =
+ tzi.offset(str, hr * 3600 + mn * 60, 0, str)
+ tzi.create_timezone
+ end
+ ) if hr
+ nil
+ end
+ def self.local_tzone
+ @local_tzone = nil \
+ if @local_tzone_loaded_at && ( > @local_tzone_loaded_at + 1800)
+ @local_tzone = nil \
+ if @local_tzone_tz != ENV['TZ']
+ @local_tzone ||=
+ begin
+ @local_tzone_tz = ENV['TZ']
+ @local_tzone_loaded_at =
+ determine_local_tzone
+ end
+ end
+ def self.determine_local_tzone
+ etz = ENV['TZ']
+ tz = ::TZInfo::Timezone.get(etz) rescue nil
+ return tz if tz
+ tz = \
+ if Time.respond_to?(:zone) &&
+ return tz if tz
+ tzs = determine_local_tzones
+ (etz && tzs.find { |z| == etz }) || tzs.first
+ end
+ def self.determine_local_tzones
+ tabbs = (-6..5)
+ .collect { |i| ( + i * 30 * 24 * 3600).zone }
+ .uniq
+ .sort
+ t =
+ tu = t.dup.utc # /!\ dup is necessary, #utc modifies its target
+ twin = Time.utc(t.year, 1, 1) # winter
+ tsum = Time.utc(t.year, 7, 1) # summer
+ do |tz|
+ pabbs =
+ [
+ tz.period_for_utc(twin).abbreviation.to_s,
+ tz.period_for_utc(tsum).abbreviation.to_s
+ ].uniq.sort
+ pabbs == tabbs
+ end
+ end
+ #
+ # Postel's law applies
+ #
+ def self.list_iso8601_zones(s)
+ s.scan(
+ %r{
+ (?<=:\d\d)
+ \s*
+ (?:
+ [-+]
+ (?:[0-1][0-9]|2[0-4])
+ (?:(?::)?(?:[0-5][0-9]|60))?
+ (?![-+])
+ |
+ Z
+ )
+ }x
+ ).collect(&:strip)
+ end
+ def self.list_olson_zones(s)
+ s.scan(
+ %r{
+ (?<=\s|\A)
+ (?:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+_-]+)
+ (?:\/(?:[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+_-]+)){0,2}
+ }x)
+ end
+ def self.platform_info
+ etos = { |k, v| "#{k}:#{v.inspect}" }
+ '(' +
+ {
+ 'etz' => ENV['TZ'],
+ 'tnz' =>,
+ 'tzid' => defined?(TZInfo::Data),
+ 'rv' => RUBY_VERSION,
+ 'rp' => RUBY_PLATFORM,
+ 'eov' => EtOrbi::VERSION,
+ }.collect(&etos).join(',') + ',' +
+ gather_tzs.collect(&etos).join(',') +
+ ')'
+ end
+ #def in_zone(&block)
+ #
+ # current_timezone = ENV['TZ']
+ # ENV['TZ'] = @zone
+ #
+ #
+ #
+ #ensure
+ #
+ # ENV['TZ'] = current_timezone
+ #end
+ #
+ # kept around as a (thread-unsafe) relic
+ #
+ # instance methods
+ attr_reader :seconds
+ attr_reader :zone
+ def initialize(s, zone)
+ @seconds = s.to_f
+ @zone = self.class.get_tzone(zone || :local)
+ #fail
+ # "cannot determine timezone from #{zone.inspect}" +
+ # " (etz:#{ENV['TZ'].inspect},tnz:#{}," +
+ # "tzid:#{defined?(TZInfo::Data).inspect}," +
+ # "rv:#{RUBY_VERSION.inspect},rp:#{RUBY_PLATFORM.inspect}," +
+ # "stz:(#{ { |k, v| "#{k}:#{v.inspect}"}.join(',')})) \n" +
+ # "Try setting `ENV['TZ'] = 'Continent/City'` in your script " +
+ # "(see" +
+ # (defined?(TZInfo::Data) ? '' : " and adding 'tzinfo-data' to your gems")
+ #) unless @zone
+ fail
+ "cannot determine timezone from #{zone.inspect}" +
+ "\n#{self.class.platform_info}" +
+ "\nTry setting `ENV['TZ'] = 'Continent/City'` in your script " +
+ "(see" +
+ (defined?(TZInfo::Data) ? '' : "\nand adding gem 'tzinfo-data'")
+ ) unless @zone
+ @time = nil # cache for #to_time result
+ end
+ def seconds=(f)
+ @time = nil
+ @seconds = f
+ end
+ def zone=(z)
+ @time = nil
+ @zone = self.class.get_tzone(zone || :current)
+ end
+ def utc
+ Time.utc(1970, 1, 1) + @seconds
+ end
+ alias getutc utc
+ alias getgm utc
+ def to_f
+ @seconds
+ end
+ def to_i
+ @seconds.to_i
+ end
+ def strftime(format)
+ format = format.gsub(/%(\/?Z|:{0,2}z)/) { |f| strfz(f) }
+ to_time.strftime(format)
+ end
+ # Returns a Ruby Time instance.
