lib/engine2/action.rb in engine2-1.0.4 vs lib/engine2/action.rb in engine2-1.0.5
- old
+ new
@@ -1,213 +1,1369 @@
# coding: utf-8
+# frozen_string_literal: true
module Engine2
+ class Action
+ attr_reader :node, :meta, :assets, :static, :invokable
- class Action < BasicObject
- ACCESS_FORBIDDEN ||= ->h{false}
- attr_reader :parent, :name, :number, :actions, :recheck_access
- attr_reader :meta_proc
class << self
- attr_accessor :count
+ def action_type at = nil
+ at ? @action_type = at : @action_type
+ end
- def default_meta
-{meta_type :inline}
+ def http_method hm = nil
+ hm ? @http_method = hm : @http_method
+ def inherited cls
+ cls.http_method http_method
+ end
+ def inherit
+ self do
+ action_type superclass.action_type
+ end
+ end
- def initialize parent, name, meta_class, assets
- Action.count += 1
- @number = Action.count
- @parent = parent
- @name = name
- @meta =, assets)
- @actions = {}
+ http_method :get
+ def initialize node, assets, static = self
+ @meta = {}
+ @node = node
+ @assets = assets
+ @static = static
- def * &blk
- @meta_proc = @meta_proc ? @meta_proc.chain(&blk) : blk if blk
- @meta
+ def http_method
+ @http_method # || (raise"No http method for action #{self.class}"))
- alias :meta :*
+ def action_type
+ @action_type || (raise"No action_type for action #{self.class}"))
+ end
- def access! &blk
- ::Kernel.raise"Access for action #{name} already defined") if @access_block
- @access_block = blk
+ def check_static_action
+ raise"Static action required") if dynamic?
- def access_forbidden!
+ def define_invoke &blk
+ check_static_action
+ self.class.class_eval{define_method :invoke, &blk}
- def check_access! handler
- !@access_block || @access_block.(handler)
+ def invoke! handler
+ if rmp = @request_action_proc
+ action =, assets, self)
+ action_result = action.instance_exec(handler, *action.request_action_proc_params(handler), &rmp)
+ action.post_process
+ response = @requestable ? (action_result || {}) : action.invoke(handler)
+ response[:meta] = action.meta
+ response
+ else
+ invoke(handler)
+ end
- def run_scheme name, *args, &blk
- result = instance_exec(*args, &SCHEMES[name])
- result.instance_eval(&blk) if blk
- result
+ def repeat time
+ @meta[:repeat] = time
- def define_action name, meta_class = Action.default_meta, assets = {}, &blk
- ::Kernel.raise"Action #{name} already defined") if @actions[name]
- action = @actions[name] =, name, meta_class, assets)
- action.*.pre_run
- define_singleton_method! name do |&ablk| # forbidden list
- action.instance_eval(&ablk) if ablk
- action
- end
- action.instance_eval(&blk) if blk
- action.*.action_defined
- action
+ def arguments args
+ @meta[:arguments] = args
- def define_action_meta name, meta_class = Action.default_meta, assets = {}, &blk
- define_action name, meta_class, assets do
- self.* &blk
+ def execute time
+ @meta[:execute] = time
+ end
+ def dynamic?
+ self != @static
+ end
+ # def [] *keys
+ # @meta.path(*keys)
+ # end
+ # def []= *keys, value
+ # @meta.path!(*keys, value)
+ # end
+ def lookup *keys
+ if dynamic? # we are the request action
+ value = @meta.path(*keys)
+ value.nil? ? @static.meta.path(*keys) : value
+ # value || @static.value.path(keys)
+ else
+ @meta.path(*keys)
- def define_action_invoke name, meta_class = Action.default_meta, assets = {}, &blk
- define_action name, meta_class, assets do
- self.*.define_invoke &blk
+ def merge *keys
+ if keys.length == 1
+ key = keys.first
+ dynamic? ? @static.meta[key].merge(@meta[key] || {}) : @meta[key]
+ else
+ dynamic? ? @static.meta.path(*keys).merge(@meta.path(*keys)) : @meta.path(*keys)
- def define_action_bundle name, *actions
- define_singleton_method!(name) do |&blk|
- if blk
- actions.each{|a|__send__(a, &blk)} # if @actions[action] ?
+ def freeze_action
+ hash = @meta
+ hash.freeze
+ # hash.each_pair{|k, v| freeze(v) if v.is_a? Hash}
+ freeze
+ end
+ def request_action_proc_params handler
+ []
+ end
+ def request &blk
+ raise"No block given for request action") unless blk
+ raise"No request block in request action allowed") if dynamic?
