dist/globals/ember-data.prod.js in ember-data-source-2.4.0.beta.2 vs dist/globals/ember-data.prod.js in ember-data-source-2.4.0.beta.3
- old
+ new
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@
* @overview Ember Data
* @copyright Copyright 2011-2016 Tilde Inc. and contributors.
* Portions Copyright 2011 LivingSocial Inc.
* @license Licensed under MIT license (see license.js)
- * @version 2.4.0-beta.2
+ * @version 2.4.0-beta.3
var define, requireModule, require, requirejs;
(function() {
@@ -929,509 +929,10 @@
exports.RESTSerializer = _emberDataSerializersRest.default;
@module ember-data
-define('ember-data/-private/serializers/embedded-records-mixin', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-data/-private/debug'], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataPrivateDebug) {
- function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
- var get = _ember.default.get;
- var set = _ember.default.set;
- var camelize = _ember.default.String.camelize;
- /**
- ## Using Embedded Records
- `DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin` supports serializing embedded records.
- To set up embedded records, include the mixin when extending a serializer,
- then define and configure embedded (model) relationships.
- Below is an example of a per-type serializer (`post` type).
- ```app/serializers/post.js
- import DS from 'ember-data';
- export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
- attrs: {
- author: { embedded: 'always' },
- comments: { serialize: 'ids' }
- }
- });
- ```
- Note that this use of `{ embedded: 'always' }` is unrelated to
- the `{ embedded: 'always' }` that is defined as an option on `DS.attr` as part of
- defining a model while working with the `ActiveModelSerializer`. Nevertheless,
- using `{ embedded: 'always' }` as an option to `DS.attr` is not a valid way to setup
- embedded records.
- The `attrs` option for a resource `{ embedded: 'always' }` is shorthand for:
- ```js
- {
- serialize: 'records',
- deserialize: 'records'
- }
- ```
- ### Configuring Attrs
- A resource's `attrs` option may be set to use `ids`, `records` or false for the
- `serialize` and `deserialize` settings.
- The `attrs` property can be set on the `ApplicationSerializer` or a per-type
- serializer.
- In the case where embedded JSON is expected while extracting a payload (reading)
- the setting is `deserialize: 'records'`, there is no need to use `ids` when
- extracting as that is the default behavior without this mixin if you are using
- the vanilla `EmbeddedRecordsMixin`. Likewise, to embed JSON in the payload while
- serializing `serialize: 'records'` is the setting to use. There is an option of
- not embedding JSON in the serialized payload by using `serialize: 'ids'`. If you
- do not want the relationship sent at all, you can use `serialize: false`.
- ### EmbeddedRecordsMixin defaults
- If you do not overwrite `attrs` for a specific relationship, the `EmbeddedRecordsMixin`
- will behave in the following way:
- BelongsTo: `{ serialize: 'id', deserialize: 'id' }`
- HasMany: `{ serialize: false, deserialize: 'ids' }`
- ### Model Relationships
- Embedded records must have a model defined to be extracted and serialized. Note that
- when defining any relationships on your model such as `belongsTo` and `hasMany`, you
- should not both specify `async: true` and also indicate through the serializer's
- `attrs` attribute that the related model should be embedded for deserialization.
- If a model is declared embedded for deserialization (`embedded: 'always'` or `deserialize: 'records'`),
- then do not use `async: true`.
- To successfully extract and serialize embedded records the model relationships
- must be setup correcty. See the
- [defining relationships](/guides/models/defining-models/#toc_defining-relationships)
- section of the **Defining Models** guide page.
- Records without an `id` property are not considered embedded records, model
- instances must have an `id` property to be used with Ember Data.
- ### Example JSON payloads, Models and Serializers
- **When customizing a serializer it is important to grok what the customizations
- are. Please read the docs for the methods this mixin provides, in case you need
- to modify it to fit your specific needs.**
- For example review the docs for each method of this mixin:
- * [normalize](/api/data/classes/DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin.html#method_normalize)
- * [serializeBelongsTo](/api/data/classes/DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin.html#method_serializeBelongsTo)
- * [serializeHasMany](/api/data/classes/DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin.html#method_serializeHasMany)
- @class EmbeddedRecordsMixin
- @namespace DS
- */
- exports.default = _ember.default.Mixin.create({
- /**
- Normalize the record and recursively normalize/extract all the embedded records
- while pushing them into the store as they are encountered
- A payload with an attr configured for embedded records needs to be extracted:
- ```js
- {
- "post": {
- "id": "1"
- "title": "Rails is omakase",
- "comments": [{
- "id": "1",
- "body": "Rails is unagi"
- }, {
- "id": "2",
- "body": "Omakase O_o"
- }]
- }
- }
- ```
- @method normalize
- @param {DS.Model} typeClass
- @param {Object} hash to be normalized
- @param {String} prop the hash has been referenced by
- @return {Object} the normalized hash
- **/
- normalize: function (typeClass, hash, prop) {
- var normalizedHash = this._super(typeClass, hash, prop);
- return this._extractEmbeddedRecords(this, this.store, typeClass, normalizedHash);
- },
- keyForRelationship: function (key, typeClass, method) {
- if (method === 'serialize' && this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(key) || method === 'deserialize' && this.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(key)) {
- return this.keyForAttribute(key, method);
- } else {
- return this._super(key, typeClass, method) || key;
- }
- },
- /**
- Serialize `belongsTo` relationship when it is configured as an embedded object.
