tasks/setup.rb in emdrb-0.3.1 vs tasks/setup.rb in emdrb-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
-# $Id: setup.rb 59 2009-01-23 09:10:01Z dido $
require 'rubygems'
require 'rake'
require 'rake/clean'
require 'fileutils'
require 'ostruct'
+require 'find'
-class OpenStruct; undef :gem; end
+class OpenStruct; undef :gem if defined? :gem; end
+# TODO: make my own openstruct type object that includes descriptions
+# TODO: use the descriptions to output help on the available bones options
PROJ = OpenStruct.new(
# Project Defaults
:name => nil,
:summary => nil,
:description => nil,
@@ -23,12 +26,12 @@
# System Defaults
:ruby_opts => %w(-w),
:libs => [],
:history_file => 'History.txt',
- :manifest_file => 'Manifest.txt',
:readme_file => 'README.txt',
+ :ignore_file => '.bnsignore',
# Announce
:ann => OpenStruct.new(
:file => 'announcement.txt',
:text => nil,
@@ -46,10 +49,11 @@
# Gem Packaging
:gem => OpenStruct.new(
:dependencies => [],
+ :development_dependencies => [],
:executables => nil,
:extensions => FileList['ext/**/extconf.rb'],
:files => nil,
:need_tar => true,
:need_zip => false,
@@ -57,11 +61,11 @@
# File Annotations
:notes => OpenStruct.new(
:exclude => %w(^tasks/setup\.rb$),
- :extensions => %w(.txt .rb .erb) << '',
+ :extensions => %w(.txt .rb .erb .rdoc) << '',
# Rcov
:rcov => OpenStruct.new(
@@ -72,11 +76,11 @@
# Rdoc
:rdoc => OpenStruct.new(
:opts => [],
- :include => %w(^lib/ ^bin/ ^ext/ \.txt$),
+ :include => %w(^lib/ ^bin/ ^ext/ \.txt$ \.rdoc$),
:exclude => %w(extconf\.rb$),
:main => nil,
:dir => 'doc',
:remote_dir => nil
@@ -108,22 +112,22 @@
:opts => []
# Load the other rake files in the tasks folder
-rakefiles = Dir.glob('tasks/*.rake').sort
+tasks_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))
+post_load_fn = File.join(tasks_dir, 'post_load.rake')
+rakefiles = Dir.glob(File.join(tasks_dir, '*.rake')).sort
# Setup the project libraries
%w(lib ext).each {|dir| PROJ.libs << dir if test ?d, dir}
# Setup some constants
-WIN32 = %r/djgpp|(cyg|ms|bcc)win|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM unless defined? WIN32
+DEV_NULL = File.exist?('/dev/null') ? '/dev/null' : 'NUL:'
-DEV_NULL = WIN32 ? 'NUL:' : '/dev/null'
def quiet( &block )
io = [STDOUT.dup, STDERR.dup]
@@ -131,25 +135,19 @@
STDOUT.reopen io.first
STDERR.reopen io.last
$stdout, $stderr = STDOUT, STDERR
-DIFF = if WIN32 then 'diff.exe'
- else
- if quiet {system "gdiff", __FILE__, __FILE__} then 'gdiff'
- else 'diff' end
- end unless defined? DIFF
+DIFF = if system("gdiff '#{__FILE__}' '#{__FILE__}' > #{DEV_NULL} 2>&1") then 'gdiff'
+ else 'diff' end unless defined? DIFF
-SUDO = if WIN32 then ''
- else
- if quiet {system 'which sudo'} then 'sudo'
- else '' end
- end
+SUDO = if system("which sudo > #{DEV_NULL} 2>&1") then 'sudo'
+ else '' end unless defined? SUDO
-RCOV = WIN32 ? 'rcov.bat' : 'rcov'
-RDOC = WIN32 ? 'rdoc.bat' : 'rdoc'
-GEM = WIN32 ? 'gem.bat' : 'gem'
+RCOV = "#{RUBY} -S rcov"
+RDOC = "#{RUBY} -S rdoc"
+GEM = "#{RUBY} -S gem"
%w(rcov spec/rake/spectask rubyforge bones facets/ansicode).each do |lib|
require lib
Object.instance_eval {const_set "HAVE_#{lib.tr('/','_').upcase}", true}
@@ -160,10 +158,16 @@
HAVE_SVN = (Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).include?('.svn') and
system("svn --version 2>&1 > #{DEV_NULL}"))
HAVE_GIT = (Dir.entries(Dir.pwd).include?('.git') and
system("git --version 2>&1 > #{DEV_NULL}"))
+# Add bones as a development dependency
+ PROJ.gem.development_dependencies << ['bones', ">= #{Bones::VERSION}"]
# Reads a file at +path+ and spits out an array of the +paragraphs+
# specified.
# changes = paragraphs_of('History.txt', 0..1).join("\n\n")
# summary, *description = paragraphs_of('README.txt', 3, 3..8)
@@ -241,12 +245,32 @@
# Scans the current working directory and creates a list of files that are
# candidates to be in the manifest.
-def manifest_files
+def manifest
files = []
- exclude = Regexp.new(PROJ.exclude.join('|'))
+ exclude = PROJ.exclude.dup
+ comment = %r/^\s*#/
+ # process the ignore file and add the items there to the exclude list
+ if test(?f, PROJ.ignore_file)
+ ary = []
+ File.readlines(PROJ.ignore_file).each do |line|
+ next if line =~ comment
+ line.chomp!
+ line.strip!
+ next if line.nil? or line.empty?
+ glob = line =~ %r/\*\./ ? File.join('**', line) : line
+ Dir.glob(glob).each {|fn| ary << "^#{Regexp.escape(fn)}"}
+ end
+ exclude.concat ary
+ end
+ # generate a regular expression from the exclude list
+ exclude = Regexp.new(exclude.join('|'))
Find.find '.' do |path|
path.sub! %r/^(\.\/|\/)/o, ''
next unless test ?f, path
next if path =~ exclude
files << path