+ @request_action_proc = @request_action_proc ? @request_action_proc.chain_args(&blk) : blk
+ nil
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ @action_type = self.class.action_type
+ @http_method = self.class.http_method
+ end
+ def node_defined
+ end
+ def post_run
+ if respond_to? :invoke
+ @invokable = true
+ else
+ if @request_action_proc
+ @invokable = true
+ @requestable = true
-, actions)
+ @meta[:invokable] = false
+ @meta[:dynamic_meta] = true if @request_action_proc
+ post_process
- def define_singleton_method! name, &blk
- class << self;self;end.instance_eval do # __realclass__
- define_method name, &blk
+ def post_process
+ end
+ def split_keys id
+ Sequel::split_keys(id)
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionWebSocketSupport
+ WS_METHODS.each do |method|
+ define_method :"ws_#{method}" do |&blk|
+ @ws_methods[method] = blk
- def [] name
- @actions[name]
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ @ws_methods = {}
+ @meta[:websocket] = {options: {}}
- def actions_info handler
- info = actions.inject({}) do |h, (name, a)|
- meta = a.*
- h[name] = {
- meta_type: meta.meta_type,
- method: meta.http_method,
- number: a.number,
- access: recheck_access ? nil : a.check_access!(handler),
- recheck_access: a.recheck_access,
- terminal: a.actions.empty?,
- meta: !meta.get.empty?
- }
- h
+ def ws_options opts
+ @meta[:websocket][:options].merge! opts
+ end
+ def ws_execute execute
+ (@meta[:websocket][:execute] ||= {}).merge! execute
+ end
+ def post_run
+ super
+ @invokable = true
+ end
+ def invoke! handler
+ if Faye::WebSocket.websocket?(handler.env)
+ ws =
+ @ws_methods.each do |method, blk|
+ ws.on(method) do |evt|
+ begin
+ if method == :message
+ blk.(JSON.parse(, symbolize_names: true), ws, evt)
+ else
+ blk.(evt, ws, evt)
+ end
+ rescue Exception => e
+ ws.send! error: {exception: e, method: method}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ ws.rack_response
+ else
+ super
+ end
+ end
- info.first[1][:default] = true unless actions.empty?
- info
+ class WebSocketAction < Action
+ include ActionWebSocketSupport
+ end
+ class InlineAction < Action
+ action_type :inline
+ end
+ class RootAction < Action
+ def initialize *args
+ super
+ @meta.merge! environment: Handler::environment, application: Engine2::SETTINGS[:name], key_separator: Engine2::SETTINGS[:key_separator], ws_methods: ActionWebSocketSupport::WS_METHODS
+ end
- def access_info handler
- @actions.inject({}) do |h, (name, a)|
- h[name] = a.check_access!(handler)
- h
+ module ActionAPISupport
+ def info field
+ (@meta[:info] ||= {})[field.to_sym] ||= {}
+ end
+ def config
+ @meta[:config] ||= {}
+ end
+ def info! *fields, options
+ raise"No fields given to info") if fields.empty?
+ fields.each do |field|
+ info(field).merge! options # rmerge ?
- def recheck_access!
- @recheck_access = true
+ def loc! hash
+ (@meta[:loc] ||= {}).merge! hash
- def each_action &blk
- # no self
- @actions.each_pair do |n, a|
- a.each_action(&blk) if yield a
+ def decorate list
+ list.each do |f|
+ info(f)[:loc] ||= LOCS[f.to_sym]
- def to_a_rec root = true, result = [], &blk # optimize
- if root && (yield self)
- result << self
- @actions.each_pair do |n, a|
- if yield a
- result << a
- a.to_a_rec(false, result, &blk)
+ def render field, options
+ info! field, render: options
+ end
+ def hide_fields *flds
+ info! *flds, hidden: true
+ end
+ def show_fields *flds
+ info! *flds, hidden: false
+ end
+ def field_filter *flds, filter
+ info! *flds, filter: filter
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionMenuSupport
+ def menu menu_name, &blk
+ @menus ||= {}
+ @menus[menu_name] ||=
+ @menus[menu_name].instance_eval(&blk) if blk
+ @menus[menu_name]
+ end
+ def menu? menu_name
+ @menus && @menus[menu_name]
+ end
+ def post_process
+ super
+ if @menus && !@menus.empty?
+ @meta[:menus] = {}
+ @menus.each_pair do |name, menu|
+ @meta[:menus][name] = {entries: menu.to_a, properties:}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionModelSupport
+ def pre_run
+ if !(mdl = @assets[:model])
+ act = node
+ begin
+ act = act.parent
+ raise"Model not found in tree for node: #{}") unless act
+ mdl = act.*.assets[:model]
+ end until mdl
+ if asc = @assets[:assoc]
+ @assets[:model] = asc.associated_class
+ # raise"Association '#{asc}' for model '#{asc[:class_name]}' not found") unless @assets[:model]
+ else
+ @assets[:model] = mdl
+ asc = act.*.assets[:assoc]
+ @assets[:assoc] = asc if asc
+ end
+ end
+ # @meta[:model!] = assets[:model]
+ # @meta[:assoc!] = assets[:assoc] ? assets[:assoc][:name] : nil
+ # @meta[:action_class!] = self.class
+ super
+ end
+ def hide_pk
+ hide_fields *assets[:model].primary_keys
+ end
+ def show_pk
+ show_fields *assets[:model].primary_keys
+ end
+ def get_type_info name
+ model = assets[:model]
+ info = case name
+ when Symbol
