lib/elastic_apm/config.rb in elastic-apm-2.9.1 vs lib/elastic_apm/config.rb in elastic-apm-2.10.0
- old
+ new
@@ -3,252 +3,115 @@
require 'logger'
require 'yaml'
require 'erb'
require 'elastic_apm/util/prefixed_logger'
+require 'elastic_apm/config/options'
require 'elastic_apm/config/duration'
-require 'elastic_apm/config/size'
+require 'elastic_apm/config/bytes'
+require 'elastic_apm/config/regexp_list'
module ElasticAPM
- class ConfigError < StandardError; end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength
# @api private
class Config
- config_file: 'config/elastic_apm.yml',
+ extend Options
- server_url: 'http://localhost:8200',
- active: true,
- api_buffer_size: 256,
- api_request_size: '750kb',
- api_request_time: '10s',
- capture_body: 'off',
- capture_headers: true,
- capture_env: true,
- current_user_email_method: :email,
- current_user_id_method: :id,
- current_user_username_method: :username,
- custom_key_filters: [],
- default_tags: {},
- disable_send: false,
- disable_start_message: false,
- disabled_spies: %w[json],
- environment: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'],
- filter_exception_types: [],
- http_compression: true,
- ignore_url_patterns: [],
- instrument: true,
- instrumented_rake_tasks: [],
- log_level: Logger::INFO,
- log_path: nil,
- metrics_interval: '30s',
- pool_size: 1,
- source_lines_error_app_frames: 5,
- source_lines_error_library_frames: 0,
- source_lines_span_app_frames: 5,
- source_lines_span_library_frames: 0,
- span_frames_min_duration: '5ms',
- stack_trace_limit: 999_999,
- transaction_max_spans: 500,
- transaction_sample_rate: 1.0,
- verify_server_cert: true,
- view_paths: [],
- root_path: Dir.pwd
- }.freeze
- ENV_TO_KEY = {
- 'ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_URL' => 'server_url',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_SECRET_TOKEN' => 'secret_token',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_ACTIVE' => [:bool, 'active'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_API_BUFFER_SIZE' => [:int, 'api_buffer_size'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_API_REQUEST_SIZE' => [:int, 'api_request_size'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_API_REQUEST_TIME' => 'api_request_time',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_CAPTURE_BODY' => 'capture_body',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_CAPTURE_HEADERS' => [:bool, 'capture_headers'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_CAPTURE_ENV' => [:bool, 'capture_env'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_CONFIG_FILE' => 'config_file',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_CUSTOM_KEY_FILTERS' => [:list, 'custom_key_filters'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_DEFAULT_TAGS' => [:dict, 'default_tags'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_DISABLED_SPIES' => [:list, 'disabled_spies'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_DISABLE_SEND' => [:bool, 'disable_send'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_DISABLE_START_MESSAGE' => [:bool, 'disable_start_message'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_ENVIRONMENT' => 'environment',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_FRAMEWORK_NAME' => 'framework_name',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_FRAMEWORK_VERSION' => 'framework_version',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_HOSTNAME' => 'hostname',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_IGNORE_URL_PATTERNS' => [:list, 'ignore_url_patterns'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_INSTRUMENT' => [:bool, 'instrument'],
- [:list, 'instrumented_rake_tasks'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL' => [:int, 'log_level'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_LOG_PATH' => 'log_path',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_METRICS_INTERVAL' => 'metrics_interval',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_PROXY_ADDRESS' => 'proxy_address',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_PROXY_HEADERS' => [:dict, 'proxy_headers'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_PROXY_PASSWORD' => 'proxy_password',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_PROXY_PORT' => [:int, 'proxy_port'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_PROXY_USERNAME' => 'proxy_username',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_POOL_SIZE' => [:int, 'pool_size'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_SERVER_CA_CERT' => 'server_ca_cert',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_SERVICE_NAME' => 'service_name',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_SERVICE_VERSION' => 'service_version',
