in embulk-output-td-0.1.5 vs in embulk-output-td-0.1.6
- old
+ new
@@ -13,18 +13,19 @@
- **apikey**: apikey (string, required)
- **endpoint**: hostname (string, default='')
- **http_proxy**: http proxy configuration (tuple of host, port and useSsl, default is null)
- **use_ssl**: the flag (boolean, default=true)
- **auto_create_table**: the flag for creating the database and/or the table if they don't exist (boolean, default=true)
-- **mode**: two ways to modify data [append, replace] (string, default='append')
+- **mode**: two ways 'append' and 'replace' to modify data (string, default='append')
- **database**: database name (string, required)
- **table**: table name (string, required)
- **session**: bulk_import session name (string, optional)
- **time_column**: user-defined time column (string, optional)
- **unix_timestamp_unit**: if type of "time" or **time_column** is long, it's considered unix timestamp. This option specify its unit in sec, milli, micro or nano (enum, default: `sec`)
- **tmpdir**: temporal directory
- **upload_concurrency**: upload concurrency (int, default=2). max concurrency is 8.
- **file_split_size**: split size (long, default=16384 (16MB)).
+- **default_timestamp_type_convert_to**: configure output type of timestamp columns. Available options are "sec" (convert timestamp to UNIX timestamp in seconds) and "string" (convert timestamp to string). (string, default: `"string"`)
- **default_timezone**: default timezone (string, default='UTC')
- **default_timestamp_format**: default timestamp format (string, default=`%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6N`)
- **column_options**: advanced: a key-value pairs where key is a column name and value is options for the column.
- **timezone**: If input column type (embulk type) is timestamp, this plugin needs to format the timestamp value into a SQL string. In this cases, this timezone option is used to control the timezone. (string, value of default_timezone option is used by default)
- **format**: If input column type (embulk type) is timestamp, this plugin needs to format the timestamp value into a string. This timestamp_format option is used to control the format of the timestamp. (string, value of default_timestamp_format option is used by default)