+ model.type_info[name]
+ when Sequel::SQL::QualifiedIdentifier
+ assoc = model.many_to_one_associations[name.table] || model.many_to_many_associations[name.table]
+ raise"Association #{name.table} not found for model #{model}") unless assoc
+ assoc.associated_class.type_info[name.column]
+ else
+ raise"Unknown type info key: #{name} in model #{model}")
+ end
+ raise"Type info not found for '#{name}' in model '#{model}'") unless info
+ info
+ end
+ # def parent_model_name
+ # model = @assets[:model]
+ # prnt = node.parent
+ # while prnt && prnt.*.assets[:model] == model
+ # prnt = prnt.parent
+ # end
+ # m = prnt.*.assets[:model]
+ # m ? : nil
+ # end
+ def node_defined
+ super
+ # p_model_name = parent_model_name
+ model = @assets[:model]
+ at = action_type
+ case at
+ when :list, :star_to_many_list, :star_to_many_link_list, :star_to_many_field, :star_to_many_field_link_list # :many_to_one_list
+ model.many_to_one_associations.each do |assoc_name, assoc|
+ unless assoc[:propagate] == false # || p_model_name == assoc[:class_name]
+ dc = model.type_info[assoc[:keys].first][:decode]
+ node.run_scheme :decode, model, assoc_name, dc[:search]
- result
+ case at
+ when :modify, :create
+ model.many_to_one_associations.each do |assoc_name, assoc|
+ unless assoc[:propagate] == false # || p_model_name == assoc[:class_name]
+ dc = model.type_info[assoc[:keys].first][:decode]
+ node.run_scheme :decode, model, assoc_name, dc[:form]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ case at
+ when :list #, :star_to_many_list, :many_to_one_list # list dropdowns
+ divider = false
+ model.one_to_many_associations.merge(model.many_to_many_associations).each do |assoc_name, assoc|
+ unless assoc[:propagate] == false
+ menu(:item_menu).divider unless divider
+ divider ||= true
+ menu(:item_menu).option :"#{assoc_name}!", icon: "list" # , click: "action.show_assoc($index, \"#{assoc_name}!\")"
+ node.run_scheme :star_to_many, :"#{assoc_name}!", assoc
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ case at
+ when :modify, :create
+ model.type_info.each do |field, info|
+ case info[:type]
+ when :blob_store
+ node.run_scheme :blob_store, model, field
+ when :foreign_blob_store
+ node.run_scheme :foreign_blob_store, model, field
+ when :file_store
+ node.run_scheme :file_store, model, field
+ when :star_to_many_field
+ assoc = model.association_reflections[info[:assoc_name]] # info[:name] ?
+ raise"Association '#{info[:assoc_name]}' not found for model '#{model}'") unless assoc
+ node.run_scheme :star_to_many_field, assoc, field
+ end
+ end
+ end
- def inspect
- "Action: #{@name}, meta: #{@meta.class}, meta_type: #{@meta.meta_type}"
+ def unsupported_association assoc
+ raise"Unsupported association: #{assoc}")
+ end
- def setup_action_tree
- time =
+ module ActionQuerySupport
+ def query q, &blk
+ @query = blk ? q.naked.with_row_proc(blk) : q.naked
+ end
- model_actions = {}
- each_action do |action|
- if model = action.*.assets[:model]
- model_name =
- model.synchronize_type_info
- model_actions[model_name] = action.to_a_rec{|a| !a.*.assets[:assoc]}
- action.run_scheme(model_name) if SCHEMES[model_name, false]
- false
+ def post_run
+ query select(*assets[:model].columns) unless @query
+ super
+ end
+ def get_query # move to query ?
+ if dynamic?
+ @query || @static.get_query
+ else
+ @query
+ end
+ end
+ def find_record handler, id
+ get_query[assets[:model].primary_keys_hash_qualified(split_keys(id))]
+ end
+ def select *args, use_pk: true, &blk
+ ds = assets[:model].select(*args, &blk)
+ ds = ds.ensure_primary_key if use_pk
+ ds.setup!(@meta[:fields] = [])
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionTabSupport
+ def select_tabs tabs, *args, &blk
+ field_tabs tabs
+ select *{|name, fields|fields}.flatten, *args, &blk
+ end
+ def field_tabs hash
+ @meta[:tabs] ={|k, v| {name: k, loc: LOCS[k], fields: v} }
+ end
+ def lazy_tab tab_name
+ tabs = @meta[:tabs]
+ raise"No tabs defined") unless tabs
+ tab = tabs.find{|t| t[:name] == tab_name}
+ raise"No tab #{tab_name} defined") unless tab
+ tab[:lazy] = true
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionAngularSupport
+ def ng_execute expr
+ (@meta[:execute] ||= "") << expr + ";"
+ end
+ def ng_record! name, value
+ value = case value
+ when String
+ "'#{value}'"
+ when nil
+ 'null'
+ else
+ value
+ end
+ "action.record['#{name}'] = #{value}"
+ end
+ def ng_record name
+ "action.record['#{name}']"
+ end
+ def ng_info! name, *selector, expression
+ # expression = "'#{expression}'" if expression.is_a? String
+ "['#{name}'].#{selector.join('.')} = #{expression}"
+ end
+ def ng_call name, *args
+ # TODO
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionPanelSupport
+ def pre_run
+ modal_action true
+ super
+ end
+ def post_run
+ super
+ if @meta[:panel]
+ panel_panel_template 'menu_m' if panel[:panel_template].nil?