- [:int, 'source_lines_error_app_frames'],
- [:int, 'source_lines_error_library_frames'],
- [:int, 'source_lines_span_app_frames'],
- [:int, 'source_lines_span_library_frames'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_SPAN_FRAMES_MIN_DURATION' => 'span_frames_min_duration',
- 'ELASTIC_APM_STACK_TRACE_LIMIT' => [:int, 'stack_trace_limit'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_TRANSACTION_MAX_SPANS' => [:int, 'transaction_max_spans'],
- [:float, 'transaction_sample_rate'],
- 'ELASTIC_APM_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT' => [:bool, 'verify_server_cert']
- }.freeze
- api_request_time
- span_frames_min_duration
- metrics_interval
+ compression_level=
+ compression_minimum_size=
+ debug_http=
+ debug_transactions=
+ flush_interval=
+ http_open_timeout=
+ http_read_timeout=
+ enabled_environments=
+ disable_environment_warning=
- DURATION_DEFAULT_UNITS = { # default is 's'
- span_frames_min_duration: 'ms'
- }.freeze
- SIZE_KEYS = %i[api_request_size].freeze
- SIZE_DEFAULT_UNITS = { api_request_size: 'kb' }.freeze
+ # rubocop:disable Metrics/LineLength, Layout/ExtraSpacing
+ option :config_file, default: 'config/elastic_apm.yml'
+ option :server_url, default: 'http://localhost:8200'
+ option :secret_token
+ option :active, type: :bool, default: true
+ option :api_buffer_size, type: :int, default: 256
+ option :api_request_size, type: :bytes, default: '750kb', converter:
+ option :api_request_time, type: :float, default: '10s', converter:
+ option :capture_body, type: :string, default: 'off'
+ option :capture_headers, type: :bool, default: true
+ option :capture_env, type: :bool, default: true
+ option :central_config, type: :bool, default: true
+ option :current_user_email_method, type: :string, default: 'email'
+ option :current_user_id_method, type: :string, default: 'id'
+ option :current_user_username_method, type: :string, default: 'username'
+ option :custom_key_filters, type: :list, default: [], converter:
+ option :default_tags, type: :dict, default: {}
+ option :disable_send, type: :bool, default: false
+ option :disable_start_message, type: :bool, default: false
+ option :disabled_spies, type: :list, default: %w[json]
+ option :environment, type: :string, default: ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV']
+ option :framework_name, type: :string
+ option :framework_version, type: :string
+ option :filter_exception_types, type: :list, default: []
+ option :global_labels, type: :dict
+ option :hostname, type: :string
+ option :http_compression, type: :bool, default: true
+ option :ignore_url_patterns, type: :list, default: [], converter:
+ option :instrument, type: :bool, default: true
+ option :instrumented_rake_tasks, type: :list, default: []
+ option :log_level, type: :int, default: Logger::INFO
+ option :log_path, type: :string
+ option :metrics_interval, type: :int, default: '30s', converter:
+ option :pool_size, type: :int, default: 1
+ option :proxy_address, type: :string
+ option :proxy_headers, type: :dict
+ option :proxy_password, type: :string
+ option :proxy_port, type: :int
+ option :proxy_username, type: :string
+ option :server_ca_cert, type: :string
+ option :service_name, type: :string
+ option :service_version, type: :string
+ option :source_lines_error_app_frames, type: :int, default: 5
+ option :source_lines_error_library_frames, type: :int, default: 0
+ option :source_lines_span_app_frames, type: :int, default: 5
+ option :source_lines_span_library_frames, type: :int, default: 0
+ option :span_frames_min_duration, type: :float, default: '5ms', converter: 'ms')
+ option :stack_trace_limit, type: :int, default: 999_999
+ option :transaction_max_spans, type: :int, default: 500
+ option :transaction_sample_rate, type: :float, default: 1.0
+ option :verify_server_cert, type: :bool, default: true
+ # rubocop:enable Metrics/LineLength, Layout/ExtraSpacing
def initialize(options = {})
- set_defaults
+ @options = load_schema
- set_from_args(options)
- set_from_config_file
- set_from_env
+ custom_logger = options.delete(:logger)
- normalize_durations
- normalize_sizes
+ assign(options)
+ assign(load_config_file)
+ assign(load_env)
yield self if block_given?
- build_logger if logger.nil?