- This example of an author model belongs to a post model:
- ```js
- Post = DS.Model.extend({
- title: DS.attr('string'),
- body: DS.attr('string'),
- author: DS.belongsTo('author')
- });
- Author = DS.Model.extend({
- name: DS.attr('string'),
- post: DS.belongsTo('post')
- });
- ```
- Use a custom (type) serializer for the post model to configure embedded author
- ```app/serializers/post.js
- import DS from 'ember-data;
- export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
- attrs: {
- author: { embedded: 'always' }
- }
- })
- ```
- A payload with an attribute configured for embedded records can serialize
- the records together under the root attribute's payload:
- ```js
- {
- "post": {
- "id": "1"
- "title": "Rails is omakase",
- "author": {
- "id": "2"
- "name": "dhh"
- }
- }
- }
- ```
- @method serializeBelongsTo
- @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
- @param {Object} json
- @param {Object} relationship
- */
- serializeBelongsTo: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
- var attr = relationship.key;
- if (this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(attr)) {
- this._super(snapshot, json, relationship);
- return;
- }
- var includeIds = this.hasSerializeIdsOption(attr);
- var includeRecords = this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(attr);
- var embeddedSnapshot = snapshot.belongsTo(attr);
- var key;
- if (includeIds) {
- key = this.keyForRelationship(attr, relationship.kind, 'serialize');
- if (!embeddedSnapshot) {
- json[key] = null;
- } else {
- json[key] = embeddedSnapshot.id;
- if (relationship.options.polymorphic) {
- this.serializePolymorphicType(snapshot, json, relationship);
- }
- }
- } else if (includeRecords) {
- this._serializeEmbeddedBelongsTo(snapshot, json, relationship);
- }
- },
- _serializeEmbeddedBelongsTo: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
- var embeddedSnapshot = snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key);
- var serializedKey = this.keyForRelationship(relationship.key, relationship.kind, 'serialize');
- if (!embeddedSnapshot) {
- json[serializedKey] = null;
- } else {
- json[serializedKey] = embeddedSnapshot.record.serialize({ includeId: true });
- this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(snapshot, embeddedSnapshot, relationship, json[serializedKey]);
- if (relationship.options.polymorphic) {
- this.serializePolymorphicType(snapshot, json, relationship);
- }
- }
- },
- /**
- Serialize `hasMany` relationship when it is configured as embedded objects.
- This example of a post model has many comments:
- ```js
- Post = DS.Model.extend({
- title: DS.attr('string'),
- body: DS.attr('string'),
- comments: DS.hasMany('comment')
- });
- Comment = DS.Model.extend({
- body: DS.attr('string'),
- post: DS.belongsTo('post')
- });
- ```
- Use a custom (type) serializer for the post model to configure embedded comments
- ```app/serializers/post.js
- import DS from 'ember-data;
- export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
- attrs: {
- comments: { embedded: 'always' }
- }
- })
- ```
- A payload with an attribute configured for embedded records can serialize
- the records together under the root attribute's payload:
- ```js
- {
- "post": {
- "id": "1"
- "title": "Rails is omakase",
- "body": "I want this for my ORM, I want that for my template language..."
- "comments": [{
- "id": "1",
- "body": "Rails is unagi"
- }, {
- "id": "2",
- "body": "Omakase O_o"
- }]
- }
- }
- ```
- The attrs options object can use more specific instruction for extracting and
- serializing. When serializing, an option to embed `ids` or `records` can be set.
- When extracting the only option is `records`.
- So `{ embedded: 'always' }` is shorthand for:
- `{ serialize: 'records', deserialize: 'records' }`
- To embed the `ids` for a related object (using a hasMany relationship):
- ```app/serializers/post.js
- import DS from 'ember-data;
- export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
- attrs: {
- comments: { serialize: 'ids', deserialize: 'records' }
- }
- })
- ```
- ```js
- {
- "post": {
- "id": "1"
- "title": "Rails is omakase",
- "body": "I want this for my ORM, I want that for my template language..."
- "comments": ["1", "2"]
- }
- }
- ```
- @method serializeHasMany
- @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
- @param {Object} json
- @param {Object} relationship
- */
- serializeHasMany: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
- var attr = relationship.key;
- if (this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(attr)) {
- this._super(snapshot, json, relationship);
- return;
- }
- var includeIds = this.hasSerializeIdsOption(attr);
- var includeRecords = this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(attr);
- if (includeIds) {
- var serializedKey = this.keyForRelationship(attr, relationship.kind, 'serialize');
- json[serializedKey] = snapshot.hasMany(attr, { ids: true });
- } else if (includeRecords) {
- this._serializeEmbeddedHasMany(snapshot, json, relationship);
- }
- },
- _serializeEmbeddedHasMany: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
- var serializedKey = this.keyForRelationship(relationship.key, relationship.kind, 'serialize');
- json[serializedKey] = this._generateSerializedHasMany(snapshot, relationship);
- },
- /*
- Returns an array of embedded records serialized to JSON
- */
- _generateSerializedHasMany: function (snapshot, relationship) {
- var hasMany = snapshot.hasMany(relationship.key);
- var manyArray = _ember.default.A(hasMany);
- var ret = new Array(manyArray.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < manyArray.length; i++) {
- var embeddedSnapshot = manyArray[i];
- var embeddedJson = embeddedSnapshot.record.serialize({ includeId: true });
- this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(snapshot, embeddedSnapshot, relationship, embeddedJson);
- ret[i] = embeddedJson;
- }
- return ret;
- },
- /**
- When serializing an embedded record, modify the property (in the json payload)
- that refers to the parent record (foreign key for relationship).
- Serializing a `belongsTo` relationship removes the property that refers to the
- parent record
- Serializing a `hasMany` relationship does not remove the property that refers to
- the parent record.