+ # modal_action false if panel[:panel_template] == false
+ panel_class '' unless panel[:class]
+ panel_footer true if panel[:footer] != false && menu?(:panel_menu)
+ panel_header true if panel[:header] != false
+ end
+ end
+ def panel
+ @meta[:panel] ||= {}
+ end
+ def modal_action modal = true
+ panel[:modal_action] = modal
+ end
+ def panel_template tmpl
+ panel[:template] = tmpl
+ end
+ def panel_panel_template tmpl
+ panel[:panel_template] = tmpl
+ end
+ def panel_class cls
+ panel[:class] = cls
+ end
+ def panel_title tle
+ panel[:title] = tle
+ end
+ def panel_header hdr
+ panel[:header] = hdr
+ end
+ def panel_footer ftr
+ panel[:footer] = ftr
+ end
+ end
+ class MenuAction < Action
+ include ActionMenuSupport
+ action_type :menu
+ def invoke handler
+ {}
+ end
+ end
+ class ConfirmAction < Action
+ include ActionPanelSupport, ActionMenuSupport
+ action_type :confirm
+ def message msg
+ @meta[:message] = msg
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ panel_template 'scaffold/message'
+ panel_title LOCS[:confirmation]
+ panel_class 'modal-default'
+ menu :panel_menu do
+ option :approve, icon: "ok", loc: LOCS[:ok], disabled: "action.action_pending()"
+ option :cancel, icon: "remove"
+ end
+ end
+ def invoke handler
+ params = handler.request.params
+ # params.merge({arguments: params.keys})
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionOnChangeSupport
+ def on_change field, &blk
+ node_name = :"#{field}_on_change"
+ nd = node.define_node node_name, (blk.arity > 2 ? OnChangeGetAction : OnChangePostAction)
+ nd.*{request &blk}
+ info! field, remote_onchange: node_name
+ info! field, remote_onchange_record: :true if blk.arity > 2
+ end
+ class OnChangeAction < Action
+ include ActionAPISupport, ActionAngularSupport
+ def request_action_proc_params handler
+ if
+ json = handler.post_to_json
+ [json[:value], json[:record]]
- true
+ params = handler.request.params
+ [params["value"], params["record"]]
- each_action do |action|
- meta = action.*
- model = meta.assets[:model]
- assoc = meta.assets[:assoc]
- if model && assoc
- if source_actions = model_actions[]
- source_action ={|sa| sa.meta_proc && sa.*.class >= meta.class}
- # source_action ={|sa| sa.meta_proc && meta.class <= sa.*.class}
- unless source_action.empty?
- # raise"Multiple meta candidates for #{action.inspect} found in '#{source_action.inspect}'") if source_action.size > 1
- # puts "#{action.inspect} => #{source_action.inspect}\n"
- meta.instance_eval(&source_action.first.meta_proc)
- end
+ def invoke handler
+ {}
+ end
+ end
+ class OnChangeGetAction < OnChangeAction
+ action_type :on_change
+ def request_action_proc_params handler
+ params = handler.request.params
+ [params["value"], params["record"]]
+ end
+ end
+ class OnChangePostAction < OnChangeAction
+ http_method :post
+ action_type :on_change
+ def request_action_proc_params handler
+ json = handler.post_to_json
+ [json[:value], json[:record]]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionListSupport
+ include ActionModelSupport, ActionAPISupport, ActionTabSupport, ActionPanelSupport, ActionMenuSupport, ActionOnChangeSupport
+ attr_reader :filters, :orders
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ config.merge!(per_page: 10, use_count: false, selectable: true) # search_active: false,
+ panel_template 'scaffold/list'
+ panel_title "#{:list.icon} #{LOCS[assets[:model].name.to_sym]}"
+ loc! LOCS[:list_locs]
+ menu :menu do
+ properties break: 2, group_class: "btn-group-xs"
+ option :search_toggle, icon: "search", show: "action.meta.search_fields", active: "action.ui_state.search_active", button_loc: false
+ # divider
+ option :refresh, icon: "refresh", button_loc: false
+ option :default_order, icon: "signal", button_loc: false
+ divider
+ option :debug_info, icon: "list-alt" do
+ option :show_meta, icon: "eye-open"
+ end if Handler::development?
+ end
+ menu :item_menu do
+ properties break: 1, group_class: "btn-group-xs"
+ end
+ @meta[:state] = [:query, :ui_state]
+ end
+ def field_tabs hash
+ super
+ search_template 'scaffold/search_tabs'
+ end
+ def select_toggle_menu
+ m = menu :menu
+ unless m.option_index(:select_toggle, false)
+ m.option_after :default_order, :select_toggle, icon: "check", enabled: "action.meta.config.selectable", active: "action.selection", button_loc: false
+ end
+ end
+ def post_run
+ unless panel[:class]
+ panel_class case @meta[:fields].size
+ when 1..3; ''
+ when 4..6; 'modal-large'
+ else; 'modal-huge'
+ end
+ end
+ super
+ @meta[:primary_fields] = assets[:model].primary_keys
+ end
+ # def find_renderer type_info
+ # renderer = DefaultSearchRenderers[type_info[:type]] || DefaultSearchRenderers[type_info[:otype]]
+ # raise"No search renderer found for field '#{type_info[:name]}'") unless renderer
+ # renderer.(self, type_info)
+ # end
+ def post_process
+ if fields = @meta[:search_fields]
+ fields = fields - static.meta[:search_fields] if dynamic?
