in esp_sdk-2.0.0 vs in esp_sdk-2.1.0
- old
+ new
@@ -11,11 +11,11 @@
## Installation
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
- gem 'esp_sdk'
+ gem 'esp_sdk'
And then execute:
@@ -51,10 +51,33 @@
Get your HMAC keys from the website, [](
+## Set a Proxy URI
+If you need to go through a proxy server, you can set the proxy URI.
+You can set this directly:
+ESP.http_proxy = <proxy uri>
+or, if in a Rails application, you can use the configure block in an initializer:
+ESP.configure do |config|
+ config.http_proxy = <proxy uri>
+Alternatively, the proxy can also be set with an environment variable.
+export http_proxy=<proxy uri>
## Appliance Users
Users of's AWS marketplace appliance will need to set the host for their appliance instance.
You can set this directly:
@@ -70,11 +93,10 @@
Alternatively, the site can also be set with an environment variable.
export ESP_HOST=<host for appliance instance>
# Usage
@@ -195,11 +217,13 @@
espsdk:004:0> alerts.current_page_number # => "25"
espsdk:004:0> page4 =
espsdk:004:0> alerts.current_page_number # => "25"
espsdk:004:0> page4.current_page_number # => "4"
+See ActiveResource::PaginatedCollection for all the pagination methods available.
## Associated Objects
Most of the objects in the SDK have a corresponding API call associated with it. That means if you call an object's
association, then that will make another API call. For example:
@@ -216,40 +240,275 @@
espsdk:004:0> external_account = ESP::ExternalAccount.find(3, include: 'organization,sub_orgnanization,team')
+espsdk:004:0> external_account = ESP::ExternalAccount.where(id_eq: 3, include: 'organization,sub_organization,team')
With that call, organization, sub_organization and team will all come back in the response, and calling, `external_account.organization`,
-`external_account.sub_organization` and ``, will not make another API call. Most objects' find method accepts the
-+include+ option.
-See the [**Documentation**]( for all the pagination methods available.
+`external_account.sub_organization` and ``, will not make another API call.
+You can nest include requests with the dot property. For example, requesting `` on an alert will expand the `external_account` property into a full `External Account` object, and will then expand the `team` property on that external account into a full `Team` object.
+Deep nesting is available as well. ``
+alert = ESP::Alert.find(1, include: 'tags,')
+#=> <ESP::Alert:0x007fb82acd3298 @attributes={"id"=>"1", "type"=>"alerts"...}>
+alerts = ESP::Alert.where(report_id: 4, include: 'tags,')
+#=> #<ActiveResource::PaginatedCollection:0x007fb82b0b54b0 @elements=[#<ESP::Alert:0x007fb82b0b1fb8 @attributes={"id"=>"1", "type"=>"alerts"...>
+Most objects' find and where methods accept the +include+ option. Those methods that accept the +include+ option are documented with the available associations that are includable.
+## Filtering/Searching
+For objects that implement `where`, parameters can be passed that will filter the results based on the search criteria specified.
+The criteria that can be specified depends on the object. Each object is documented whether it implements `where` or not,
+and if so, which attributes can be included in the search criteria.
+### Searching
+The primary method of searching is by using what is known as *predicates*.
+Predicates are used within API search queries to determine what information to
+match. For instance, the `cont` predicate, when added to the `name` attribute, will check to see if `name`` contains a value using a wildcard query.
+ESP::Signature.where(name_cont: 'dns')
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE '%dns%'`
+### OR Conditions
+You can also combine predicates for OR queries:
+ESP::Signature.where(name_or_description_cont: 'dns')
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE '%dns%' or description LIKE '%dns%'`
+### Conditions on Relationships
+The syntax for queries on an associated relationship is to just append the association name to the attribute:
+ESP::Suppression.where(regions_code_eq: 'us_east_1')
+#=> will return suppressions that have a region relationship `where code = 'us_east_1'`
+### Complex Filtering
+Add multiple attributes and predicates to form complex queries:
+ESP::Suppression.where(regions_code_start: 'us', created_by_email_eq: '', resource_not_null: '1')
+#=> will return suppressions that have a region relationship `where code LIKE 'us%'` and created_by relationship `where email = ''` and `resource IS NOT NULL`
+You can also change the `combinator` for complex queries from the default `AND` to `OR` by adding the `m: 'or'` parameter
+ESP::Suppression.where(regions_code_start: 'us', created_by_email_eq: '', resource_not_null: '1', m: 'or')
+#=> will return suppressions that have a region relationship `where code LIKE 'us%'` **OR** created_by relationship `where email = ''` **OR** `resource IS NOT NULL`
+### Bad Attributes
+**Please note:** any attempt to use a predicate for an attribute that does not exist will return a
+*422 (Unprocessable Entity)* response. For instance, this will not work:
+ESP::Suppression.where(bad_attribute_eq: 'something')
+#=> ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid: Failed. Response code = 422. Response message = Invalid search term bad_attribute_eq.
+**Also note:** any attempt to use a predicate for an attribute that exists on the object, but is not a documented searchable attribute will _silently fail_
+and will be excluded from the search criteria.
+## Available Predicates
+Below is a list of the available predicates and their opposites.
