lib/active_resource/connection.rb in embark-journey-0.0.20 vs lib/active_resource/connection.rb in embark-journey-0.0.21
- old
+ new
@@ -1,47 +1,294 @@
-require 'active_resource/connection'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/benchmark'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/uri'
+require 'active_support/core_ext/object/inclusion'
+require 'net/https'
+require 'date'
+require 'time'
+require 'uri'
module ActiveResource
+ # Class to handle connections to remote web services.
+ # This class is used by ActiveResource::Base to interface with REST
+ # services.
class Connection
- def handle_response(response)
- if response.respond_to?(:header) && (response.header["content-encoding"] == 'gzip')
- begin
- response.instance_variable_set('@body', ActiveSupport::Gzip.decompress(response.body))
- rescue Exception => e
- raise(
+ HTTP_FORMAT_HEADER_NAMES = { :get => 'Accept',
+ :put => 'Content-Type',
+ :post => 'Content-Type',
+ :patch => 'Content-Type',
+ :delete => 'Accept',
+ :head => 'Accept'
+ }
+ attr_reader :site, :user, :password, :auth_type, :timeout, :proxy, :ssl_options
+ attr_accessor :format
+ class << self
+ def requests
+ @@requests ||= []
+ end
+ end
+ # The +site+ parameter is required and will set the +site+
+ # attribute to the URI for the remote resource service.
+ def initialize(site, format = ActiveResource::Formats::JsonFormat)
+ raise ArgumentError, 'Missing site URI' unless site
+ @proxy = @user = @password = nil
+ = site
+ self.format = format
+ end
+ # Set URI for remote service.
+ def site=(site)
+ @site = site.is_a?(URI) ? site : URI.parse(site)
+ @ssl_options ||= {} if @site.is_a?(URI::HTTPS)
+ @user = URI.parser.unescape(@site.user) if @site.user
+ @password = URI.parser.unescape(@site.password) if @site.password
+ end
+ # Set the proxy for remote service.
+ def proxy=(proxy)
+ @proxy = proxy.is_a?(URI) ? proxy : URI.parse(proxy)
+ end
+ # Sets the user for remote service.
+ def user=(user)
+ @user = user
+ end
+ # Sets the password for remote service.
+ def password=(password)
+ @password = password
+ end
+ # Sets the auth type for remote service.
+ def auth_type=(auth_type)
+ @auth_type = legitimize_auth_type(auth_type)
+ end
+ # Sets the number of seconds after which HTTP requests to the remote service should time out.
+ def timeout=(timeout)
+ @timeout = timeout
+ end
+ # Hash of options applied to Net::HTTP instance when +site+ protocol is 'https'.
+ def ssl_options=(options)
+ @ssl_options = options
+ end
+ # Executes a GET request.
+ # Used to get (find) resources.
+ def get(path, headers = {})
+ with_auth { request(:get, path, build_request_headers(headers, :get, }
+ end
+ # Executes a DELETE request (see HTTP protocol documentation if unfamiliar).
+ # Used to delete resources.
+ def delete(path, headers = {})
+ with_auth { request(:delete, path, build_request_headers(headers, :delete, }
+ end
+ # Executes a PATCH request (see HTTP protocol documentation if unfamiliar).
+ # Used to update resources.
+ def patch(path, body = '', headers = {})
+ with_auth { request(:patch, path, body.to_s, build_request_headers(headers, :patch, }
+ end
+ # Executes a PUT request (see HTTP protocol documentation if unfamiliar).
+ # Used to update resources.
+ def put(path, body = '', headers = {})
+ with_auth { request(:put, path, body.to_s, build_request_headers(headers, :put, }
+ end
+ # Executes a POST request.
+ # Used to create new resources.
+ def post(path, body = '', headers = {})
+ with_auth { request(:post, path, body.to_s, build_request_headers(headers, :post, }
+ end
+ # Executes a HEAD request.
+ # Used to obtain meta-information about resources, such as whether they exist and their size (via response headers).
+ def head(path, headers = {})
+ with_auth { request(:head, path, build_request_headers(headers, :head, }
+ end
+ private
+ # Makes a request to the remote service.
+ def request(method, path, *arguments)
+ result = ActiveSupport::Notifications.instrument("request.active_resource") do |payload|
+ payload[:method] = method
+ payload[:request_uri] = "#{site.scheme}://#{}:#{site.port}#{path}"
+ payload[:result] = http.send(method, path, *arguments)
+ handle_response(result)
+ rescue Timeout::Error => e
+ raise
+ rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => e
+ raise
- case response.code.to_i
- when 301, 302, 303, 307
- raise(
- when 200...400
- response
- when 400
- raise(
- when 401
- raise(
- when 403
- raise(
- when 404
- raise(
- when 405
- raise(
- when 409
- raise(
- when 410
- raise(
- when 422
- raise(
- when 401...500
- raise(
- when 500...600
- raise(
+ # Handles response and error codes from the remote service.