- @method removeEmbeddedForeignKey
- @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
- @param {DS.Snapshot} embeddedSnapshot
- @param {Object} relationship
- @param {Object} json
- */
- removeEmbeddedForeignKey: function (snapshot, embeddedSnapshot, relationship, json) {
- if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
- return;
- } else if (relationship.kind === 'belongsTo') {
- var parentRecord = snapshot.type.inverseFor(relationship.key, this.store);
- if (parentRecord) {
- var name = parentRecord.name;
- var embeddedSerializer = this.store.serializerFor(embeddedSnapshot.modelName);
- var parentKey = embeddedSerializer.keyForRelationship(name, parentRecord.kind, 'deserialize');
- if (parentKey) {
- delete json[parentKey];
- }
- }
- }
- },
- // checks config for attrs option to embedded (always) - serialize and deserialize
- hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption: function (attr) {
- var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
- return option && option.embedded === 'always';
- },
- // checks config for attrs option to serialize ids
- hasSerializeRecordsOption: function (attr) {
- var alwaysEmbed = this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(attr);
- var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
- return alwaysEmbed || option && option.serialize === 'records';
- },
- // checks config for attrs option to serialize records
- hasSerializeIdsOption: function (attr) {
- var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
- return option && (option.serialize === 'ids' || option.serialize === 'id');
- },
- // checks config for attrs option to serialize records
- noSerializeOptionSpecified: function (attr) {
- var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
- return !(option && (option.serialize || option.embedded));
- },
- // checks config for attrs option to deserialize records
- // a defined option object for a resource is treated the same as
- // `deserialize: 'records'`
- hasDeserializeRecordsOption: function (attr) {
- var alwaysEmbed = this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(attr);
- var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
- return alwaysEmbed || option && option.deserialize === 'records';
- },
- attrsOption: function (attr) {
- var attrs = this.get('attrs');
- return attrs && (attrs[camelize(attr)] || attrs[attr]);
- },
- /**
- @method _extractEmbeddedRecords
- @private
- */
- _extractEmbeddedRecords: function (serializer, store, typeClass, partial) {
- var _this = this;
- typeClass.eachRelationship(function (key, relationship) {
- if (serializer.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(key)) {
- if (relationship.kind === "hasMany") {
- _this._extractEmbeddedHasMany(store, key, partial, relationship);
- }
- if (relationship.kind === "belongsTo") {
- _this._extractEmbeddedBelongsTo(store, key, partial, relationship);
- }
- }
- });
- return partial;
- },
- /**
- @method _extractEmbeddedHasMany
- @private
- */
- _extractEmbeddedHasMany: function (store, key, hash, relationshipMeta) {
- var relationshipHash = get(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key + '.data');
- if (!relationshipHash) {
- return;
- }
- var hasMany = new Array(relationshipHash.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < relationshipHash.length; i++) {
- var item = relationshipHash[i];
- var _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship = this._normalizeEmbeddedRelationship(store, relationshipMeta, item);
- var data = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship.data;
- var included = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship.included;
- hash.included = hash.included || [];
- hash.included.push(data);
- if (included) {
- var _hash$included;
- (_hash$included = hash.included).push.apply(_hash$included, _toConsumableArray(included));
- }
- hasMany[i] = { id: data.id, type: data.type };
- }
- var relationship = { data: hasMany };
- set(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key, relationship);
- },
- /**
- @method _extractEmbeddedBelongsTo
- @private
- */
- _extractEmbeddedBelongsTo: function (store, key, hash, relationshipMeta) {
- var relationshipHash = get(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key + '.data');
- if (!relationshipHash) {
- return;
- }
- var _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship2 = this._normalizeEmbeddedRelationship(store, relationshipMeta, relationshipHash);
- var data = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship2.data;
- var included = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship2.included;
- hash.included = hash.included || [];
- hash.included.push(data);
- if (included) {
- var _hash$included2;
- (_hash$included2 = hash.included).push.apply(_hash$included2, _toConsumableArray(included));
- }
- var belongsTo = { id: data.id, type: data.type };
- var relationship = { data: belongsTo };
- set(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key, relationship);
- },
- /**
- @method _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship
- @private
- */
- _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship: function (store, relationshipMeta, relationshipHash) {
- var modelName = relationshipMeta.type;
- if (relationshipMeta.options.polymorphic) {
- modelName = relationshipHash.type;
- }
- var modelClass = store.modelFor(modelName);
- var serializer = store.serializerFor(modelName);
- return serializer.normalize(modelClass, relationshipHash, null);
- }
- });
define("ember-data/-private/system/clone-null", ["exports", "ember-data/-private/system/empty-object"], function (exports, _emberDataPrivateSystemEmptyObject) {
exports.default = cloneNull;
function cloneNull(source) {
var clone = new _emberDataPrivateSystemEmptyObject.default();
@@ -2346,10 +1847,37 @@
+ The JSON API spec also allows for object level errors to be placed
+ in an object with pointer `data`.
+ ```javascript
+ {
+ "errors": [
+ {
+ "detail": "Some generic non property error message",
+ "source": {
+ "pointer": "data"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ```
+ You can access these errors by using the `base` property on the errors
+ object.
+ ```handlebars
+ {{#each model.errors.base as |error|}}
+ <div class="error">
+ {{error.message}}
+ </div>
+ {{/each}}
+ ```
@class Errors
@namespace DS
@extends Ember.Object
@uses Ember.Enumerable
@uses Ember.Evented
@@ -7170,11 +6698,10 @@
get: function (key) {
var relationship = this._internalModel._relationships.get(key);
return relationship.getRecords();
set: function (key, records) {
- var Model = require('ember-data/model').default;
var relationship = this._internalModel._relationships.get(key);
return relationship.getRecords();
@@ -7889,90 +7416,10 @@
setHasLoaded: function (value) {
this.hasLoaded = value;
-define('ember-data/-private/system/serializer', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {
- /**
- `DS.Serializer` is an abstract base class that you should override in your
- application to customize it for your backend. The minimum set of methods
- that you should implement is:
- * `normalizeResponse()`
- * `serialize()`
- And you can optionally override the following methods:
- * `normalize()`
- For an example implementation, see
- [DS.JSONSerializer](DS.JSONSerializer.html), the included JSON serializer.
- @class Serializer
- @namespace DS
- @extends Ember.Object
- */
- exports.default = _ember.default.Object.extend({
- /**
- The `store` property is the application's `store` that contains all records.
- It's injected as a service.
- It can be used to push records from a non flat data structure server
- response.
- @property store
- @type {DS.Store}
- @public
- */
- /**
- The `normalizeResponse` method is used to normalize a payload from the
- server to a JSON-API Document.
- http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-structure
- @method normalizeResponse
- @param {DS.Store} store
- @param {DS.Model} primaryModelClass
- @param {Object} payload
- @param {String|Number} id
- @param {String} requestType
- @return {Object} JSON-API Document
- */
- normalizeResponse: null,
- /**
- The `serialize` method is used when a record is saved in order to convert
- the record into the form that your external data source expects.
- `serialize` takes an optional `options` hash with a single option:
- - `includeId`: If this is `true`, `serialize` should include the ID
- in the serialized object it builds.
- @method serialize
- @param {DS.Model} record
- @param {Object} [options]
- @return {Object}
- */
- serialize: null,
- /**
- The `normalize` method is used to convert a payload received from your
- external data source into the normalized form `store.push()` expects. You
- should override this method, munge the hash and return the normalized
- payload.
