Rakefile in elekk-1.0.1 vs Rakefile in elekk-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,34 +1,10 @@
require 'rubygems'
require 'rake'
+require 'spec/rake/spectask'
- require 'jeweler'
- Jeweler::Tasks.new do |s|
- s.name = "elekk"
- s.summary = "A simple library for World of Warcraft data in Ruby."
- s.email = "agnoster@gmail.com"
- s.homepage = "http://github.com/agnoster/elekk"
- s.description = "A simple library for World of Warcraft data in Ruby."
- s.authors = ["Isaac Wolkerstorfer"]
- s.files = FileList["*", "{lib,spec}/**/*"]
- s.add_dependency 'typhoeus'
- s.add_dependency 'memcached'
- s.add_dependency 'nokogiri'
- s.add_dependency 'json'
- end
- Jeweler::GemcutterTasks.new
-rescue LoadError
- puts "Jeweler, or one of its dependencies, is not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s http://gems.github.com"
+desc "Run all tests"
+Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new('spec') do |t|
+ t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*.rb']
+ t.spec_opts = ["--color", "--format", "specdoc"]
+ t.fail_on_error = false
- require 'spec/rake/spectask'
- desc "Run all tests"
- Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new('spec') do |t|
- t.spec_files = FileList['spec/**/*.rb']
- t.spec_opts = ["--color", "--format", "specdoc"]
- t.fail_on_error = false
- end
-rescue LoadError
- puts "No rspec installed, can't run tests"
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