+ def handle_response(response)
+ if response.respond_to?(:header) && (response.header["content-encoding"] == 'gzip')
+ begin
+ response.instance_variable_set('@body', ActiveSupport::Gzip.decompress(response.body))
+ rescue Exception => e
+ raise(
+ end
+ end
+ case response.code.to_i
+ when 301, 302, 303, 307
+ raise(
+ when 200...400
+ response
+ when 400
+ raise(
+ when 401
+ raise(
+ when 403
+ raise(
+ when 404
+ raise(
+ when 405
+ raise(
+ when 409
+ raise(
+ when 410
+ raise(
+ when 422
+ raise(
+ when 401...500
+ raise(
+ when 500...600
+ raise(
+ else
+ raise(, "Unknown response code: #{response.code}"))
+ end
+ end
+ # Creates new Net::HTTP instance for communication with the
+ # remote service and resources.
+ def http
+ configure_http(new_http)
+ end
+ def new_http
+ if @proxy
+, @site.port,, @proxy.port, @proxy.user, @proxy.password)
- raise(, "Unknown response code: #{response.code}"))
+, @site.port)
+ end
- end
+ def configure_http(http)
+ apply_ssl_options(http).tap do |https|
+ # Net::HTTP timeouts default to 60 seconds.
+ if defined? @timeout
+ https.open_timeout = @timeout
+ https.read_timeout = @timeout
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def apply_ssl_options(http)
+ http.tap do |https|
+ # Skip config if site is already a https:// URI.
+ if defined? @ssl_options
+ http.use_ssl = true
+ # Default to no cert verification (WTF? FIXME)
+ http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
+ # All the SSL options have corresponding http settings.
+ @ssl_options.each { |key, value| http.send "#{key}=", value }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def default_header
+ @default_header ||= {}
+ end
+ # Builds headers for request to remote service.
+ def build_request_headers(headers, http_method, uri)
+ authorization_header(http_method, uri).update(default_header).update(http_format_header(http_method)).update(headers)
+ end
+ def response_auth_header
+ @response_auth_header ||= ""
+ end
+ def with_auth
+ retried ||= false
+ yield
+ rescue UnauthorizedAccess => e
+ raise if retried || auth_type != :digest
+ @response_auth_header = e.response['WWW-Authenticate']
+ retried = true
+ retry
+ end
+ def authorization_header(http_method, uri)
+ if @user || @password
+ if auth_type == :digest
+ { 'Authorization' => digest_auth_header(http_method, uri) }
+ else
+ { 'Authorization' => 'Basic ' + ["#{@user}:#{@password}"].pack('m').delete("\r\n") }
+ end
+ else
+ {}
+ end
+ end
+ def digest_auth_header(http_method, uri)
+ params = extract_params_from_response
+ request_uri = uri.path
+ request_uri << "?#{uri.query}" if uri.query
+ ha1 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{@user}:#{params['realm']}:#{@password}")
+ ha2 = Digest::MD5.hexdigest("#{http_method.to_s.upcase}:#{request_uri}")
+ params.merge!('cnonce' => client_nonce)
+ request_digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest([ha1, params['nonce'], "0", params['cnonce'], params['qop'], ha2].join(":"))
+ "Digest #{auth_attributes_for(uri, request_digest, params)}"
+ end
+ def client_nonce
+ Digest::MD5.hexdigest("%x" % ( + rand(65535)))
+ end
+ def extract_params_from_response
+ params = {}
+ if response_auth_header =~ /^(\w+) (.*)/
+ $2.gsub(/(\w+)="(.*?)"/) { params[$1] = $2 }
+ end
+ params
+ end
+ def auth_attributes_for(uri, request_digest, params)
+ [
+ %Q(username="#{@user}"),
+ %Q(realm="#{params['realm']}"),
+ %Q(qop="#{params['qop']}"),
+ %Q(uri="#{uri.path}"),
+ %Q(nonce="#{params['nonce']}"),
+ %Q(nc="0"),
+ %Q(cnonce="#{params['cnonce']}"),
+ %Q(opaque="#{params['opaque']}"),
+ %Q(response="#{request_digest}")].join(", ")
+ end
+ def http_format_header(http_method)
+ {HTTP_FORMAT_HEADER_NAMES[http_method] => format.mime_type}
+ end
+ def legitimize_auth_type(auth_type)
+ return :basic if auth_type.nil?
+ auth_type = auth_type.to_sym
+[:basic, :digest]) ? auth_type : :basic
+ end