- @method normalize
- @param {DS.Model} typeClass
- @param {Object} hash
- @return {Object}
- */
- normalize: function (typeClass, hash) {
- return hash;
- }
- });
- @module ember-data
define('ember-data/-private/system/snapshot-record-array', ['exports', 'ember-data/-private/features'], function (exports, _emberDataPrivateFeatures) {
exports.default = SnapshotRecordArray;
@class SnapshotRecordArray
@@ -10963,10 +10410,46 @@
exports.assertPolymorphicType = assertPolymorphicType;
exports.modelHasAttributeOrRelationshipNamedType = modelHasAttributeOrRelationshipNamedType;
exports.getOwner = getOwner;
+define('ember-data/-private/utils/parse-response-headers', ['exports', 'ember-data/-private/system/empty-object'], function (exports, _emberDataPrivateSystemEmptyObject) {
+ exports.default = parseResponseHeaders;
+ function _toArray(arr) { return Array.isArray(arr) ? arr : Array.from(arr); }
+ var CLRF = '\u000d\u000a';
+ function parseResponseHeaders(headersString) {
+ var headers = new _emberDataPrivateSystemEmptyObject.default();
+ if (!headersString) {
+ return headers;
+ }
+ var headerPairs = headersString.split(CLRF);
+ headerPairs.forEach(function (header) {
+ var _header$split = header.split(':');
+ var _header$split2 = _toArray(_header$split);
+ var field = _header$split2[0];
+ var value = _header$split2.slice(1);
+ field = field.trim();
+ value = value.join(':').trim();
+ if (value) {
+ headers[field] = value;
+ }
+ });
+ return headers;
+ }
define('ember-data/adapter', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {
var get = _ember.default.get;
An adapter is an object that receives requests from a store and
@@ -11555,11 +11038,11 @@
@module ember-data
-define('ember-data/adapters/rest', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-data/adapter', 'ember-data/-private/adapters/errors', 'ember-data/-private/system/empty-object', 'ember-data/-private/adapters/build-url-mixin', 'ember-data/-private/features'], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataAdapter, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors, _emberDataPrivateSystemEmptyObject, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersBuildUrlMixin, _emberDataPrivateFeatures) {
+define('ember-data/adapters/rest', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-data/adapter', 'ember-data/-private/adapters/errors', 'ember-data/-private/adapters/build-url-mixin', 'ember-data/-private/features', 'ember-data/-private/utils/parse-response-headers'], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataAdapter, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersBuildUrlMixin, _emberDataPrivateFeatures, _emberDataPrivateUtilsParseResponseHeaders) {
var MapWithDefault = _ember.default.MapWithDefault;
var get = _ember.default.get;
The REST adapter allows your store to communicate with an HTTP server by
@@ -12299,11 +11782,11 @@
return new _ember.default.RSVP.Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var hash = adapter.ajaxOptions(url, type, options);
hash.success = function (payload, textStatus, jqXHR) {
- var response = adapter.handleResponse(jqXHR.status, parseResponseHeaders(jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders()), payload, requestData);
+ var response = adapter.handleResponse(jqXHR.status, (0, _emberDataPrivateUtilsParseResponseHeaders.default)(jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders()), payload, requestData);
if (response && response.isAdapterError) {
_ember.default.run.join(null, reject, response);
} else {
_ember.default.run.join(null, resolve, response);
@@ -12318,11 +11801,11 @@
} else if (textStatus === 'timeout') {
error = new _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors.TimeoutError();
} else if (textStatus === 'abort') {
error = new _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors.AbortError();
} else {
- error = adapter.handleResponse(jqXHR.status, parseResponseHeaders(jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders()), adapter.parseErrorResponse(jqXHR.responseText) || errorThrown, requestData);
+ error = adapter.handleResponse(jqXHR.status, (0, _emberDataPrivateUtilsParseResponseHeaders.default)(jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders()), adapter.parseErrorResponse(jqXHR.responseText) || errorThrown, requestData);
_ember.default.run.join(null, reject, error);
@@ -12440,32 +11923,10 @@
return query;
- function parseResponseHeaders(headerStr) {
- var headers = new _emberDataPrivateSystemEmptyObject.default();
- if (!headerStr) {
- return headers;
- }
- var headerPairs = headerStr.split('\u000d\u000a');
- for (var i = 0; i < headerPairs.length; i++) {
- var headerPair = headerPairs[i];
- // Can't use split() here because it does the wrong thing
- // if the header value has the string ": " in it.
- var index = headerPair.indexOf('\u003a\u0020');
- if (index > 0) {
- var key = headerPair.substring(0, index);
- var val = headerPair.substring(index + 2);
- headers[key] = val;
- }
- }
- return headers;
- }
//From http://stackoverflow.com/questions/280634/endswith-in-javascript
function endsWith(string, suffix) {
if (typeof String.prototype.endsWith !== 'function') {
return string.indexOf(suffix, string.length - suffix.length) !== -1;
} else {
@@ -12601,11 +12062,11 @@
return value;
-define("ember-data", ["exports", "ember", "ember-data/-private/debug", "ember-data/-private/core", "ember-data/-private/system/normalize-model-name", "ember-data/-private/system/model/internal-model", "ember-data/-private/system/promise-proxies", "ember-data/-private/system/store", "ember-data/-private/system/model", "ember-data/model", "ember-data/-private/system/snapshot", "ember-data/adapter", "ember-data/-private/system/serializer", "ember-data/-private/system/debug", "ember-data/-private/adapters/errors", "ember-data/-private/system/record-arrays", "ember-data/-private/system/many-array", "ember-data/-private/system/record-array-manager", "ember-data/-private/adapters", "ember-data/-private/adapters/build-url-mixin", "ember-data/-private/serializers", "ember-inflector", "ember-data/-private/serializers/embedded-records-mixin", "ember-data/-private/transforms", "ember-data/relationships", "ember-data/setup-container", "ember-data/-private/instance-initializers/initialize-store-service", "ember-data/-private/system/container-proxy", "ember-data/-private/system/relationships/state/relationship"], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataPrivateDebug, _emberDataPrivateCore, _emberDataPrivateSystemNormalizeModelName, _emberDataPrivateSystemModelInternalModel, _emberDataPrivateSystemPromiseProxies, _emberDataPrivateSystemStore, _emberDataPrivateSystemModel, _emberDataModel, _emberDataPrivateSystemSnapshot, _emberDataAdapter, _emberDataPrivateSystemSerializer, _emberDataPrivateSystemDebug, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors, _emberDataPrivateSystemRecordArrays, _emberDataPrivateSystemManyArray, _emberDataPrivateSystemRecordArrayManager, _emberDataPrivateAdapters, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersBuildUrlMixin, _emberDataPrivateSerializers, _emberInflector, _emberDataPrivateSerializersEmbeddedRecordsMixin, _emberDataPrivateTransforms, _emberDataRelationships, _emberDataSetupContainer, _emberDataPrivateInstanceInitializersInitializeStoreService, _emberDataPrivateSystemContainerProxy, _emberDataPrivateSystemRelationshipsStateRelationship) {
