test/tmp/config/initializers/errdo.rb in errdo-0.12.11 vs test/tmp/config/initializers/errdo.rb in errdo-0.12.12
- old
+ new
@@ -1,61 +1,12 @@
Errdo.setup do |config|
- # Add words to be scrubbed from the params here. By default, this is
- # %w(password passwd password_confirmation secret confirm_password secret_token)
- # So make sure you add on, not replace!
- # config.dirty_words += ["custom_param"]
- # By default, 404 errors are ignored. To un-ignore them, set this to true
- # config.log404 = true
- # By default, errors are ignored (for notification only) if they happen
- # within 5 minutes of the last identical error.
- # This can be changed by setting
- # config.ignore_time = 5.minutes
- ## == Authorization and Devise integration =========
- # If you have the ability to track who's logged in, setting the current_user_method
- # will allow the logged-in user to be recorded with the error
- # config.current_user_method = :current_user
- # Some form of authentication here is basically necessary for authorization
- # config.authenticate_with do
- # warden.authenticate! scope: :user
- # end
- ## == Authorization ================================
- # Setup authorization to be run as a before filter
- # This is run inside the controller instance so you can setup any authorization you need to.
- # By default, there is no authorization.
+ # This is the name of the class inside your application that the exceptions are stored as.
+ # Exceptions are a reserved class name.
- # config.authorize_with do
- # redirect_to root_path unless warden.user.try(:is_admin?)
- # end
+ # If you want to rename it, make sure you also change the migration that comes with the gem.
+ # Setting this to nil means that errors won't be tracked in the database
+ # Note: The model name "{name}_instance" should also be free
- # To use an authorization adapter, pass the name of the adapter. For example,
- # to use with CanCanCan[https://github.com/CanCanCommunity/cancancan], pass it like this.
- # Currently, only cancan/cancancan is supported
- # config.authorize_with :cancan
+ config.error_name = :errs
- # This determines how the user is displayed on the table of errors
- # Can be any method that a user responds to, I.E. Any method that returns a string
- # when called on user (Default is :email)
- config.user_string_method = :email
- # Setting this will allow the user string to be linked to the show path
- # Default is the errdo root path
- # config.user_show_path = :user_path
- ## == Notification Integration ====================
- # See the github page at https://github.com/erichaydel/errdo for more info on how to set up slack
- # If you want to set up slack, this is the only required parameter.
- # The rest are totally optional, and default to the values here
- #
- # config.notify_with slack: { webhook: "WEBHOOK-URL",
- # channel: nil
- # icon: ":boom:",
- # name: "Errdo-bot" }
- # For now, slack is the only integration. More coming soon!
- ## == Non Web Requests ============================
- # Error logging for rake tasks is on by default. To turn it off, set
- # config.log_task_exceptions = false
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