lib/emittance/event.rb in emittance-0.0.1 vs lib/emittance/event.rb in emittance-0.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,25 +1,73 @@
-class Emittance::Event
- class << self
- # @return [Symbol] the identifier that can be used by the {Emittance::Broker broker} to find event handlers.
- def identifier
- Emittance::Event::EventBuilder.klass_to_identifier self
- end
+# frozen_string_literal: true
- # @private
- def event_klass_for(identifier)
- Emittance::Event::EventBuilder.object_to_klass identifier
+module Emittance
+ ##
+ # Basic usage of Emittance doesn't require that you fiddle with objects of type +Emittance::Event+. However, this
+ # class is open for you to inherit from in the cases where you would like to customize some aspects of the event.
+ #
+ # To define a custom event, just inherit from +Emittance::Event+:
+ #
+ # class FooEvent < Emittance::Event
+ # end
+ #
+ # One common use case for this is to make sure all payloads share the same format. You can do this however you'd like.
+ # We've provided an +InvalidPayloadError+ class for that purpose. Here's one example of how that might happen:
+ #
+ # class FooEvent < Emittance::Event
+ # def initialize(emitter, timestamp, payload)
+ # super
+ # validate_payload
+ # end
+ #
+ # private
+ #
+ # def validate_payload
+ # raise Emittance::InvalidPayloadError unless payload.is_a?(String)
+ # end
+ # end
+ #
+ # == Custom Identifiers
+ #
+ # By default, the identifier for this event will be the snake_case form of the class name with +Event+ chopped off:
+ #
+ # FooEvent.identifier # => :foo
+ #
+ # You can set a custom identifier for the event class like so:
+ #
+ # FooEvent.add_identifier :bar
+ #
+ # Now, when emitters emit +:bar+, this will be the event received by watchers.
+ #
+ class Event
+ class << self
+ # @return [Symbol] the identifier that can be used by the {Emittance::Broker broker} to find event handlers
+ def identifier
+ EventBuilder.klass_to_identifier self
+ end
+ # Gives the Event object a custom identifier.
+ #
+ # @param sym [Symbol] the identifier you wish to identify this event by when emitting and watching for it
+ def add_identifier(sym)
+ EventBuilder.register_custom_identifier self, sym
+ end
+ # @private
+ def event_klass_for(*identifiers)
+ EventBuilder.objects_to_klass *identifiers
+ end
- end
- attr_reader :emitter, :timestamp, :payload
+ attr_reader :emitter, :timestamp, :payload
- def initialize(emitter, timestamp, payload)
- @emitter = emitter
- @timestamp = timestamp
- @payload = payload
- end
+ def initialize(emitter, timestamp, payload)
+ @emitter = emitter
+ @timestamp = timestamp
+ @payload = payload
+ end
- def identifier
- self.class.identifier
+ def identifier
+ self.class.identifier
+ end