+define("ember-data", ["exports", "ember", "ember-data/-private/debug", "ember-data/-private/core", "ember-data/-private/system/normalize-model-name", "ember-data/-private/system/model/internal-model", "ember-data/-private/system/promise-proxies", "ember-data/-private/system/store", "ember-data/-private/system/model", "ember-data/model", "ember-data/-private/system/snapshot", "ember-data/adapter", "ember-data/serializer", "ember-data/-private/system/debug", "ember-data/-private/adapters/errors", "ember-data/-private/system/record-arrays", "ember-data/-private/system/many-array", "ember-data/-private/system/record-array-manager", "ember-data/-private/adapters", "ember-data/-private/adapters/build-url-mixin", "ember-data/-private/serializers", "ember-inflector", "ember-data/serializers/embedded-records-mixin", "ember-data/-private/transforms", "ember-data/relationships", "ember-data/setup-container", "ember-data/-private/instance-initializers/initialize-store-service", "ember-data/-private/system/container-proxy", "ember-data/-private/system/relationships/state/relationship"], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataPrivateDebug, _emberDataPrivateCore, _emberDataPrivateSystemNormalizeModelName, _emberDataPrivateSystemModelInternalModel, _emberDataPrivateSystemPromiseProxies, _emberDataPrivateSystemStore, _emberDataPrivateSystemModel, _emberDataModel, _emberDataPrivateSystemSnapshot, _emberDataAdapter, _emberDataSerializer, _emberDataPrivateSystemDebug, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors, _emberDataPrivateSystemRecordArrays, _emberDataPrivateSystemManyArray, _emberDataPrivateSystemRecordArrayManager, _emberDataPrivateAdapters, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersBuildUrlMixin, _emberDataPrivateSerializers, _emberInflector, _emberDataSerializersEmbeddedRecordsMixin, _emberDataPrivateTransforms, _emberDataRelationships, _emberDataSetupContainer, _emberDataPrivateInstanceInitializersInitializeStoreService, _emberDataPrivateSystemContainerProxy, _emberDataPrivateSystemRelationshipsStateRelationship) {
Ember Data
@module ember-data
@main ember-data
@@ -12638,11 +12099,11 @@
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.AbortError = _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors.AbortError;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.errorsHashToArray = _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors.errorsHashToArray;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.errorsArrayToHash = _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors.errorsArrayToHash;
- _emberDataPrivateCore.default.Serializer = _emberDataPrivateSystemSerializer.default;
+ _emberDataPrivateCore.default.Serializer = _emberDataSerializer.default;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.DebugAdapter = _emberDataPrivateSystemDebug.default;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.RecordArray = _emberDataPrivateSystemRecordArrays.RecordArray;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.FilteredRecordArray = _emberDataPrivateSystemRecordArrays.FilteredRecordArray;
@@ -12664,11 +12125,11 @@
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.DateTransform = _emberDataPrivateTransforms.DateTransform;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.StringTransform = _emberDataPrivateTransforms.StringTransform;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.NumberTransform = _emberDataPrivateTransforms.NumberTransform;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.BooleanTransform = _emberDataPrivateTransforms.BooleanTransform;
- _emberDataPrivateCore.default.EmbeddedRecordsMixin = _emberDataPrivateSerializersEmbeddedRecordsMixin.default;
+ _emberDataPrivateCore.default.EmbeddedRecordsMixin = _emberDataSerializersEmbeddedRecordsMixin.default;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.belongsTo = _emberDataRelationships.belongsTo;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.hasMany = _emberDataRelationships.hasMany;
_emberDataPrivateCore.default.Relationship = _emberDataPrivateSystemRelationshipsStateRelationship.default;
@@ -12697,10 +12158,596 @@
exports.hasMany = _emberDataPrivateSystemRelationshipsHasMany.default;
@module ember-data
+define('ember-data/serializer', ['exports', 'ember'], function (exports, _ember) {
+ /**
+ `DS.Serializer` is an abstract base class that you should override in your
+ application to customize it for your backend. The minimum set of methods
+ that you should implement is:
+ * `normalizeResponse()`
+ * `serialize()`
+ And you can optionally override the following methods:
+ * `normalize()`
+ For an example implementation, see
+ [DS.JSONSerializer](DS.JSONSerializer.html), the included JSON serializer.
+ @class Serializer
+ @namespace DS
+ @extends Ember.Object
+ */
+ exports.default = _ember.default.Object.extend({
+ /**
+ The `store` property is the application's `store` that contains all records.
+ It's injected as a service.
+ It can be used to push records from a non flat data structure server
+ response.
+ @property store
+ @type {DS.Store}
+ @public
+ */
+ /**
+ The `normalizeResponse` method is used to normalize a payload from the
+ server to a JSON-API Document.
+ http://jsonapi.org/format/#document-structure
+ @method normalizeResponse
+ @param {DS.Store} store
+ @param {DS.Model} primaryModelClass
+ @param {Object} payload
+ @param {String|Number} id
+ @param {String} requestType
+ @return {Object} JSON-API Document
+ */
+ normalizeResponse: null,
+ /**
+ The `serialize` method is used when a record is saved in order to convert
+ the record into the form that your external data source expects.
+ `serialize` takes an optional `options` hash with a single option:
+ - `includeId`: If this is `true`, `serialize` should include the ID
+ in the serialized object it builds.
+ @method serialize
+ @param {DS.Model} record
+ @param {Object} [options]
+ @return {Object}
+ */
+ serialize: null,
+ /**
+ The `normalize` method is used to convert a payload received from your
+ external data source into the normalized form `store.push()` expects. You
+ should override this method, munge the hash and return the normalized
+ payload.
+ @method normalize
+ @param {DS.Model} typeClass
+ @param {Object} hash
+ @return {Object}
+ */
+ normalize: function (typeClass, hash) {
+ return hash;
+ }
+ });
+ @module ember-data
+define('ember-data/serializers/embedded-records-mixin', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-data/-private/debug'], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataPrivateDebug) {
+ function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
+ var get = _ember.default.get;
+ var set = _ember.default.set;
+ var camelize = _ember.default.String.camelize;
+ /**
+ ## Using Embedded Records
+ `DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin` supports serializing embedded records.
+ To set up embedded records, include the mixin when extending a serializer,
+ then define and configure embedded (model) relationships.
+ Below is an example of a per-type serializer (`post` type).