+ #
+ # Warning: the timezone of that Time instance will be UTC.
+ #
+ def to_time
+ @time ||= begin; u = utc; @zone.period_for_utc(u).to_local(u); end
+ end
+ def is_dst?
+ @zone.period_for_utc(utc).std_offset != 0
+ end
+ alias isdst is_dst?
+ def to_debug_s
+ uo = self.utc_offset
+ uos = uo < 0 ? '-' : '+'
+ uo = uo.abs
+ uoh, uom = [ uo / 3600, uo % 3600 ]
+ [
+ 'ot',
+ self.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'),
+ "%s%02d:%02d" % [ uos, uoh, uom ],
+ "dst:#{self.isdst}"
+ ].join(' ')
+ end
+ def utc_offset
+ #@zone.period_for_utc(utc).utc_offset
+ #@zone.period_for_utc(utc).utc_total_offset
+ #@zone.period_for_utc(utc).std_offset
+ @zone.period_for_utc(utc).utc_offset
+ end
+ %w[
+ year month day wday hour min sec usec asctime
+ ].each do |m|
+ define_method(m) { to_time.send(m) }
+ end
+ def iso8601(fraction_digits=0); to_time.iso8601(fraction_digits); end
+ def ==(o)
+ o.is_a?(EoTime) && o.seconds == @seconds && == @zone
+ end
+ #alias eq? == # FIXME see Object#== (ri)
+ def >(o); @seconds > _to_f(o); end
+ def >=(o); @seconds >= _to_f(o); end
+ def <(o); @seconds < _to_f(o); end
+ def <=(o); @seconds <= _to_f(o); end
+ def <=>(o); @seconds <=> _to_f(o); end
+ def add(t); @time = nil; @seconds += t.to_f; end
+ def subtract(t); @time = nil; @seconds -= t.to_f; end
+ def +(t); inc(t, 1); end
+ def -(t); inc(t, -1); end
+ WEEK_S = 7 * 24 * 3600
+ def monthdays
+ date = to_time
+ pos = 1
+ d = self.dup
+ loop do
+ d.add(-WEEK_S)
+ break if d.month != date.month
+ pos = pos + 1
+ end
+ neg = -1
+ d = self.dup
+ loop do
+ d.add(WEEK_S)
+ break if d.month != date.month
+ neg = neg - 1
+ end
+ [ "#{date.wday}##{pos}", "#{date.wday}##{neg}" ]
+ end
+ def to_s
+ strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z')
+ end
+ # Debug current time by showing local time / delta / utc time
+ # for example: "0120-7(0820)"
+ #
+ def to_utc_comparison_s
+ per = @zone.period_for_utc(utc)
+ off = per.utc_total_offset
+ off = off / 3600
+ off = off >= 0 ? "+#{off}" : off.to_s
+ strftime('%H%M') + off + utc.strftime('(%H%M)')
+ end
+ def to_time_s
+ strftime("%H:%M:%S.#{'%06d' % usec}")
+ end
+ #
+ # protected
+ def strfz(code)
+ return if code == '%/Z'
+ per = @zone.period_for_utc(utc)
+ return per.abbreviation.to_s if code == '%Z'
+ off = per.utc_total_offset
+ #
+ sn = off < 0 ? '-' : '+'; off = off.abs
+ hr = off / 3600
+ mn = (off % 3600) / 60
+ sc = 0
+ fmt =
+ if code == '%z'
+ "%s%02d%02d"
+ elsif code == '%:z'
+ "%s%02d:%02d"
+ else
+ "%s%02d:%02d:%02d"
+ end
+ fmt % [ sn, hr, mn, sc ]
+ end
+ def inc(t, dir)
+ if t.is_a?(Numeric)
+ nt = self.dup
+ nt.seconds += dir * t.to_f
+ nt
+ elsif t.respond_to?(:to_f)
+ @seconds + dir * t.to_f
+ else
+ fail
+ "cannot call EoTime #- or #+ with arg of class #{t.class}")
+ end
+ end
+ def _to_f(o)
+ fail ArgumentError(
+ "comparison of EoTime with #{o.inspect} failed"
+ ) unless o.is_a?(EoTime) || o.is_a?(Time)
+ o.to_f
+ end
+ #
+ # system tz determination
+ def self.debian_tz
+ path = '/etc/timezone'
+ File.exist?(path) ? : nil
+ rescue; nil; end
+ def self.centos_tz
+ path = '/etc/sysconfig/clock'
+, 'rb') do |f|
+ until f.eof?
+ if m = f.readline.match(/ZONE="([^"]+)"/); return m[1]; end
+ end
+ end if File.exist?(path)
+ nil
+ rescue; nil; end
+ def self.osx_tz
+ path = '/etc/localtime'
+ File.symlink?(path) ?
+ File.readlink(path).split('/')[4..-1].join('/') :
+ nil
+ rescue; nil; end
+# def self.find_tz
+# debian_tz || centos_tz || osx_tz
+# end
+ def self.gather_tzs
+ { :debian => debian_tz, :centos => centos_tz, :osx => osx_tz }
+ end
+ end