app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb in enju_leaf-1.3.1 vs app/views/devise/registrations/edit.html.erb in enju_leaf-1.3.2

- old
+ new

@@ -4,19 +4,19 @@ <%= form_for(resource, as: resource_name, url: registration_path(resource_name), html: { method: :put }) do |f| %> <%= devise_error_messages! %> <div class="field"> - <%= f.label :current_password %> <i>(we need your current password to confirm your changes)</i><br /> + <%= f.label :current_password %><br /> <%= f.password_field :current_password, autocomplete: "off" %> </div> <div class="field"> - <%= f.label :password %> <i>(leave blank if you don't want to change it)</i><br /> + <%= f.label :password %><br /> <%= f.password_field :password, autocomplete: "off" %> <% if @minimum_password_length %> <br /> - <em><%= @minimum_password_length %> characters minimum</em> + <em><%= @minimum_password_length %> <%= t('devise.registration.minimum_password_length', count: @minimum_password_length) %></em> <% end %> </div> <div class="field"> <%= f.label :password_confirmation %><br />