bin/esx in esx-0.2.1 vs bin/esx in esx-0.2.3
- old
+ new
@@ -73,10 +73,11 @@
class CreateVMCommand < BaseCommand
parameter "ADDRESS", "ESX host address"
option "--disk-file", "DISK_FILE", "VMDK file to import", :attribute_name => :disk_file
+ option "--disk-size", "DISK_SIZE", "VM Disk size", :attribute_name => :disk_size, :default => 8192
option "--guest-id", "GUEST_ID", "GuestID value", :attribute_name => :guest_id, :default => 'otherGuest'
option "--name", "VM NAME", "Virtual Machine name (required)"
option "--memory", "MEMORY", "VM Memory size in MB", :default => 512
option "--mac-address", "MAC", "VM Nic1 MAC address", :default => nil
option "--tmpdir", "TMP DIR", "tmp dir used to download files", :default => "/tmp"
@@ -91,51 +92,62 @@
if debug?
$stderr.puts e.message
exit 1
+ if disk_size and disk_file
+ $stderr.puts "Both --disk-file and --disk-size specified. --disk-size will be ignored."
+ end
downloaded_file = nil
- df = disk_file.dup
- if df.strip.chomp =~ /^http/
+ if disk_file.nil?
+ # if --disk-file nil? create the VM without disk
+ vm = host.create_vm :vm_name => name,
+ :datastore => datastore, :disk_type => :flat, :memory => memory,
+ :disk_size => disk_size,
+ :guest_id => guest_id, :mac_address => mac_address
+ else
+ df = disk_file.dup
+ if df.strip.chomp =~ /^http/
+ begin
+ downloaded_file = disk_file.dup
+ tmpfile = "#{tmpdir}/#{}.esx"
+ puts "Downloading file... (#{tmpfile})"
+ download! downloaded_file, tmpfile
+ puts
+ df = tmpfile
+ rescue Exception => e
+ FileUtils.rm_f(tmpfile)
+ $stderr.puts "Error downloading file from #{downloaded_file}."
+ $stderr.puts e.message if debug?
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ raise"Invalid disk file") if not File.exist?(df)
+ if not name
+ $stderr.puts "Invalid VM name."
+ $stderr.puts "Use --name option to specify the VM name"
+ exit 1
+ end
+ host.remote_command "mkdir /vmfs/volumes/#{datastore}/#{name}"
- downloaded_file = disk_file.dup
- tmpfile = "#{tmpdir}/#{}.esx"
- puts "Downloading file... (#{tmpfile})"
- download! downloaded_file, tmpfile
- puts
- df = tmpfile
+ host.import_disk df, "/vmfs/volumes/#{datastore}/#{name}/#{name}.vmdk"
rescue Exception => e
- FileUtils.rm_f(tmpfile)
- $stderr.puts "Error downloading file from #{downloaded_file}."
+ $stderr.puts "Error uploading file to /vmfs/volumes/#{datastore}/#{name}/#{name}.vmdk"
$stderr.puts e.message if debug?
exit 1
- end
- raise"Invalid disk file") if not File.exist?(df)
- if not name
- $stderr.puts "Invalid VM name."
- $stderr.puts "Use --name option to specify the VM name"
- exit 1
- end
- host.remote_command "mkdir /vmfs/volumes/#{datastore}/#{name}"
- begin
- host.import_disk df, "/vmfs/volumes/#{datastore}/#{name}/#{name}.vmdk"
- rescue Exception => e
- $stderr.puts "Error uploading file to /vmfs/volumes/#{datastore}/#{name}/#{name}.vmdk"
- $stderr.puts e.message if debug?
- exit 1
+ if not downloaded_file.nil?
+ puts "Deleting tmp file #{df}" if debug?
+ FileUtils.rm_f(df)
+ end
+ vm = host.create_vm :vm_name => name,
+ :disk_file => "#{name}/#{name}.vmdk",
+ :datastore => datastore, :disk_type => :flat, :memory => memory,
+ :guest_id => guest_id, :mac_address => mac_address
- if not downloaded_file.nil?
- puts "Deleting tmp file #{df}" if debug?
- FileUtils.rm_f(df)
- end
- vm = host.create_vm :vm_name => name,
- :disk_file => "#{name}/#{name}.vmdk",
- :datastore => datastore, :disk_type => :flat, :memory => memory,
- :guest_id => guest_id, :mac_address => mac_address
if poweron?
@@ -193,6 +205,14 @@
class DefaultCommand < Clamp::Command
default_subcommand "info", "Display host info", InfoCommand
subcommand "create-vm", "Create a VM", CreateVMCommand
+rescue Exception => e
+ puts e.message
+ if $DEBUG
+ puts $!
+ puts $@
+ end