app/controllers/erd/erd_controller.rb in erd-0.2.0 vs app/controllers/erd/erd_controller.rb in erd-0.3.0
- old
+ new
@@ -22,40 +22,50 @@
def update
changes = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(params[:changes])
executed_migrations, failed_migrations = [], []
changes.each do |row|
- action, model, column, from, to = row['action'], row['model'].tableize, row['column'], row['from'], row['to']
+ action, model, column, from, to = row['action'], row['model'], row['column'], row['from'], row['to']
case action
+ when 'create_model'
+ columns = column.split(' ').compact
+ generated_migration_file = Erd::Migrator.execute_generate_model model, columns
+ Erd::Migrator.run_migrations :up => generated_migration_file
+ executed_migrations << generated_migration_file
when 'remove_model'
+ model = model.tableize
generated_migration_file = Erd::Migrator.execute_generate_migration "drop_#{model}"
gsub_file generated_migration_file, /def (up|change).* end/m, "def change\n drop_table :#{model}\n end"
Erd::Migrator.run_migrations :up => generated_migration_file
executed_migrations << generated_migration_file
when 'rename_model'
- from, to = from.tableize, to.tableize
+ model, from, to = from.tableize, to.tableize, model.tableize
generated_migration_file = Erd::Migrator.execute_generate_migration "rename_#{from}_to_#{to}"
gsub_file generated_migration_file, /def (up|change).* end/m, "def change\n rename_table :#{from}, :#{to}\n end"
Erd::Migrator.run_migrations :up => generated_migration_file
executed_migrations << generated_migration_file
when 'add_column'
+ model = model.tableize
name_and_type = column.scan(/(.*)\((.*?)\)/).first
name, type = name_and_type[0], name_and_type[1]
generated_migration_file = Erd::Migrator.execute_generate_migration "add_#{name}_to_#{model}", ["#{name}:#{type}"]
Erd::Migrator.run_migrations :up => generated_migration_file
executed_migrations << generated_migration_file
when 'rename_column'
+ model = model.tableize
generated_migration_file = Erd::Migrator.execute_generate_migration "rename_#{model}_#{from}_to_#{to}"
gsub_file generated_migration_file, /def (up|change).* end/m, "def change\n rename_column :#{model}, :#{from}, :#{to}\n end"
Erd::Migrator.run_migrations :up => generated_migration_file
executed_migrations << generated_migration_file
when 'alter_column'
+ model = model.tableize
generated_migration_file = Erd::Migrator.execute_generate_migration "change_#{model}_#{column}_type_to_#{to}"
gsub_file generated_migration_file, /def (up|change).* end/m, "def change\n change_column :#{model}, :#{column}, :#{to}\n end"
Erd::Migrator.run_migrations :up => generated_migration_file
executed_migrations << generated_migration_file
when 'move'
+ model = model.tableize
json_file = Rails.root.join('tmp', 'erd_positions.json')
positions = json_file.exist? ? ActiveSupport::JSON.decode( : {}
positions[model] = to'w') {|f| f.write positions.to_json}
@@ -76,10 +86,11 @@
def render_plain(plain, positions)
_scale, svg_width, svg_height = plain.scan(/\Agraph ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+)$/).first
# node name x y width height label style shape color fillcolor
+ max_model_x, max_model_y = 0, 0
models = plain.scan(/^node ([^ ]+) ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+) ([0-9\.]+) <\{?(<((?!^\}?>).)*)^\}?> [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+ [^ ]+\n/m).map {|node_name, x, y, width, height, label|
label_doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(label)
model_name = node_name.dup
model_name[0] = model_name[-1] = '' if (model_name.first == '"') && (model_name.last == '"')
model_name = model_name.sub(/^m_/, '')
@@ -87,14 +98,16 @@
columns = []
if (cols_table ='table')[1])
columns ='tr > td').map {|col| col_name, col_type = col.text.split(' '); {:name => col_name, :type => col_type}}
custom_x, custom_y = positions[model_name.tableize].try(:split, ',')
- {:model => model_name, :x => (custom_x || (BigDecimal(x) * 72).round), :y => (custom_y || (BigDecimal(y) * 72).round), :width => (BigDecimal(width) * 72).round, :height => height, :columns => columns}
+ h = {:model => model_name, :x => (custom_x || (BigDecimal(x) * 72).round), :y => (custom_y || (BigDecimal(y) * 72).round), :width => (BigDecimal(width) * 72).round, :height => height, :columns => columns}
+ max_model_x, max_model_y = [h[:x].to_i + h[:width].to_i, max_model_x, 1024].max, [h[:y].to_i + h[:height].to_i, max_model_y, 768].max
+ h
# edge tail head n x1 y1 .. xn yn [label xl yl] style color
edges = plain.scan(/^edge ([^ ]+)+ ([^ ]+)/).map {|from, to| {:from => from.sub(/^m_/, ''), :to => to.sub(/^m_/, '')}}
- render_to_string 'erd/erd/erd', :layout => nil, :locals => {:width => (BigDecimal(svg_width) * 72).round, :height => (BigDecimal(svg_height) * 72).round, :models => models, :edges => edges}
+ render_to_string 'erd/erd/erd', :layout => nil, :locals => {:width => [(BigDecimal(svg_width) * 72).round, max_model_x].max, :height => [(BigDecimal(svg_height) * 72).round, max_model_y].max, :models => models, :edges => edges}
def gsub_file(path, flag, *args, &block)
path = File.expand_path path, Rails.root