bin/esx in esx-0.2.4 vs bin/esx in esx-0.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -69,19 +69,100 @@
+class DestroyVMCommand < BaseCommand
+ parameter "ADDRESS", "ESX host address"
+ option "--vm-name", "VM_NAME", "Virtual Machine to destroy"
+ def execute
+ begin
+ host = ESX::Host.connect address, user, password
+ host.virtual_machines.each do |vm|
+ if == vm_name
+ print "Destroying Virtual Machine '#{}'..."
+ vm.power_off unless vm.power_state == 'poweredOff'
+ vm.destroy
+ puts "Done."
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ $stderr.puts "Can't connect to the host #{address}."
+ if debug?
+ $stderr.puts e.message
+ end
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+class PowerOffVMCommand < BaseCommand
+ parameter "ADDRESS", "ESX host address"
+ option "--vm-name", "VM_NAME", "Virtual Machine to Power Off"
+ def execute
+ begin
+ host = ESX::Host.connect address, user, password
+ host.virtual_machines.each do |vm|
+ if == vm_name and vm.power_state == 'poweredOn'
+ print "Powering Off VM #{vm_name}... "
+ vm.power_off
+ puts "Done."
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ $stderr.puts "Can't connect to the host #{address}."
+ if debug?
+ $stderr.puts e.message
+ end
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+class PowerOnVMCommand < BaseCommand
+ parameter "ADDRESS", "ESX host address"
+ option "--vm-name", "VM_NAME", "Virtual Machine to Power On"
+ def execute
+ begin
+ host = ESX::Host.connect address, user, password
+ host.virtual_machines.each do |vm|
+ if == vm_name and vm.power_state != 'poweredOn'
+ print "Powering On VM #{vm_name}... "
+ vm.power_on
+ puts "Done."
+ end
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ $stderr.puts "Can't connect to the host #{address}."
+ if debug?
+ $stderr.puts e.message
+ end
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
class CreateVMCommand < BaseCommand
parameter "ADDRESS", "ESX host address"
option "--disk-file", "DISK_FILE", "VMDK file to import", :attribute_name => :disk_file
- option "--disk-size", "DISK_SIZE", "VM Disk size", :attribute_name => :disk_size, :default => 8192
+ option "--disk-size", "DISK_SIZE", "VM Disk size in MB", :attribute_name => :disk_size, :default => 8192
option "--guest-id", "GUEST_ID", "GuestID value", :attribute_name => :guest_id, :default => 'otherGuest'
option "--name", "VM NAME", "Virtual Machine name (required)"
option "--memory", "MEMORY", "VM Memory size in MB", :default => 512
option "--mac-address", "MAC", "VM Nic1 MAC address", :default => nil
+ option "--vm-network", "VM NETWORK", "Network where nic is attached to", :default => 'VM Network'
option "--tmpdir", "TMP DIR", "tmp dir used to download files", :default => "/tmp"
option "--datastore", "DATASTORE", "Datastore used to host the disk", :default => "datastore1"
option "--poweron", :flag, "Power on the VM after creation"
def execute
@@ -101,11 +182,11 @@
if disk_file.nil?
# if --disk-file nil? create the VM without disk
vm = host.create_vm :vm_name => name,
:datastore => datastore, :disk_type => :flat, :memory => memory,
:disk_size => disk_size,
- :guest_id => guest_id, :mac_address => mac_address
+ :guest_id => guest_id, :nics => [{:mac_address => mac_address, :network => vm_network}]
df = disk_file.dup
if df.strip.chomp =~ /^http/
downloaded_file = disk_file.dup
@@ -203,9 +284,12 @@
class DefaultCommand < Clamp::Command
default_subcommand "info", "Display host info", InfoCommand
subcommand "create-vm", "Create a VM", CreateVMCommand
+ subcommand "poweron-vm", "Power On a VM", PowerOnVMCommand
+ subcommand "poweroff-vm", "Power Off a VM", PowerOffVMCommand
+ subcommand "destroy-vm", "Destroy VM", DestroyVMCommand
rescue Exception => e