+ @logger = custom_logger || build_logger
+ @__view_paths = []
+ @__root_path = Dir.pwd
- attr_accessor :config_file
- attr_accessor :server_url
- attr_accessor :secret_token
- attr_accessor :active
- attr_accessor :api_buffer_size
- attr_accessor :api_request_size
- attr_accessor :api_request_time
- attr_accessor :capture_env
- attr_accessor :capture_headers
- attr_accessor :current_user_email_method
- attr_accessor :current_user_id_method
- attr_accessor :current_user_method
- attr_accessor :current_user_username_method
- attr_accessor :default_tags
- attr_accessor :disable_send
- attr_accessor :disable_start_message
- attr_accessor :disabled_spies
- attr_accessor :environment
- attr_accessor :filter_exception_types
- attr_accessor :framework_name
- attr_accessor :framework_version
- attr_accessor :hostname
- attr_accessor :http_compression
- attr_accessor :instrument
- attr_accessor :instrumented_rake_tasks
- attr_accessor :log_level
- attr_accessor :log_path
+ attr_accessor :__view_paths, :__root_path
attr_accessor :logger
- attr_accessor :metrics_interval
- attr_accessor :pool_size
- attr_accessor :proxy_address
- attr_accessor :proxy_headers
- attr_accessor :proxy_password
- attr_accessor :proxy_port
- attr_accessor :proxy_username
- attr_accessor :server_ca_cert
- attr_accessor :service_name
- attr_accessor :service_version
- attr_accessor :source_lines_error_app_frames
- attr_accessor :source_lines_error_library_frames
- attr_accessor :source_lines_span_app_frames
- attr_accessor :source_lines_span_library_frames
- attr_accessor :stack_trace_limit
- attr_accessor :transaction_max_spans
- attr_accessor :transaction_sample_rate
- attr_accessor :verify_server_cert
- attr_reader :capture_body
- attr_reader :custom_key_filters
- attr_reader :ignore_url_patterns
- attr_reader :span_frames_min_duration
- attr_reader :span_frames_min_duration_us
+ attr_reader :options
- attr_writer :alert_logger
- attr_accessor :view_paths
- attr_accessor :root_path
- alias :active? :active
- alias :capture_body? :capture_body
- alias :capture_headers? :capture_headers
- alias :capture_env? :capture_env
- alias :disable_send? :disable_send
- alias :disable_start_message? :disable_start_message
- alias :http_compression? :http_compression
- alias :instrument? :instrument
- alias :verify_server_cert? :verify_server_cert
- def alert_logger
- @alert_logger ||=$stdout, prefix: Logging::PREFIX)
+ def assign(update)
+ return unless update
+ update.each { |key, value| send(:"#{key}=", value) }
- def app=(app)
- case app_type?(app)
- when :sinatra
- set_sinatra(app)
- when :rails
- set_rails(app)
- else
- self.service_name = 'ruby'
- end
- end
- def app_type?(app)
- if defined?(Rails::Application) && app.is_a?(Rails::Application)
- return :rails
- end
- if app.is_a?(Class) && app.superclass.to_s == 'Sinatra::Base'
- return :sinatra
- end
- nil
- end
- def use_ssl?
- server_url.start_with?('https')
- end
- def custom_key_filters=(filters)
- @custom_key_filters = Array(filters).map(&Regexp.method(:new))
- end
- def ignore_url_patterns=(strings)
- @ignore_url_patterns = Array(strings).map(&Regexp.method(:new))
- end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
def available_spies
@@ -269,185 +132,136 @@
def enabled_spies
available_spies - disabled_spies
- def span_frames_min_duration=(duration)
- @span_frames_min_duration = duration
- @span_frames_min_duration_us = duration * 1_000_000
+ def method_missing(name, *args)
+ return super unless DEPRECATED_OPTIONS.include?(name)
+ warn "The option `#{name}' has been removed."
- def span_frames_min_duration?
- span_frames_min_duration != 0
- end
- compression_level=
- compression_minimum_size=
- debug_http=
- debug_transactions=
- flush_interval=
- http_open_timeout=
- http_read_timeout=
- enabled_environments=
- disable_environment_warning=
- ].freeze
- def respond_to_missing?(name)
- return true if DEPRECATED_OPTIONS.include? name
- return true if name.to_s.end_with?('=')
- false
- end
- def method_missing(name, *args)
- if DEPRECATED_OPTIONS.include?(name)
- alert_logger.warn "The option `#{name}' has been removed."
- return
+ def app=(app)
+ case app_type?(app)
+ when :sinatra
+ set_sinatra(app)
+ when :rails
+ set_rails(app)
+ else
+ self.service_name = 'ruby'
- if name.to_s.end_with?('=')
- raise ConfigError, "No such option `#{name.to_s.delete('=')}'"
- end
- super
- def collect_metrics?
