bin/encbs in encbs-0.1.3 vs bin/encbs in encbs-0.2.0.alpha
- old
+ new
@@ -6,220 +6,263 @@
require 'digest'
require 'fileutils'
require 'openssl'
require 'socket'
require 'helpers'
+require 'slop'
+require 'fog'
+require 'progressbar'
+require 'lzoruby'
+require 'zlib'
+require 'base64'
-safe_require do
- require 'slop'
- require 'fog'
- require 'progressbar'
require 'backup'
require 'encbsconfig'
-opts = Slop.parse :help => true do
- on :a, :add, "Add path to backup", true
- on :b, :bucket, "Set Amazon S3 bucket to backup", true
- on :c, :config, "Use config file to upload backup", true
- on :colorize, "Colorize print to console"
- on :d, :date, "Date for backup restore (default: last)", true
- on :g, :generate, "Generate RSA keys (option: 4096, 2048)", true
- on :h, :hostname, "Set hostname (default: system)", true
- on :i, :increment, "Use increment mode for backup (default: false)"
- on :j, :jar, "Versions of jar (option: hash or path)", true
- on :k, :key, "Set API key to access Amazon S3", true
- on :l, :local, "Backup in local directory", true
- on :list, "List of jars"
- on :r, :rescue, "Return data from backup (option: jar, path or filter)", true
- on :s, :secret, "Set API secret to access Amazon S3", true
- on :t, :to, "Path to recovery (default: /)", true
- on :token, "RSA Key to encrypt/decrypt backup data", true
- on :v, :verbose, "Verbose mode"
+ if lock_exists?
+ puts_fail "Lock file exists. Make sure that an encbs instance does not exists."
+ else
+ create_lock
+ end
- banner "Usage:\n $ encbs [options]\n\nOptions:"
+ opts = Slop.parse :help => true do
+ on :a, :add, "Add path to backup", true
+ on :b, :bucket, "Set Amazon S3 bucket to backup", true
+ on :c, :config, "Use config file to upload backup", true
+ on :colorize, "Colorize print to console"
+ on :compression, "Use gzip for file (de)compression (option: gzip, lzo)", true
+ on :d, :date, "Date for backup restore (default: last)", true
+ on :g, :generate, "Generate RSA keys (option: 4096, 2048)", true
+ on :h, :hostname, "Set hostname (default: system)", true
+ on :i, :increment, "Use increment mode for backup (default: false)"
+ on :j, :jar, "Versions of jar (option: hash or path)", true
+ on :k, :key, "Set API key to access Amazon S3", true
+ on :l, :local, "Backup in local directory", true
+ on :list, "List of jars"
+ on :r, :rescue, "Return data from backup (option: jar, path or filter)", true
+ on :s, :secret, "Set API secret to access Amazon S3", true
+ on :t, :to, "Path to recovery (default: /)", true
+ on :timeout, "Timeout(sec) to try pushing into cloud (default: 60s)", true
+ on :token, "RSA key to encrypt/decrypt backup data", true
+ on :size, "RSA private key length (default: 4096)", true
+ on :v, :verbose, "Verbose mode"
-@config =
+ banner "Usage:\n $ encbs [options]\n\nOptions:"
+ end
-if ARGV.empty?
- if File.exists?("#{Dir.getwd}/Encbsfile")
- @config.load "#{Dir.getwd}/Encbsfile"
- else
- puts
- exit
+ @config =
+ if ARGV.empty?
+ if File.exists?("#{Dir.getwd}/Encbsfile")
+ @config.load "#{Dir.getwd}/Encbsfile"
+ else
+ puts
+ exit
+ end
-@config.load opts[:config] if opts.config?
+ @config.load opts[:config] if opts.config?
-$PRINT_VERBOSE = @config.verbose || opts.verbose?
-$COLORIZE = @config.colorize || opts.colorize?
+ $PRINT_VERBOSE = @config.verbose || opts.verbose?
+ $COLORIZE = @config.colorize || opts.colorize?
-if opts.generate?
- bits = opts[:generate].to_i
- puts_fail "Unsupport #{bits} bits" unless bits == 4096 or bits == 2048
- puts "Generate #{bits} bits RSA keys"
- Crypto::create_keys(
- File.join(Dir.getwd, "rsa_key"),
- File.join(Dir.getwd, ""),
- bits
- )
- puts "Done!"
+ if opts.generate?
