in ember-cli-rails-0.6.1 vs in ember-cli-rails-0.7.0
- old
+ new
@@ -199,10 +199,42 @@
As long as your [CDN is configured to pull from your Rails application][dns-cdn]
, your assets will be served over the CDN.
+### Deployment Strategies
+By default, EmberCLI-Rails will serve the `index.html` file that `ember build`
+If you need to override this behavior (for instance, if you're using
+[`ember-cli-deploy`'s "Lightning Fast Deployment"][lightning] strategy in
+`production`), you can specify the strategy's class in the initializer:
+EmberCli.configure do |config|
+ :frontend, deploy: { production: EmberCli::Deploy::Redis }
+This example configures the `frontend` Ember application to retrieve the
+index's HTML from an [`ember-cli-deploy-redis`][ember-cli-deploy-redis]
+-populated Redis entry using the
+[`ember-cli-rails-deploy-redis`][ember-cli-rails-deploy-redis] gem.
+If you're deploying HTML with a custom strategy in `development` or `test`,
+disable EmberCLI-Rails' build step by setting `ENV["SKIP_EMBER"] = true`.
+Specifying a deployment strategy is only supported for applications that use the
+`mount_ember_app` and `render_ember_app` helpers.
### Heroku
To configure your EmberCLI-Rails applications for Heroku:
1. Execute `rails generate ember:heroku`
@@ -489,9 +521,25 @@
EmberCLI runners to clobber each others' work][#94].
+If set on the environment, `SKIP_EMBER` will configure `ember-cli-rails` to skip
+the build step entirely. This is useful if you're using an alternative
+deployment strategy in the `test` or `development` environment. By default,
+`ember-cli-rails` will skip the build step in `production`-like environments.
+If set on the environment, the value of `EMBER_ENV` will be passed to the
+`ember` process as the value of the `--environment` flag.
+If `EMBER_ENV` is unspecified, the current Rails environment will be passed to
+the `ember` process, with the exception of non-standard Rails environments,
+which will be replaced with `production`.
While being managed by EmberCLI Rails, EmberCLI process will have
access to the `RAILS_ENV` environment variable. This can be helpful to detect