- metrics_interval > 0
- end
# rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength
def capture_body=(value)
if value =~ /(all|transactions|errors|off)/
- @capture_body = value
+ set(:capture_body, value)
case value
when true
- alert_logger.warn "Boolean value for option `capture_body' has " \
+ warn "Boolean value for option `capture_body' has " \
"been deprecated. Setting to 'all'"
- @capture_body = 'all'
+ self.capture_body = 'all'
when false
- alert_logger.warn "Boolean value for option `capture_body' has " \
+ warn "Boolean value for option `capture_body' has " \
"been deprecated. Setting to 'off'"
- @capture_body = 'off'
+ self.capture_body = 'off'
- default = DEFAULTS[:capture_body]
- alert_logger.warn "Unknown value `#{value}' for option "\
+ default = options[:capture_body].default
+ warn "Unknown value `#{value}' for option "\
"`capture_body'. Defaulting to `#{default}'"
- @capture_body = default
+ self.capture_body = default
# rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength
- private
+ def use_ssl?
+ server_url.start_with?('https')
+ end
- def assign(options)
- options.each do |key, value|
- send("#{key}=", value)
- end
+ def collect_metrics?
+ metrics_interval > 0
- def set_defaults
- assign(DEFAULTS)
+ def span_frames_min_duration?
+ span_frames_min_duration != 0
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
- # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
- def set_from_env
- ENV_TO_KEY.each do |env_key, key|
- next unless (value = ENV[env_key])
+ def span_frames_min_duration=(value)
+ super
+ @span_frames_min_duration_us = nil
+ end
- type, key = key if key.is_a? Array
+ def span_frames_min_duration_us
+ @span_frames_min_duration_us ||= span_frames_min_duration * 1_000_000
+ end
- value =
- case type
- when :int then value.to_i
- when :float then value.to_f
- when :bool then !%w[0 false].include?(value.strip.downcase)
- when :list then value.split(/[ ,]/)
- when :dict then Hash[value.split(/[&,]/).map { |kv| kv.split('=') }]
- else value
- end
+ def inspect
+ super.split.first + '>'
+ end
- send("#{key}=", value)
+ private
+ def load_config_file
+ return unless File.exist?(config_file)
+ config = YAML.safe_load(
+ assign(config)
+ end
+ def load_env
+ @options.values.each_with_object({}) do |option, opts|
+ next unless (value = ENV[option.env_key])
+ opts[option.key] = value
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize
- # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity
- def set_from_args(options)
- assign(options)
- rescue ConfigError => e
- alert_logger.warn format(
- 'Failed to configure from arguments: %s',
- e.message
- )
+ def build_logger
+ == '-' ? STDOUT : log_path).tap do |logger|
+ logger.level = log_level
+ end
- def set_from_config_file
- return unless File.exist?(config_file)
- assign(YAML.safe_load( || {})
- rescue ConfigError => e
- alert_logger.warn format(
- 'Failed to configure from config file: %s',
- e.message
- )
+ def app_type?(app)
+ if defined?(Rails::Application) && app.is_a?(Rails::Application)
+ return :rails
+ end
+ if app.is_a?(Class) && app.superclass.to_s == 'Sinatra::Base'
+ return :sinatra
+ end
+ nil
def set_sinatra(app)
self.service_name = format_name(service_name || app.to_s)
self.framework_name = framework_name || 'Sinatra'
self.framework_version = framework_version || Sinatra::VERSION
- self.root_path = Dir.pwd
+ self.__root_path = Dir.pwd
def set_rails(app) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize
self.service_name ||= format_name(service_name || rails_app_name(app))
self.framework_name ||= 'Ruby on Rails'
self.framework_version ||= Rails::VERSION::STRING
self.logger ||= Rails.logger
- self.root_path = Rails.root.to_s
- self.view_paths = app.config.paths['app/views'].existent
+ self.__root_path = Rails.root.to_s
+ self.__view_paths = app.config.paths['app/views'].existent
def rails_app_name(app)
if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 6
- def build_logger
- logger = == '-' ? STDOUT : log_path)
- logger.level = log_level
- self.logger = logger
- end
def format_name(str)
str && str.gsub('::', '_')
- end
- def normalize_durations
- DURATION_KEYS.each do |key|
- value = send(key).to_s
- default_unit = DURATION_DEFAULT_UNITS.fetch(key, 's')
- duration = Duration.parse(value, default_unit: default_unit)
- send("#{key}=", duration.seconds)
- end
- end
- def normalize_sizes
- SIZE_KEYS.each do |key|
- value = send(key).to_s
- default_unit = SIZE_DEFAULT_UNITS.fetch(key, 'b')
- size = Size.parse(value, default_unit: default_unit)
- send("#{key}=", size.bytes)
- end
# rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength