lib/esvg/symbol.rb in esvg-4.4.3 vs lib/esvg/symbol.rb in esvg-4.5.0
- old
+ new
@@ -43,10 +43,45 @@
def height
+ # Scale width based on propotion to height
+ def scale_width( h )
+ s = split_unit( h )
+ "#{( s[:size] / height * width ).round(2)}#{s[:unit]}"
+ end
+ # Scale height based on propotion to width
+ def scale_height( w )
+ s = split_unit( w )
+ "#{( s[:size] / width * height ).round(2)}#{s[:unit]}"
+ end
+ # Separate size and unit for easier math.
+ # Returns: { size: 10, unit: 'px' }
+ def split_unit( size )
+ m = size.to_s.match(/(\d+)\s*(\D*)/)
+ { size: m[1].to_f, unit: m[2] }
+ end
+ def scale( a )
+ # Width was set, determine scaled height
+ if a[:width]
+ a[:height] ||= scale_height( a[:width] )
+ # Height was set, determine scaled width
+ elsif a[:height]
+ a[:width] ||= scale_width( a[:height] )
+ # Nothing was set, default to dimensions
+ else
+ a[:width] = width
+ a[:height] = height
+ end
+ a
+ end
def data
path: @path,
id: @id,
name: @name,
@@ -82,28 +117,30 @@
class: [@config[:class], @config[:prefix]+"-"+@name, options.delete(:class)].compact.join(' '),
viewBox: @size[:viewBox],
role: 'img'
- # If user doesn't pass a size or set scale: true
- if svg_attr[:width].nil? && svg_attr[:height].nil? && !svg_attr[:scale]
- svg_attr[:width] = width
- svg_attr[:height] = height
+ if svg_attr[:scale]
+ # User doesn't want dimensions to be set
+ svg_attr.delete(:scale)
+ else
+ # Scale dimensions based on attributes
+ svg_attr = scale( svg_attr )
- svg_attr.delete(:scale)
%Q{<svg #{attributes(svg_attr)}>#{use_tag(use_attr)}#{content}</svg>}
def use_tag(options={})
options["xlink:href"] = "##{@id}"
- # If user doesn't pass a size or set scale: true
- if options[:width].nil? && options[:height].nil? && !options[:scale] && !@config[:scale]
- options[:width] ||= width
- options[:height] ||= height
+ if options[:scale] && @config[:scale]
+ # User doesn't want dimensions to be set
+ options.delete(:scale)
+ else
+ # Scale dimensions based on attributes
+ options = scale( options )
%Q{<use #{attributes(options)}></use>}
@@ -119,11 +156,11 @@
# Only optimize again if the file has changed
return @optimized if @optimized && @optimized_at && @optimized_at > @mtime
@optimized = @content
- if svgo?
+ if svgo?
response = Open3.capture3(%Q{#{Esvg.node_module('svgo')} --disable=removeUselessDefs -s '#{@optimized}' -o -})
if !response[0].empty? && response[2].success?
@optimized = response[0]
@svgo_optimized = true
@@ -253,10 +290,10 @@
def prep_defs(svg)
# <defs> should be moved to the beginning of the SVG file for braod browser support. Ahem, Firefox ಠ_ಠ
# When symbols are reassembled, @defs will be added back
if @defs = svg.scan(/<defs>(.+)<\/defs>/m).flatten[0]
svg.sub!("<defs>#{@defs}</defs>", '')
@defs.scan(/id="(.+?)"/).flatten.uniq.each_with_index do |id, index|