+ bits = opts[:generate].to_i
+ puts_fail "Unsupport #{bits} bits" unless bits == 4096 or bits == 2048
+ puts "Generate #{bits} bits RSA keys"
+ Crypto::create_keys(
+ File.join(Dir.getwd, "rsa_key"),
+ File.join(Dir.getwd, ""),
+ bits
+ )
+ puts "Done!"
- exit
+ exit
+ end
-if opts.local?
- try_create_dir opts[:local]
- @backup = opts[:local]
- [:key, :secret, :bucket].each do |arg|
- if opts[arg].nil? and @config.send(arg).nil?
- puts_fail "Argument '--#{arg}' should not be empty"
+ if opts.local?
+ try_create_dir opts[:local]
+ @backup = opts[:local]
+ else
+ [:key, :secret, :bucket].each do |arg|
+ if opts[arg].nil? and @config.send(arg).nil?
+ puts_fail "Argument '--#{arg}' should not be empty"
+ end
+ @backup =
+ "backups",
+ true,
+ :bucket => @config.bucket || opts[:bucket],
+ :key => @config.key || opts[:key],
+ :secret => @config.secret || opts[:secret]
+ )
- @backup =
- "backups",
- true,
- :bucket => @config.bucket || opts[:bucket],
- :key => @config.key || opts[:key],
- :secret => @config.secret || opts[:secret]
- )
-@backup.hostname = @config.hostname || (opts[:hostname] if opts.hostname?)
+ hostname = @config.hostname || opts[:hostname] if opts.hostname?
+ @backup.hostname = hostname unless hostname.nil?
-if opts.list?
- jars_list = @backup.jars
+ timeout = @config.timeout || opts[:timeout] if opts.timeout?
+ @backup.file_item.timeout = timeout unless timeout.nil?
- unless jars_list.empty?
- puts "List of jars:\n"
- jars_list.keys.sort.each do |key|
- puts " #{key.dark_green}: #{jars_list[key]}"
+ compression = @config.compression || opts[:compression] if opts.compression?
+ @backup.compression = compression unless compression.nil?
+ if opts.list?
+ jars_list = @backup.jars
+ unless jars_list.empty?
+ puts "List of jars:\n"
+ jars_list.keys.sort.each do |key|
+ puts " #{key.dark_green}: #{jars_list[key]}"
+ end
+ else
+ puts "Nothing to listing."
- else
- puts "Nothing to listing."
+ exit
- exit
+ if !!@config.token || opts.token?
+ key = @config.token || opts[:token]
+ puts_fail "Key #{key.dark_green} not found" unless File.exists? key
-if @config.token || opts.token?
- key = @config.token || opts[:token]
+ size = (@config.size || opts[:size]).to_i
+ puts_fail "Unsupport #{size} bits" unless size == 4096 or size == 2048
- puts_fail "Key #{key.dark_green} not found" unless File.exists? key
+ @backup.rsa_key(key, size)
+ end
- @backup.key = key
+ if
+ date = opts[:date].split("-")
- date = opts[:date].split("-")
+ unless date.length == 1
+ @start_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[0]
+ @end_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[1], true
- unless date.length == 1
- @start_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[0]
- @end_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[1], true
- puts_fail "Last date less than start date" if start_date > end_date
+ puts_fail "Last date less than start date" if start_date > end_date
+ else
+ @start_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[0]
+ @end_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[0], true
+ end
- @start_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[0]
- @end_date = Backup::Timestamp.parse_timestamp date[0], true
+ @start_date = nil
+ @end_date =
- @start_date = nil
- @end_date =
-if opts.jar?
- opts[:jar].split(" ").each do |jar|
- versions = @backup.jar_versions(jar)
+ if opts.jar?
+ opts[:jar].split(" ").each do |jar|
+ versions = @backup.jar_versions(jar)
- unless versions.empty?
- puts "Versions of backup '#{jar}':"
+ unless versions.empty?
+ puts "Versions of backup '#{jar}':"
- versions.each do |version|
- puts " => #{version.dark_green}: #{Backup::Timestamp.to_str(version)}"
+ versions.each do |version|
+ puts " => #{version.dark_green}: #{Backup::Timestamp.to_str(version)}"
+ end
+ else
+ puts "Versions doesn't exists for jar: #{jar}"
- else
- puts "Versions doesn't exists for jar: #{jar}"
+ exit
- exit
+ #TODO: Support rescue option as hash
+ if opts.rescue?
+ paths = opts[:rescue].split(" ")
+ jars_list = @backup.jars
-#TODO: Support rescue option as hash
-if opts.rescue?