+ decorate(fields)
+ fields.each do |name|
+ type_info = get_type_info(name)
+ # render = info[name][:render]
+ # if not render
+ # info[name][:render] = find_renderer(type_info)
+ # else
+ # info[name][:render].merge!(find_renderer(type_info)){|key, v1, v2|v1}
+ # end
+ info(name)[:render] ||= begin # set before :fields
+ renderer = DefaultSearchRenderers[type_info[:type]] || DefaultSearchRenderers[type_info[:otype]]
+ raise"No search renderer found for field '#{type_info[:name]}'") unless renderer
+ renderer.(self, type_info)
+ proc = SearchRendererPostProcessors[type_info[:type]] || ListRendererPostProcessors[type_info[:type]] # ?
+ proc.(self, name, type_info) if proc
+ end
- meta.instance_eval(&action.meta_proc) if action.meta_proc
- true
+ if fields = @meta[:fields]
+ fields = fields - static.meta[:fields] if dynamic?
+ decorate(fields)
+ fields.each do |name|
+ type_info = get_type_info(name)
+ proc = ListRendererPostProcessors[type_info[:type]]
+ proc.(self, name, type_info) if proc
+ end
- each_action do |action|
- action.*.post_run
- action.*.freeze_meta
+ super
+ end
+ def search_template template
+ panel[:search_template] = template
+ end
+ def sortable *flds
+ flds = @meta[:fields] if flds.empty?
+ info! *flds, sort: true
+ end
+ def search_live *flds
+ flds = @meta[:search_fields] if flds.empty?
+ info! *flds, search_live: true
+ end
+ def searchable *flds
+ @meta.delete(:tabs)
+ search_template 'scaffold/search'
+ @meta[:search_fields] = *flds
+ end
+ def searchable_tabs tabs
+ searchable *{|name, fields|fields}.flatten
+ field_tabs tabs
+ end
+ def template
+ SearchTemplates
+ end
+ def filter name, &blk
+ (@filters ||= {})[name] = blk
+ end
+ def filter_case_insensitive name
+ raise"Field '#{name}' needs to be a string one") unless get_type_info(name)[:otype] == :string
+ filter(name){|query, hash, handler| query.where(name.ilike("%#{hash[name]}%")) }
+ end
+ def order name, &blk
+ (@orders ||= {})[name] = blk
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionApproveSupport
+ include ActionModelSupport
+ attr_reader :validations
+ def self.included action
+ action.http_method :post if action.is_a? Class
+ end
+ def validate_fields *fields
+ if fields.empty?
+ @validate_fields
+ else
+ @validate_fields = assets[:model].type_info.keys & (fields + assets[:model].primary_keys).uniq
+ end
+ end
+ def before_approve handler, record
+ end
+ def after_approve handler, record
+ end
+ def validate_and_approve handler, record, parent_id
+ static.before_approve(handler, record)
+ record.valid?
+ validate_record(handler, record)
+ if record.errors.empty?
+ static.after_approve(handler, record)
+ else
+ false
+ end
- ::Kernel::puts "ACTIONS: #{Action.count}, Time: #{ - time}"
+ def allocate_record handler, json_rec
+ model = assets[:model]
+ handler.permit json_rec.is_a?(Hash)
+ val_fields = (dynamic? ? static.validate_fields : @validate_fields) || model.type_info.keys
+ handler.permit (json_rec.keys - val_fields).empty?
+ record =
+ record.validate_fields = val_fields
+ record
- def p *args
- ::Kernel::p *args
+ def record handler, record
+ {errors: nil}
+ def invoke handler
+ json = handler.post_to_json
+ record = allocate_record(handler, json[:record])
+ validate_and_approve(handler, record, json[:parent_id]) ? static.record(handler, record) : {record!: record.to_hash, errors!: record.errors}
+ end
+ def validate name, &blk
+ (@validations ||= {})[name] = blk
+ end
+ def validate_record handler, record
+ @validations.each do |name, val|
+ unless record.errors[name]
+ result = val.(record, handler)
+ record.errors.add(name, result) if result
+ end
+ end if @validations
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ execute "action.errors || [action.parent().invoke(), action.panel_close()]"
+ end
+ def post_run
+ super
+ validate_fields *node.parent.*.meta[:fields] unless validate_fields
+ end
+ module ActionSaveSupport
+ include ActionApproveSupport
- class ActionBundle
- def initialize action, action_names
- @action = action
- @action_names = action_names
+ def self.included action
+ action.http_method :post
+ class << action
+ attr_accessor :validate_only
+ end
- def method_missing name, *args, &blk
- @action_names.each{|an| @action[an].__send__(name, *args, &blk)}
+ def validate_and_approve handler, record, parent_id, validate_only = self.class.validate_only
+ if validate_only then
+ super(handler, record, parent_id)
+ else
+ record.skip_save_refresh = true
+ record.raise_on_save_failure = false
+ model = assets[:model]
+ assoc = assets[:assoc]
+ new_assoc = && assoc && assoc[:type]
+ save = lambda do|c|
+ if super(handler, record, parent_id)
+ if new_assoc == :one_to_many
+ handler.permit parent_id
+ assoc[:keys].zip(split_keys(parent_id)).each{|k, v|record[k] = v}
+ end
+ result = false, validate: false)
+ if result && new_assoc == :many_to_many
+ handler.permit parent_id
+ model.db[assoc[:join_table]].insert(assoc[:left_keys] + assoc[:right_keys], split_keys(parent_id) + record.primary_key_values)
+ end
+ model.association_reflections.each do |name, assoc|
+ hash = record[name]
+ if hash.is_a?(Hash)
+ validate_and_approve_association(handler, record, name, :create, hash)
+ validate_and_approve_association(handler, record, name, :modify, hash)
+ nd = node.parent[:"#{name}!"]
