test/decode_spec.rb in erlectricity-0.2.1 vs test/decode_spec.rb in erlectricity-1.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,129 +1,128 @@
require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper.rb'
context "When unpacking from a binary stream" do
setup do
specify "an erlang atom should decode to a ruby symbol" do
get("haha").should == :haha
specify "an erlang number encoded as a small_int (< 255) should decode to a fixnum" do
get("0").should == 0
get("255").should == 255
specify "an erlang number encoded as a int (signed 27-bit number) should decode to a fixnum" do
get("256").should == 256
get("#{(1 << 27) -1}").should == (1 << 27) -1
get("-1").should == -1
get("#{-(1 << 27)}").should == -(1 << 27)
specify "an erlang number encoded as a small bignum (1 byte length) should decode to fixnum if it can" do
get("#{(1 << 27)}").should == (1 << 27)
get("#{-(1 << 27) - 1}").should == -(1 << 27) - 1
get("#{(1 << word_length) - 1}").should == (1 << word_length) - 1
get("#{-(1 << word_length)}").should == -(1 << word_length)
specify "an erlang number encoded as a small bignum (1 byte length) should decode to bignum if it can't be a fixnum" do
get("#{(1 << word_length)}").should == (1 << word_length)
get("#{-(1 << word_length) - 1}").should == -(1 << word_length) - 1
get("#{(1 << (255 * 8)) - 1}").should == (1 << (255 * 8)) - 1
get("#{-((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1)}").should == -((1 << (255 * 8)) - 1)
specify "an erlang number encoded as a big bignum (4 byte length) should decode to bignum" do
get("#{(1 << (255 * 8)) }").should == (1 << (255 * 8))
get("#{-(1 << (255 * 8))}").should == -(1 << (255 * 8))
get("#{(1 << (512 * 8)) }").should == (1 << (512 * 8))
get("#{-(1 << (512 * 8))}").should == -(1 << (512 * 8))
specify "an erlang float should decode to a Float" do
get("#{1.0}").should == 1.0
get("#{-1.0}").should == -1.0
get("#{123.456}").should == 123.456
get("#{123.456789012345}").should == 123.456789012345
specify "an erlang reference should decode to a Reference object" do
ref = get("make_ref()")
ref.should.be.instance_of Erlectricity::NewReference
ref.node.should.be.instance_of Symbol
specify "an erlang pid should decode to a Pid object" do
pid = get("spawn(fun() -> 3 end)")
pid.should.be.instance_of Erlectricity::Pid
pid.node.should.be.instance_of Symbol
specify "an erlang tuple encoded as a small tuple (1-byte length) should decode to an array" do
ref = get("{3}")
ref.length.should == 1
ref.first.should == 3
ref = get("{3, a, make_ref()}")
ref.length.should == 3
ref[0].should == 3
ref[1].should == :a
ref[2].class.should == Erlectricity::NewReference
tuple_meat = (['3'] * 255).join(', ')
ref = get("{#{tuple_meat}}")
ref.length.should == 255
ref.each{|r| r.should == 3}
specify "an erlang tuple encoded as a large tuple (4-byte length) should decode to an array" do
tuple_meat = (['3'] * 256).join(', ')
ref = get("{#{tuple_meat}}")
ref.length.should == 256
ref.each{|r| r.should == 3}
tuple_meat = (['3'] * 512).join(', ')
ref = get("{#{tuple_meat}}")
ref.length.should == 512
ref.each{|r| r.should == 3}
specify "an empty erlang list encoded as a nil should decode to an array" do
get("[]").should == []
specify "an erlang list encoded as a string should decode to an array of bytes (less than ideal, but consistent)" do
get("\"asdasd\"").should == "asdasd".split('').map{|c| c[0]}
get("\"#{'a' * 65534}\"").should == ['a'[0]] * 65534
specify "an erlang list encoded as a list should decode to a array" do
get("[3,4,256]").should == [3,4,256]
get("\"#{'a' * 65535 }\"").should == [97] * 65535
get("[3,4, foo, {3,4,5,bar}, 256]").should == [3,4, :foo, [3,4,5,:bar], 256]
specify "an erlang binary should decode to a string" do
get("<< 3,4,255 >>").should == "\003\004\377"
get("<< \"whatup\" >>").should == "whatup"
+ specify "erlang atomic booleans should decode to ruby booleans" do
+ get("true").should == true
+ get("false").should == false
+ get("falsereio").should == :falsereio
+ end
specify "a good thing should be awesome" do
get(%Q-[{options,{struct,[{test,<<"I'm chargin' mah lazer">>}]}},{passage,<<"Why doesn't this work?">>}]-).should ==
[[:options, [:struct, [[:test, "I'm chargin' mah lazer"]]]], [:passage, "Why doesn't this work?"]]
def get(str)
x = "term_to_binary(#{str.gsub(/"/, '\\\"')})"
bin = run_erl(x)
- Erlectricity::Decoder.read_any_from(bin)
+ Erlectricity::Decoder.decode(bin)
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