+ ```app/serializers/post.js
+ import DS from 'ember-data';
+ export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
+ attrs: {
+ author: { embedded: 'always' },
+ comments: { serialize: 'ids' }
+ }
+ });
+ ```
+ Note that this use of `{ embedded: 'always' }` is unrelated to
+ the `{ embedded: 'always' }` that is defined as an option on `DS.attr` as part of
+ defining a model while working with the `ActiveModelSerializer`. Nevertheless,
+ using `{ embedded: 'always' }` as an option to `DS.attr` is not a valid way to setup
+ embedded records.
+ The `attrs` option for a resource `{ embedded: 'always' }` is shorthand for:
+ ```js
+ {
+ serialize: 'records',
+ deserialize: 'records'
+ }
+ ```
+ ### Configuring Attrs
+ A resource's `attrs` option may be set to use `ids`, `records` or false for the
+ `serialize` and `deserialize` settings.
+ The `attrs` property can be set on the `ApplicationSerializer` or a per-type
+ serializer.
+ In the case where embedded JSON is expected while extracting a payload (reading)
+ the setting is `deserialize: 'records'`, there is no need to use `ids` when
+ extracting as that is the default behavior without this mixin if you are using
+ the vanilla `EmbeddedRecordsMixin`. Likewise, to embed JSON in the payload while
+ serializing `serialize: 'records'` is the setting to use. There is an option of
+ not embedding JSON in the serialized payload by using `serialize: 'ids'`. If you
+ do not want the relationship sent at all, you can use `serialize: false`.
+ ### EmbeddedRecordsMixin defaults
+ If you do not overwrite `attrs` for a specific relationship, the `EmbeddedRecordsMixin`
+ will behave in the following way:
+ BelongsTo: `{ serialize: 'id', deserialize: 'id' }`
+ HasMany: `{ serialize: false, deserialize: 'ids' }`
+ ### Model Relationships
+ Embedded records must have a model defined to be extracted and serialized. Note that
+ when defining any relationships on your model such as `belongsTo` and `hasMany`, you
+ should not both specify `async: true` and also indicate through the serializer's
+ `attrs` attribute that the related model should be embedded for deserialization.
+ If a model is declared embedded for deserialization (`embedded: 'always'` or `deserialize: 'records'`),
+ then do not use `async: true`.
+ To successfully extract and serialize embedded records the model relationships
+ must be setup correcty. See the
+ [defining relationships](/guides/models/defining-models/#toc_defining-relationships)
+ section of the **Defining Models** guide page.
+ Records without an `id` property are not considered embedded records, model
+ instances must have an `id` property to be used with Ember Data.
+ ### Example JSON payloads, Models and Serializers
+ **When customizing a serializer it is important to grok what the customizations
+ are. Please read the docs for the methods this mixin provides, in case you need
+ to modify it to fit your specific needs.**
+ For example review the docs for each method of this mixin:
+ * [normalize](/api/data/classes/DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin.html#method_normalize)
+ * [serializeBelongsTo](/api/data/classes/DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin.html#method_serializeBelongsTo)
+ * [serializeHasMany](/api/data/classes/DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin.html#method_serializeHasMany)
+ @class EmbeddedRecordsMixin
+ @namespace DS
+ */
+ exports.default = _ember.default.Mixin.create({
+ /**
+ Normalize the record and recursively normalize/extract all the embedded records
+ while pushing them into the store as they are encountered
+ A payload with an attr configured for embedded records needs to be extracted:
+ ```js
+ {
+ "post": {
+ "id": "1"
+ "title": "Rails is omakase",
+ "comments": [{
+ "id": "1",
+ "body": "Rails is unagi"
+ }, {
+ "id": "2",
+ "body": "Omakase O_o"
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ @method normalize
+ @param {DS.Model} typeClass
+ @param {Object} hash to be normalized
+ @param {String} prop the hash has been referenced by
+ @return {Object} the normalized hash
+ **/
+ normalize: function (typeClass, hash, prop) {
+ var normalizedHash = this._super(typeClass, hash, prop);
+ return this._extractEmbeddedRecords(this, this.store, typeClass, normalizedHash);
+ },
+ keyForRelationship: function (key, typeClass, method) {
+ if (method === 'serialize' && this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(key) || method === 'deserialize' && this.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(key)) {
+ return this.keyForAttribute(key, method);
+ } else {
+ return this._super(key, typeClass, method) || key;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Serialize `belongsTo` relationship when it is configured as an embedded object.
+ This example of an author model belongs to a post model:
+ ```js
+ Post = DS.Model.extend({
+ title: DS.attr('string'),
+ body: DS.attr('string'),
+ author: DS.belongsTo('author')
+ });
+ Author = DS.Model.extend({
+ name: DS.attr('string'),
+ post: DS.belongsTo('post')
+ });
+ ```
+ Use a custom (type) serializer for the post model to configure embedded author
+ ```app/serializers/post.js
+ import DS from 'ember-data;
+ export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
+ attrs: {
+ author: { embedded: 'always' }
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+ A payload with an attribute configured for embedded records can serialize
+ the records together under the root attribute's payload:
+ ```js
+ {
+ "post": {
+ "id": "1"
+ "title": "Rails is omakase",
+ "author": {
+ "id": "2"
+ "name": "dhh"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ @method serializeBelongsTo
+ @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
+ @param {Object} json
+ @param {Object} relationship
+ */
+ serializeBelongsTo: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
+ var attr = relationship.key;
+ if (this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(attr)) {
+ this._super(snapshot, json, relationship);
+ return;
+ }
+ var includeIds = this.hasSerializeIdsOption(attr);
+ var includeRecords = this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(attr);
+ var embeddedSnapshot = snapshot.belongsTo(attr);
+ var key;
+ if (includeIds) {
+ key = this.keyForRelationship(attr, relationship.kind, 'serialize');
+ if (!embeddedSnapshot) {
+ json[key] = null;
+ } else {
+ json[key] = embeddedSnapshot.id;
+ if (relationship.options.polymorphic) {
+ this.serializePolymorphicType(snapshot, json, relationship);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (includeRecords) {
+ this._serializeEmbeddedBelongsTo(snapshot, json, relationship);
+ }
+ },
+ _serializeEmbeddedBelongsTo: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
+ var embeddedSnapshot = snapshot.belongsTo(relationship.key);
+ var serializedKey = this._getMappedKey(relationship.key, snapshot.type);
+ if (serializedKey === relationship.key && this.keyForRelationship) {
+ serializedKey = this.keyForRelationship(relationship.key, relationship.kind, "serialize");
+ }
+ if (!embeddedSnapshot) {
+ json[serializedKey] = null;
+ } else {
+ json[serializedKey] = embeddedSnapshot.record.serialize({ includeId: true });
+ this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(snapshot, embeddedSnapshot, relationship, json[serializedKey]);
+ if (relationship.options.polymorphic) {
+ this.serializePolymorphicType(snapshot, json, relationship);
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ Serialize `hasMany` relationship when it is configured as embedded objects.
