in embulk-input-redshift-0.7.1 vs in embulk-input-redshift-0.7.2

- old
+ new

@@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ - **query**: SQL to run (string) - If **query** is not set, - **table**: destination table name (string, required) - **select**: comma-separated list of columns to select (string, default: "*") - **where**: WHERE condition to filter the rows (string, default: no-condition) + - **order_by**: name of the column that rows are sorted by (string, default: not sorted) - **default_timezone**: If the sql type of a column is `date`/`time`/`datetime` and the embulk type is `string`, column values are formatted int this default_timezone. You can overwrite timezone for each columns using column_options option. (string, default: `UTC`) - **column_options**: advanced: a key-value pairs where key is a column name and value is options for the column. - **value_type**: embulk get values from database as this value_type. Typically, the value_type determines `getXXX` method of `java.sql.PreparedStatement`. (string, default: depends on the sql type of the column. Available values options are: `long`, `double`, `float`, `decimal`, `boolean`, `string`, `json`, `date`, `time`, `timestamp`) - **type**: Column values are converted to this embulk type.