test/reindex/integration/reindex_test.rb in elasticsearch-extensions-0.0.27 vs test/reindex/integration/reindex_test.rb in elasticsearch-extensions-0.0.28
- old
+ new
@@ -45,39 +45,9 @@
assert_equal 0, result[:errors]
assert_equal 3, @client.search(index: 'test2')['hits']['total']
- should "copy documents with parent/child relationship" do
- mapping = { mappings: { p: {}, c: { _parent: { type: 'p' } } } }
- @client.indices.create index: 'test_parent_1', body: mapping
- @client.indices.create index: 'test_parent_2', body: mapping
- @client.index index: 'test_parent_1', type: 'p', id: 1, body: { title: 'Parent 1' }
- @client.index index: 'test_parent_1', type: 'p', id: 2, body: { title: 'Parent 2' }
- @client.index index: 'test_parent_1', type: 'c', parent: 1, body: { title: 'Child One' }
- @client.index index: 'test_parent_1', type: 'c', parent: 1, body: { title: 'Child Two' }
- @client.indices.refresh index: 'test_parent_1'
- reindex = Elasticsearch::Extensions::Reindex.new \
- source: { index: 'test_parent_1', client: @client },
- target: { index: 'test_parent_2' },
- batch_size: 2,
- refresh: true
- result = reindex.perform
- assert_equal 0, result[:errors]
- assert_equal 4, @client.search(index: 'test_parent_2')['hits']['total']
- response = @client.search index: 'test_parent_2', body: {
- query: { has_child: { type: 'c', query: { match: { title: 'two' } } } } }
- assert_equal 1, response['hits']['hits'].size
- assert_equal 'Parent 1', response['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['title']
- end
should "transform documents with a lambda" do
reindex = Elasticsearch::Extensions::Reindex.new \
source: { index: 'test1', client: @client },
target: { index: 'test2' },
transform: lambda { |d| d['_source']['category'].upcase! },