- paths = opts[:rescue].split(" ")
- jars_list = @backup.jars
+ include_path = lambda {|path| jars_list.keys.include? path}
- include_path = lambda {|path| jars_list.keys.include? path}
+ jars_hashes = do |path|
+ path = File.expand_path path
- jars_hashes = do |path|
- path = File.expand_path path
+ unless include_path[path] or include_path["#{path}/"]
+ puts_fail "Jar \"#{path}\" not exists."
+ end
- unless include_path[path] or include_path["#{path}/"]
- puts_fail "Jar \"#{path}\" not exists."
+ jars_list[path] || jars_list["#{path}/"]
- jars_list[path] || jars_list["#{path}/"]
- end
+ if
+ @to = File.expand_path opts[:to]
+ try_create_dir @to
+ else
+ @to = "/"
+ end
- if
- @to = File.expand_path opts[:to]
- try_create_dir @to
- else
- @to = "/"
- end
+ #TODO: Confirm flag
+ #TODO: Empty destination directory
- #TODO: Confirm flag
- #TODO: Empty destination directory
+ @index = {}
- @index = {}
+ jars_hashes.each do |hash|
+ versions = @backup.jar_versions(hash)
+ # puts "Versions: #{versions}" #FIXME
- jars_hashes.each do |hash|
- versions = @backup.jar_versions(hash)
- # puts "Versions: #{versions}" #FIXME
+ last_version = Backup::Timestamp.last_from(versions, @end_date, @start_date)
- last_version = Backup::Timestamp.last_from(versions, @end_date, @start_date)
- unless last_version.nil?
- @index[hash] = last_version
- else
- error_path = "#{Backup::Jar.hash_to_path(@backup.root_path, hash)}"
- start_date = Backup::Timestamp.to_s(@start_date)
- end_date = Backup::Timestamp.to_s(@end_date)
- unless @end_date == @start_date
- puts_fail "Nothing found for #{error_path}, between date: #{start_date} - #{end_date}"
+ unless last_version.nil?
+ @index[hash] = last_version
- puts_fail "Nothing found for #{error_path}, for date: #{end_date}"
+ error_path = "#{Backup::Jar.hash_to_path(@backup.file_item, @backup.root_path, hash)}"
+ start_date = Backup::Timestamp.to_s(@start_date)
+ end_date = Backup::Timestamp.to_s(@end_date)
+ unless @start_date.nil?
+ puts_fail "Nothing found for #{error_path}, between date: #{start_date} - #{end_date}"
+ else
+ puts_fail "Nothing found for #{error_path}, for date: #{end_date}"
+ end
- end
- @index.each do |hash, timestamp|
- # puts "#{hash}: #{timestamp}" #FIXME
- @backup.restore_jar_to(hash, timestamp, @to)
+ @index.each do |hash, timestamp|
+ @backup.restore_jar_to(hash, timestamp, @to)
+ end
+ puts "Done!".green
+ exit
- puts "Done!".green
- exit
+ if !!@config.paths or opts.add?
+ if File.exists? "/var/tmp/encbs.swap"
+ meta = YAML::load open("/var/tmp/encbs.swap").read
+ jar_path, timestamp = meta[:jar_path], meta[:timestamp]
+ dirs = @backup.file_item.dir File.expand_path("../", jar_path)
+ if dirs.include? File.basename(jar_path)
+ meta.delete :timestamp
+ meta.delete :jar_path
-if @config.paths || opts.add?
- paths = @config.paths.split(" ") || opts[:add].split(" ")
+ @backup.file_item.create_file_once(
+ "#{jar_path}/#{timestamp}.yml",
+ meta.to_yaml
+ )
+ FileUtils.rm "/var/tmp/encbs.swap"
+ end
+ end
+ if opts.add?
+ paths = opts[:add].split(" ")
+ else
+ paths = @config.paths.split(" ")
+ end
- paths = do |path|
- path = File.expand_path path
- puts_fail "Path \"#{path}\" not exists." unless File.exists? path
+ paths = do |path|
+ path = File.expand_path path
+ puts_fail "Path \"#{path}\" not exists." unless File.exists? path
- path
- end
+ path
+ end
- paths.each do |path|
- @backup.create! path, @config.increment || opts.increment?
- end
+ paths.each do |path|
+ @backup.create! path, @config.increment || opts.increment?
+ end
- puts "Done!".green
+ puts "Done!".green
+ end
+ remove_lock
\ No newline at end of file