+### eq (equals)
+The `eq` predicate returns all records where a field is *exactly* equal to a given value:
+ESP::Suppression.where(regions_code_eq: 'us_east_1')
+#=> will return suppressions that have a region relationship `where code = 'us_east_1'`
+**Opposite: `not_eq`**
+### lt (less than)
+The `lt` predicate returns all records where a field is less than a given value:
+ESP::Report.where(created_at_lt: 1.hour.ago)
+#=> will return reports `where created_at < '2015-11-11 16:25:30'`
+**Opposite: `gt` (greater than)**
+### lteq (less than or equal to)
+The `lteq` predicate returns all records where a field is less than *or equal to* a given value:
+ESP::Report.where(created_at_lteq: 1.hour.ago)
+#=> will return reports `where created_at <= '2015-11-11 16:25:30'`
+**Opposite: `gteq` (greater than or equal to)**
+### in
+The `in` predicate returns all records where a field is within a specified list:
+ESP::Signature.where(risk_level_in: ['Low', 'Medium'])
+#=> will return signatures `where risk_level IN ('Low', 'Medium')`
+**Opposite: `not_in`**
+### cont (contains)
+The `cont` predicate returns all records where a field contains a given value:
+ESP::Signature.where(name_cont: 'dns')
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE '%dns%'`
+**Opposite: `not_cont`**
+**Please note:** This predicate is only available on attributes listed in the "Valid Matching Searchable Attributes"" section
+for each implemented `where` method.
+### cont_any (contains any)
+The `cont_any` predicate returns all records where a field contains any of given values:
+ESP::Signature.where(name_cont_any: ['dns', 'EC2'])
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE '%dns%' or name LIKE '%EC2%'`
+**Opposite: `not_cont_any`**
+**Please note:** This predicate is only available on attributes listed in the "Valid Matching Searchable Attributes"" section
+for each implemented `where` method.
+### start (starts with)
+The `start` predicate returns all records where a field begins with a given value:
+ESP::Signature.where(name_start: 'dns')
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE 'dns%'`
+**Opposite: `not_start`**
+**Please note:** This predicate is only available on attributes listed in the "Valid Matching Searchable Attributes"" section
+for each implemented `where` method.
+### end (ends with)
+The `end` predicate returns all records where a field ends with a given value:
+ESP::Signature.where(name_end: 'dns')
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE '%dns'`
+**Opposite: `not_end`**
+**Please note:** This predicate is only available on attributes listed in the "Valid Matching Searchable Attributes"" section
+for each implemented `where` method.
+### present
+The `present` predicate returns all records where a field is present (not null and not a
+blank string).
+ESP::Signature.where(identifier_present: '1')
+#=> will return signatures `where identifier IS NOT NULL AND identifier != ''`
+**Opposite: `blank`**
+### null
+The `null` predicate returns all records where a field is null:
+ESP::Signature.where(identifier_null: 1)
+#=> will return signatures `where identifier IS NULL`
+**Opposite: `not_null`**
+## Sorting
+Lists can also be sorted by adding the `sorts` parameter with the field to sort by to the `filter` parameter.
+ESP::Signature.where(name_cont: 'dns', sort: 'risk_level desc')
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE '%dns%'` sorted by `risk_level` in descending order.
+Lists can be sorted by multiple fields by specifying an ordered array.
+ESP::Signature.where(name_cont: 'dns', sorts: ['risk_level desc', 'created_at'])
+#=> will return signatures `where name LIKE '%dns%'` sorted by `risk_level` in descending order and then by `created_at` in ascending order.
## Available Objects
-* [ESP::Alert](
-* [ESP::CloudTrailEvent](
-* [ESP::ContactRequest](
-* [ESP::CustomSignature](
-* [ESP::Dashboard](
-* [ESP::ExternalAccount](
-* [ESP::Organization](
-* [ESP::Region](
-* [ESP::Report](
-* [ESP::Service](
-* [ESP::Signature](
-* [ESP::Stat](
-* [ESP::SubOrganization](
-* [ESP::Suppression](
-* [ESP::Suppression::Region](
-* [ESP::Suppression::Signature](
-* [ESP::Suppression::UniqueIdentifier](
-* [ESP::Tag](
-* [ESP::Team](
-* [ESP::User](
+* ESP::Alert
+* ESP::CloudTrailEvent
+* ESP::ContactRequest
+* ESP::CustomSignature
+* ESP::Dashboard
+* ESP::ExternalAccount
+* ESP::Organization
+* ESP::Region
+* ESP::Report
+* ESP::Service
+* ESP::Signature
+* ESP::Stat
+* ESP::Stat
+* ESP::Stat
+* ESP::Stat
+* ESP::Stat
+* ESP::SubOrganization
+* ESP::Suppression
+* ESP::Suppression::Region
+* ESP::Suppression::Signature
+* ESP::Suppression::UniqueIdentifier
+* ESP::Tag
+* ESP::Team
+* ESP::User
# Console
-The SDK gem also provides an IRB console you can use if not using it in a Rails app. Run it with `bin/esp_console`
+The SDK gem also provides an IRB console you can use if not using it in a Rails app. Run it with `esp console` or use the shortcut `esp c`
+# Add External Account Script
+The `esp` executable can also run a script that will create an external account and team for an already created sub organization that has the name 'AutoCreate'.
+The script can be run with the command `esp add_external_account` or the shortcut `esp a`.
+To run this script you will need to install the aws-sdk gem.
+ gem install aws-sdk
+Additional information can be found in the help. `esp add_external_account -h`
## Contributing
1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/esp_sdk/fork )
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)