lib/buby.rb in emonti-buby-1.1.3 vs lib/buby.rb in emonti-buby-
- old
+ new
@@ -116,52 +116,58 @@
# Send an HTTP request to the Burp Scanner tool to perform an active
# vulnerability scan.
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
- # * req = The full HTTP request.
+ # * req = The full HTTP request. (String or Java bytes[])
def doActiveScan(host, port, https, req)
- _check_cb.doActiveScan(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes)
+ req = req.to_java_bytes if req.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.doActiveScan(host, port, https, req)
alias do_active_scan doActiveScan
alias active_scan doActiveScan
# Send an HTTP request and response to the Burp Scanner tool to perform a
# passive vulnerability scan.
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
- # * req = The full HTTP request.
- # * rsp = The full HTTP response.
+ # * req = The full HTTP request. (String or Java bytes[])
+ # * rsp = The full HTTP response. (String or Java bytes[])
def doPassiveScan(host, port, https, req, rsp)
- _check_cb.doPassiveScan(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes, rsp.to_java_bytes)
+ req = req.to_java_bytes if req.is_a? String
+ rsp = rsp.to_java_bytes if rsp.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.doPassiveScan(host, port, https, req, rsp)
alias do_passive_scan doPassiveScan
alias passive_scan doPassiveScan
# Exclude the specified URL from the Suite-wide scope.
# * url = The URL to exclude from the Suite-wide scope.
def excludeFromScope(url)
- _check_cb.excludeFromScope(
+ url = if url.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.excludeFromScope(url)
alias exclude_from_scope excludeFromScope
alias exclude_scope excludeFromScope
# Include the specified URL in the Suite-wide scope.
# * url = The URL to exclude in the Suite-wide scope.
def includeInScope(url)
- _check_cb.includeInScope(
+ url = if url.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.includeInScope(url)
alias include_in_scope includeInScope
alias include_scope includeInScope
# Query whether a specified URL is within the current Suite-wide scope.
# * url = The URL to query
# Returns: true / false
def isInScope(url)
- _check_cb.isInScope(
+ url = if url.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.isInScope(url)
alias is_in_scope isInScope
alias in_scope? isInScope
# Display a message in the Burp Suite alerts tab.
@@ -174,48 +180,50 @@
# Issue an arbitrary HTTP request and retrieve its response
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
- # * req = The full HTTP request.
+ # * req = The full HTTP request. (String or Java bytes[])
# Returns: The full response retrieved from the remote server.
def makeHttpRequest(host, port, https, req)
- String.from_java_bytes(
- _check_cb.makeHttpRequest(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes)
- )
+ req = req.to_java_bytes if req.is_a? String
+ String.from_java_bytes( _check_cb.makeHttpRequest(host, port, https, req) )
alias make_http_request makeHttpRequest
alias make_request makeHttpRequest
# Send an HTTP request to the Burp Intruder tool
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
- # * req = The full HTTP request.
+ # * req = The full HTTP request. (String or Java bytes[])
def sendToIntruder(host, port, https, req)
- _check_cb.sendToIntruder(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes)
+ req = req.to_java_bytes if req.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.sendToIntruder(host, port, https, req)
alias send_to_intruder sendToIntruder
alias intruder sendToIntruder
# Send an HTTP request to the Burp Repeater tool.
# * host = The hostname of the remote HTTP server.
# * port = The port of the remote HTTP server.
# * https = Flags whether the protocol is HTTPS or HTTP.
- # * req = The full HTTP request.
+ # * req = The full HTTP request. (String or Java bytes[])
# * tab = The tab caption displayed in Repeater. (default: auto-generated)
def sendToRepeater(host, port, https, req, tab=nil)
- _check_cb.sendToRepeater(host, port, https, req.to_java_bytes, tab)
+ req = req.to_java_bytes if req.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.sendToRepeater(host, port, https, req, tab)
alias send_to_repeater sendToRepeater
alias repeater sendToRepeater
# Send a seed URL to the Burp Spider tool.
# * url = The new seed URL to begin spidering from.
def sendToSpider(url)
- _check_cb.includeInScope(
+ url = if url.is_a? String
+ _check_cb.includeInScope(url)
alias send_to_spider sendToSpider
alias spider sendToSpider
# This method is a __send__ call back gate for the IBurpExtenderCallbacks
@@ -287,29 +295,31 @@
# containing parameters as they are structured in the 'Parameters' tab in the
# Burp request UI.
# IMPORTANT: This method is only available with Burp 1.2.09 and higher.
- # req = raw request string (converted to Java bytes[] in passing)
+ # req = raw request (String or Java bytes[])
def getParameters(req)
- _check_and_callback(:getParameters, req.to_s.to_java_bytes)
+ req = req.to_java_bytes if req.is_a? String
+ _check_and_callback(:getParameters, req)
alias parameters getParameters
alias get_parameters getParameters
# Parses a raw HTTP message (request or response ) and returns an associative
# array containing the headers as they are structured in the 'Headers' tab
# in the Burp request/response viewer UI.
# IMPORTANT: This method is only available with Burp 1.2.09 and higher.
- # msg = raw request/response string (converted to Java bytes[] in passing)
+ # msg = raw request/response (String or Java bytes[])
def getHeaders(msg)
- _check_and_callback(:getHeaders, msg.to_s.to_java_bytes)
+ msg = msg.to_java_bytes if msg.is_a? String
+ _check_and_callback(:getHeaders, msg)
alias headers getHeaders
- alias get_Headers getHeaders
+ alias get_headers getHeaders
### Event Handlers ###
# This method is called by the BurpExtender java implementation upon
@@ -500,10 +510,10 @@
# This method should be overridden if you wish to implement functionality
# relating to generalized requests and responses from any BurpSuite tool.
# You may want to use evt_proxy_message if you only intend to work with only
# proxied messages. Note, however, the IHttpRequestResponse Java object is
- # not used in evt_proxy_http_message and gives evt_http_message a somewhat
+ # not used in evt_proxy_message and gives evt_http_message a somewhat
# nicer interface to work with.
# Parameters:
# * tool_name = a string name of the tool that generated the message