+ raise Sequel::Rollback unless record.errors.empty?
+ nd.confirm_delete.delete.*.invoke_delete_db(handler, hash[:delete].to_a, model.table_name) unless hash[:delete].to_a.empty?
+*.invoke_link_db(handler, record.primary_key_values, hash[:link].to_a) unless hash[:link].to_a.empty?
+ nd.confirm_unlink.unlink.*.invoke_unlink_db(handler, record.primary_key_values, hash[:unlink].to_a) unless hash[:unlink].to_a.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ result
+ end
+ end
+ (model.validation_in_transaction || new_assoc == :many_to_many) ? model.db.transaction(&save) : save.(nil)
+ end
+ def validate_and_approve_association handler, record, assoc_name, node_name, hash
+ records = hash[node_name].to_a
+ unless records.empty?
+ action = node.parent[:"#{assoc_name}!"][node_name].approve.*
+ parent_id = Sequel::join_keys(record.primary_key_values)
+ records.each do |arec|
+ rec = action.allocate_record(handler, arec)
+ action.validate_and_approve(handler, rec, parent_id, false)
+ rec.errors.each do |k, v|
+ (record.errors[assoc_name] ||= []).concat(v)
+ end unless rec.errors.empty?
+ end
+ end
+ end
\ No newline at end of file
+ module ActionInsertSupport
+ def allocate_record handler, json_rec
+ record = super(handler, json_rec)
+ record.instance_variable_set(:"@new", true)
+ model = assets[:model]
+ model.primary_keys.each{|k|record.values.delete k} unless model.natural_key
+ handler.permit !record.has_primary_key? unless model.natural_key
+ record
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionUpdateSupport
+ def allocate_record handler, json_rec
+ record = super(handler, json_rec)
+ model = assets[:model]
+ handler.permit record.has_primary_key? unless model.natural_key or self.class.validate_only
+ record
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionFormSupport
+ include ActionModelSupport, ActionAPISupport, ActionTabSupport, ActionPanelSupport, ActionMenuSupport, ActionAngularSupport, ActionOnChangeSupport
+ def field_template template
+ panel[:field_template] = template
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ panel_template 'scaffold/form'
+ field_template 'scaffold/fields'
+ panel_class 'modal-large'
+ top = node.parent.parent == nil
+ menu :panel_menu do
+ option :approve, icon: "ok", disabled: "action.action_pending()" # text: true,
+ option :cancel, icon: "remove" unless top # text: true,
+ end
+ # modal_action false
+ end
+ def field_tabs hash
+ super
+ panel_template 'scaffold/form_tabs'
+ end
+ def record handler, record
+ end
+ def post_process
+ if fields = @meta[:fields]
+ fields = fields - static.meta[:fields] if dynamic?
+ decorate(fields)
+ fields.each do |name|
+ # type_info = model.type_info.fetch(name)
+ type_info = get_type_info(name)
+ info(name)[:render] ||= begin
+ renderer = DefaultFormRenderers[type_info[:type]] # .merge(default: true)
+ raise"No form renderer found for field '#{type_info[:name]}' of type '#{type_info[:type]}'") unless renderer
+ renderer.(self, type_info)
+ end
+ proc = FormRendererPostProcessors[type_info[:type]]
+ proc.(self, name, type_info) if proc
+ end
+ assoc = assets[:assoc]
+ if assoc && assoc[:type] == :one_to_many
+ #{|f| assoc[:keys].include? f}.each do |key|
+ # # hide_fields(key) if self[:info, key, :hidden] == nil
+ # info! key, disabled: true
+ # end
+ assoc[:keys].each do |key|
+ info! key, disabled: true if fields.include? key
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ super
+ end
+ def post_run
+ super
+ @meta[:primary_fields] = assets[:model].primary_keys
+ end
+ def template
+ Templates
+ end
+ def hr_after field, message = '-'
+ info! field, hr: message
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionCreateSupport
+ include ActionFormSupport
+ def self.included action
+ action.action_type :create
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ panel_title LOCS[:create_title]
+ node.parent.*.menu(:menu).option_at 0,, icon: "plus-sign", button_loc: false
+ hide_pk unless assets[:model].natural_key
+ end
+ def record handler, record
+ create_record(handler, record)
+ end
+ def create_record handler, record
+ end
+ def invoke handler
+ record = {}
+ # if assoc = assets[:assoc]
+ # case assoc[:type]
+ # when :one_to_many
+ # parent = handler.params[:parent_id]
+ # assoc[:keys].zip(split_keys(parent)).each{|key, val| record[key] = val} if parent
+ # end
+ # end
+ static.record(handler, record)
+ {record: record, new: true}
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionModifySupport
+ include ActionFormSupport
+ def self.included action
+ action.action_type :modify
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ panel_title LOCS[:modify_title]
+ node.parent.*.menu(:item_menu).option, icon: "pencil", button_loc: false
+ end
+ def record handler, record
+ modify_record(handler, record)
+ end
+ def modify_record handler, record
+ end
+ def invoke handler
+ handler.permit id = handler.params[:id]
+ record = find_record(handler, id)
+ if record
+ static.record(handler, record)
+ {record: record}
+ else
+ handler.halt_not_found LOCS[:no_entry]
+ end
+ end
+ def post_run
+ super
+ assets[:model].primary_keys.each do |key| # pre_run ?