+ This example of a post model has many comments:
+ ```js
+ Post = DS.Model.extend({
+ title: DS.attr('string'),
+ body: DS.attr('string'),
+ comments: DS.hasMany('comment')
+ });
+ Comment = DS.Model.extend({
+ body: DS.attr('string'),
+ post: DS.belongsTo('post')
+ });
+ ```
+ Use a custom (type) serializer for the post model to configure embedded comments
+ ```app/serializers/post.js
+ import DS from 'ember-data;
+ export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
+ attrs: {
+ comments: { embedded: 'always' }
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+ A payload with an attribute configured for embedded records can serialize
+ the records together under the root attribute's payload:
+ ```js
+ {
+ "post": {
+ "id": "1"
+ "title": "Rails is omakase",
+ "body": "I want this for my ORM, I want that for my template language..."
+ "comments": [{
+ "id": "1",
+ "body": "Rails is unagi"
+ }, {
+ "id": "2",
+ "body": "Omakase O_o"
+ }]
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ The attrs options object can use more specific instruction for extracting and
+ serializing. When serializing, an option to embed `ids` or `records` can be set.
+ When extracting the only option is `records`.
+ So `{ embedded: 'always' }` is shorthand for:
+ `{ serialize: 'records', deserialize: 'records' }`
+ To embed the `ids` for a related object (using a hasMany relationship):
+ ```app/serializers/post.js
+ import DS from 'ember-data;
+ export default DS.RESTSerializer.extend(DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin, {
+ attrs: {
+ comments: { serialize: 'ids', deserialize: 'records' }
+ }
+ })
+ ```
+ ```js
+ {
+ "post": {
+ "id": "1"
+ "title": "Rails is omakase",
+ "body": "I want this for my ORM, I want that for my template language..."
+ "comments": ["1", "2"]
+ }
+ }
+ ```
+ @method serializeHasMany
+ @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
+ @param {Object} json
+ @param {Object} relationship
+ */
+ serializeHasMany: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
+ var attr = relationship.key;
+ if (this.noSerializeOptionSpecified(attr)) {
+ this._super(snapshot, json, relationship);
+ return;
+ }
+ var includeIds = this.hasSerializeIdsOption(attr);
+ var includeRecords = this.hasSerializeRecordsOption(attr);
+ if (includeIds) {
+ var serializedKey = this.keyForRelationship(attr, relationship.kind, 'serialize');
+ json[serializedKey] = snapshot.hasMany(attr, { ids: true });
+ } else if (includeRecords) {
+ this._serializeEmbeddedHasMany(snapshot, json, relationship);
+ }
+ },
+ _serializeEmbeddedHasMany: function (snapshot, json, relationship) {
+ var serializedKey = this._getMappedKey(relationship.key, snapshot.type);
+ if (serializedKey === relationship.key && this.keyForRelationship) {
+ serializedKey = this.keyForRelationship(relationship.key, relationship.kind, "serialize");
+ }
+ json[serializedKey] = this._generateSerializedHasMany(snapshot, relationship);
+ },
+ /*
+ Returns an array of embedded records serialized to JSON
+ */
+ _generateSerializedHasMany: function (snapshot, relationship) {
+ var hasMany = snapshot.hasMany(relationship.key);
+ var manyArray = _ember.default.A(hasMany);
+ var ret = new Array(manyArray.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < manyArray.length; i++) {
+ var embeddedSnapshot = manyArray[i];
+ var embeddedJson = embeddedSnapshot.record.serialize({ includeId: true });
+ this.removeEmbeddedForeignKey(snapshot, embeddedSnapshot, relationship, embeddedJson);
+ ret[i] = embeddedJson;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ },
+ /**
+ When serializing an embedded record, modify the property (in the json payload)
+ that refers to the parent record (foreign key for relationship).
+ Serializing a `belongsTo` relationship removes the property that refers to the
+ parent record
+ Serializing a `hasMany` relationship does not remove the property that refers to
+ the parent record.
+ @method removeEmbeddedForeignKey
+ @param {DS.Snapshot} snapshot
+ @param {DS.Snapshot} embeddedSnapshot
+ @param {Object} relationship
+ @param {Object} json
+ */
+ removeEmbeddedForeignKey: function (snapshot, embeddedSnapshot, relationship, json) {
+ if (relationship.kind === 'hasMany') {
+ return;
+ } else if (relationship.kind === 'belongsTo') {
+ var parentRecord = snapshot.type.inverseFor(relationship.key, this.store);
+ if (parentRecord) {
+ var name = parentRecord.name;
+ var embeddedSerializer = this.store.serializerFor(embeddedSnapshot.modelName);
+ var parentKey = embeddedSerializer.keyForRelationship(name, parentRecord.kind, 'deserialize');
+ if (parentKey) {
+ delete json[parentKey];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ // checks config for attrs option to embedded (always) - serialize and deserialize
+ hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption: function (attr) {
+ var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
+ return option && option.embedded === 'always';
+ },
+ // checks config for attrs option to serialize ids
+ hasSerializeRecordsOption: function (attr) {
+ var alwaysEmbed = this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(attr);
+ var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
+ return alwaysEmbed || option && option.serialize === 'records';
+ },
+ // checks config for attrs option to serialize records
+ hasSerializeIdsOption: function (attr) {
+ var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
+ return option && (option.serialize === 'ids' || option.serialize === 'id');
+ },
+ // checks config for attrs option to serialize records
+ noSerializeOptionSpecified: function (attr) {
+ var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
+ return !(option && (option.serialize || option.embedded));
+ },
+ // checks config for attrs option to deserialize records
+ // a defined option object for a resource is treated the same as
+ // `deserialize: 'records'`
+ hasDeserializeRecordsOption: function (attr) {
+ var alwaysEmbed = this.hasEmbeddedAlwaysOption(attr);
+ var option = this.attrsOption(attr);
+ return alwaysEmbed || option && option.deserialize === 'records';
+ },
+ attrsOption: function (attr) {
+ var attrs = this.get('attrs');
+ return attrs && (attrs[camelize(attr)] || attrs[attr]);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method _extractEmbeddedRecords
+ @private
+ */
+ _extractEmbeddedRecords: function (serializer, store, typeClass, partial) {
+ var _this = this;
+ typeClass.eachRelationship(function (key, relationship) {