+ info! key, disabled: true
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionViewSupport
+ include ActionModelSupport, ActionAPISupport, ActionTabSupport, ActionPanelSupport, ActionMenuSupport
+ def self.included action
+ action.action_type :view
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ panel_template 'scaffold/view'
+ panel_title LOCS[:view_title]
+ panel[:backdrop] = true
+ menu(:panel_menu).option :cancel, icon: "remove"
+ node.parent.*.menu(:item_menu).option, icon: "file", button_loc: false
+ end
+ def field_tabs hash
+ super
+ panel_template 'scaffold/view_tabs'
+ end
+ def record handler, record
+ end
+ def invoke handler
+ handler.permit id = handler.params[:id]
+ record = find_record(handler, id)
+ if record
+ static.record(handler, record)
+ {record: record}
+ else
+ handler.halt_not_found LOCS[:no_entry]
+ end
+ end
+ def post_process
+ if fields = @meta[:fields]
+ fields = fields - static.meta[:fields] if dynamic?
+ decorate(fields)
+ fields.each do |name|
+ type_info = get_type_info(name)
+ proc = ListRendererPostProcessors[type_info[:type]]
+ proc.(self, name, type_info) if proc
+ end
+ end
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionDeleteSupport
+ include ActionModelSupport
+ def self.included action
+ action.http_method :delete
+ action.action_type :delete
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ execute "action.errors || [action.parent().invoke(), action.panel_close()]"
+ node.parent.parent.*.menu(:item_menu).option :confirm_delete, icon: "trash", show: "action.selected_size() == 0", button_loc: false
+ end
+ end
+ module ActionBulkDeleteSupport
+ include ActionModelSupport
+ def self.included action
+ action.http_method :delete
+ action.action_type :bulk_delete
+ end
+ def pre_run
+ super
+ execute "action.errors || [action.parent().invoke(), action.panel_close()]"
+ node.parent.parent.*.select_toggle_menu
+ node.parent.parent.*.menu(:menu).option_after :default_order, :confirm_bulk_delete, icon: "trash", show: "action.selected_size() > 0"
+ end
+ end
+ (FormRendererPostProcessors ||= {}).merge!(
+ boolean: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render].merge! true_value: info[:true_value], false_value: info[:false_value]
+[:dont_strip] = info[:dont_strip] if info[:dont_strip]
+ },
+ date: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render].merge! format: info[:format], model_format: info[:model_format]
+ if date_to = info[:other_date]
+[:render].merge! other_date: date_to #, format: info[:format], model_format: info[:model_format]
+ action.hide_fields date_to
+ elsif time = info[:other_time]
+[:render].merge! other_time: time
+ action.hide_fields time
+ end
+ },
+ time: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render].merge! format: info[:format], model_format: info[:model_format]
+ },
+ decimal_date: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ FormRendererPostProcessors[:date].(action, field, info)
+! field, type: :decimal_date
+ },
+ decimal_time: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ FormRendererPostProcessors[:time].(action, field, info)
+! field, type: :decimal_time
+ },
+ datetime: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render].merge! date_format: info[:date_format], time_format: info[:time_format], date_model_format: info[:date_model_format], time_model_format: info[:time_model_format]
+ },
+ currency: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render].merge! symbol: info[:symbol]
+ },
+ # date_range: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ #[field][:render].merge! other_date: info[:other_date], format: info[:format], model_format: info[:model_format]
+ # action.hide_fields info[:other_date]
+ #[field][:decimal_date] = true if info[:validations][:decimal_date]
+ # },
+ list_select: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render].merge! list: info[:list]
+ },
+ many_to_one: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ field_info =
+ field_info[:assoc] = :"#{info[:assoc_name]}!"
+ field_info[:fields] = info[:keys]
+ field_info[:type] = info[:otype]
+ (info[:keys] - [field]).each do |of|
+ f_info =
+ f_info[:hidden] = true
+ f_info[:type] = action.assets[:model].type_info[of].fetch(:otype)
+ end
+ },
+ file_store: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render].merge! multiple: info[:multiple]
+ },
+ star_to_many_field: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ field_info =
+ field_info[:assoc] = :"#{info[:assoc_name]}!"
+ }
+ )
+ (ListRendererPostProcessors ||= {}).merge!(
+ boolean: lambda{|action, field, info|
+! field, type: :boolean # move to action ?
+[:render] ||= {}
+[:render].merge! true_value: info[:true_value], false_value: info[:false_value]
+ },
+ list_select: lambda{|action, field, info|
+! field, type: :list_select
+[:render] ||= {}
+[:render].merge! list: info[:list]
+ },
+ datetime: lambda{|action, field, info|
+! field, type: :datetime
+ },
+ decimal_date: lambda{|action, field, info|
+! field, type: :decimal_date
+ },
+ decimal_time: lambda{|action, field, info|
+! field, type: :decimal_time
+ },
+ # date_range: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ #[field][:type] = :decimal_date if info[:validations][:decimal_date] # ? :decimal_date : :date
+ # }
+ )
+ (SearchRendererPostProcessors ||= {}).merge!(
+ many_to_one: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ model = action.assets[:model]
+ if model.type_info[field]
+ keys = info[:keys]
+ else
+ action.check_static_action
+ model = model.many_to_one_associations[field.table].associated_class
+ keys = info[:keys].map{|k| model.table_name.q(k)}
+ end
+ field_info =
+ field_info[:assoc] = :"#{info[:assoc_name]}!"
+ field_info[:fields] = keys
+ field_info[:type] = info[:otype]
+ (keys - [field]).each do |of|
+ f_info =
+ raise"Missing searchable field: '#{of}' in model '#{action.assets[:model]}'") unless f_info
+ f_info[:hidden_search] = true
+ f_info[:type] = model.type_info[of].fetch(:otype)
+ end
+ },
+ date: lambda{|action, field, info|
+[:render] ||= {}
+[:render].merge! format: info[:format], model_format: info[:model_format] # Model::DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT
+ },
+ decimal_date: lambda{|action, field, info|
+ SearchRendererPostProcessors[:date].(action, field, info)
+ }
+ )
+ (DefaultFormRenderers ||= {}).merge!(
+ date: lambda{|action, info|
+ info[:other_date] ? Templates.date_range : (info[:other_time] ? Templates.date_time : Templates.date_picker)
+ },
+ time: lambda{|action, info| Templates.time_picker},
+ datetime: lambda{|action, info| Templates.datetime_picker},
+ file_store: lambda{|action, info| Templates.file_store},
+ blob: lambda{|action, info| Templates.blob}, # !!!
+ blob_store: lambda{|action, info| Templates.blob},
+ foreign_blob_store: lambda{|action, info| Templates.blob},
+ string: lambda{|action, info| Templates.input_text(info[:length])},
+ text: lambda{|action, info| Templates.text},
+ integer: lambda{|action, info| Templates.integer},
+ decimal: lambda{|action, info| Templates.decimal},
+ decimal_date: lambda{|action, info| DefaultFormRenderers[:date].(action, info)},
+ decimal_time: lambda{|action, info| Templates.time_picker},
+ email: lambda{|action, info|[:length])},
+ password: lambda{|action, info| Templates.password(info[:length])},
+ # date_range: lambda{|action, info| Templates.date_range},
+ boolean: lambda{|action, info| Templates.checkbox_buttons(optional: !info[:required])},
+ currency: lambda{|action, info| Templates.currency},
+ list_select: lambda{|action, info|
+ length = info[:list].length
+ if length <= 3
+ Templates.list_buttons(optional: !info[:required])
+ elsif length <= 15
+ max_length = info[:list].max_by{|a|a.last.length}.last.length
+ Templates.list_bsselect(max_length, optional: !info[:required])
+ else
+ max_length = info[:list].max_by{|a|a.last.length}.last.length
+ Templates.list_select(max_length, optional: !info[:required])
+ end
+ },
+ star_to_many_field: lambda{|action, info| Templates.scaffold},
+ many_to_one: lambda{|action, info|
+ tmpl_type = info[:decode][:form]
+ case
+ when tmpl_type[:scaffold]; Templates.scaffold_picker
+ when tmpl_type[:list]; Templates.bsselect_picker
+ when tmpl_type[:typeahead];Templates.typeahead_picker
+ else
+ raise"Unknown decode type #{tmpl_type}")
+ end
+ }, # required/opt
+ )
+ (DefaultSearchRenderers ||= {}).merge!(
+ date: lambda{|action, info| SearchTemplates.date_range},
+ decimal_date: lambda{|action, info| SearchTemplates.date_range},
+ integer: lambda{|action, info| SearchTemplates.integer_range},
+ string: lambda{|action, info| SearchTemplates.input_text},
+ boolean: lambda{|action, info| SearchTemplates.checkbox_buttons},
+ list_select: lambda{|action, info|
+ length = info[:list].length
+ if length <= 3
+ SearchTemplates.list_buttons
+ elsif length <= 15
+ # max_length = info[:list].max_by{|a|a.last.length}.last.length
+ SearchTemplates.list_bsselect(multiple: info[:multiple])
+ else
+ # max_length = info[:list].max_by{|a|a.last.length}.last.length
+ SearchTemplates.list_select
+ end
+ },
+ many_to_one: lambda{|action, info|
+ tmpl_type = info[:decode][:search]
+ case
+ when tmpl_type[:scaffold]; SearchTemplates.scaffold_picker(multiple: tmpl_type[:multiple])
+ when tmpl_type[:list]; SearchTemplates.bsselect_picker(multiple: tmpl_type[:multiple])
+ when tmpl_type[:typeahead];SearchTemplates.typeahead_picker
+ else
+ raise"Unknown decode type #{tmpl_type}")
+ end
+ }
+ )