+ if (serializer.hasDeserializeRecordsOption(key)) {
+ if (relationship.kind === "hasMany") {
+ _this._extractEmbeddedHasMany(store, key, partial, relationship);
+ }
+ if (relationship.kind === "belongsTo") {
+ _this._extractEmbeddedBelongsTo(store, key, partial, relationship);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ return partial;
+ },
+ /**
+ @method _extractEmbeddedHasMany
+ @private
+ */
+ _extractEmbeddedHasMany: function (store, key, hash, relationshipMeta) {
+ var relationshipHash = get(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key + '.data');
+ if (!relationshipHash) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var hasMany = new Array(relationshipHash.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < relationshipHash.length; i++) {
+ var item = relationshipHash[i];
+ var _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship = this._normalizeEmbeddedRelationship(store, relationshipMeta, item);
+ var data = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship.data;
+ var included = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship.included;
+ hash.included = hash.included || [];
+ hash.included.push(data);
+ if (included) {
+ var _hash$included;
+ (_hash$included = hash.included).push.apply(_hash$included, _toConsumableArray(included));
+ }
+ hasMany[i] = { id: data.id, type: data.type };
+ }
+ var relationship = { data: hasMany };
+ set(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key, relationship);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method _extractEmbeddedBelongsTo
+ @private
+ */
+ _extractEmbeddedBelongsTo: function (store, key, hash, relationshipMeta) {
+ var relationshipHash = get(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key + '.data');
+ if (!relationshipHash) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship2 = this._normalizeEmbeddedRelationship(store, relationshipMeta, relationshipHash);
+ var data = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship2.data;
+ var included = _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship2.included;
+ hash.included = hash.included || [];
+ hash.included.push(data);
+ if (included) {
+ var _hash$included2;
+ (_hash$included2 = hash.included).push.apply(_hash$included2, _toConsumableArray(included));
+ }
+ var belongsTo = { id: data.id, type: data.type };
+ var relationship = { data: belongsTo };
+ set(hash, 'data.relationships.' + key, relationship);
+ },
+ /**
+ @method _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship
+ @private
+ */
+ _normalizeEmbeddedRelationship: function (store, relationshipMeta, relationshipHash) {
+ var modelName = relationshipMeta.type;
+ if (relationshipMeta.options.polymorphic) {
+ modelName = relationshipHash.type;
+ }
+ var modelClass = store.modelFor(modelName);
+ var serializer = store.serializerFor(modelName);
+ return serializer.normalize(modelClass, relationshipHash, null);
+ }
+ });
define('ember-data/serializers/json-api', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-data/-private/debug', 'ember-data/serializers/json', 'ember-data/-private/system/normalize-model-name', 'ember-inflector'], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataPrivateDebug, _emberDataSerializersJson, _emberDataPrivateSystemNormalizeModelName, _emberInflector) {
var dasherize = _ember.default.String.dasherize;
@@ -13181,11 +13228,11 @@
exports.default = JSONAPISerializer;
@module ember-data
-define('ember-data/serializers/json', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-data/-private/debug', 'ember-data/-private/system/serializer', 'ember-data/-private/system/coerce-id', 'ember-data/-private/system/normalize-model-name', 'ember-data/-private/utils', 'ember-data/-private/adapters/errors'], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataPrivateDebug, _emberDataPrivateSystemSerializer, _emberDataPrivateSystemCoerceId, _emberDataPrivateSystemNormalizeModelName, _emberDataPrivateUtils, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors) {
+define('ember-data/serializers/json', ['exports', 'ember', 'ember-data/-private/debug', 'ember-data/serializer', 'ember-data/-private/system/coerce-id', 'ember-data/-private/system/normalize-model-name', 'ember-data/-private/utils', 'ember-data/-private/adapters/errors'], function (exports, _ember, _emberDataPrivateDebug, _emberDataSerializer, _emberDataPrivateSystemCoerceId, _emberDataPrivateSystemNormalizeModelName, _emberDataPrivateUtils, _emberDataPrivateAdaptersErrors) {
function _toConsumableArray(arr) { if (Array.isArray(arr)) { for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i]; return arr2; } else { return Array.from(arr); } }
var get = _ember.default.get;
var isNone = _ember.default.isNone;
var merge = _ember.default.merge;
@@ -13254,11 +13301,11 @@
@class JSONSerializer
@namespace DS
@extends DS.Serializer
- exports.default = _emberDataPrivateSystemSerializer.default.extend({
+ exports.default = _emberDataSerializer.default.extend({
The `primaryKey` is used when serializing and deserializing
data. Ember Data always uses the `id` property to store the id of
the record. The external source may not always follow this
@@ -15269,11 +15316,11 @@
deserialize: null
define("ember-data/version", ["exports"], function (exports) {
- exports.default = "2.4.0-beta.2";
+ exports.default = "2.4.0-beta.3";
define("ember-inflector", ["exports", "ember", "ember-inflector/lib/system", "ember-inflector/lib/ext/string"], function (exports, _ember, _emberInflectorLibSystem, _emberInflectorLibExtString) {
_emberInflectorLibSystem.Inflector.defaultRules = _emberInflectorLibSystem.defaultRules;
_ember.default.Inflector = _emberInflectorLibSystem.Inflector;
@@ -15740,13 +15787,15 @@
;(function() {
function processEmberDataShims() {
var shims = {
'ember-data': { default: DS },
'ember-data/model': { default: DS.Model },
+ 'ember-data/mixins/embedded-records': { default: DS.EmbeddedRecordsMixin },
'ember-data/serializers/rest': { default: DS.RESTSerializer },
'ember-data/serializers/active-model': { default: DS.ActiveModelSerializer },
'ember-data/serializers/json': { default: DS.JSONSerializer },
'ember-data/serializers/json-api': { default: DS.JSONAPISerializer },
+ 'ember-data/serializer': { default: DS.Serializer },
'ember-data/adapters/json-api': { default: DS.JSONAPIAdapter },
'ember-data/adapters/rest': { default: DS.RESTAdapter },
'ember-data/adapter': { default: DS.Adapter },
'ember-data/adapters/active-model': { default: DS.ActiveModelAdapter },
'ember-data/store': { default: DS.Store },