app/views/elabs/comments/_form.html.haml in elabs-4.0.0 vs app/views/elabs/comments/_form.html.haml in elabs-5.0.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,43 +1,47 @@
-# You must provide an url for the form
-%h2= _('Leave a comment')
+- unless user_is_author_of(entity)
+ %h2= _('Leave a comment')
-%p= _('You want to react to this content or ask something to the author? Just leave a comment here!')
+ %p= _('You want to react to this content or ask something to the author? Just leave a comment here!')
- %p= _("Note that the comments are not publicly visible, so don't worry if you don't see yours.")
- %p= _("All the information you give will only be visible to the author. We don't share anything with anyone.")
+ .alert.alert--info
+ %p= _("Note that the comments are not publicly visible, so don't worry if you don't see yours.")
+ %p= _("All the information you give will only be visible to the author. We don't share anything with anyone.")
-= form_for new_comment, url: url do |f|
- - if new_comment.errors.any?
- .error
- %h2= format(n_('An error prevented your comment from being saved:',
- '%<nb>i errors prevented your comment from being saved:',
- new_comment.errors.count), nb: new_comment.errors.count)
- %ul
- - new_comment.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
- %li= message
+ = form_for new_comment, url: url do |f|
+ - if new_comment.errors.any?
+ .error
+ %h2= format(n_('An error prevented your comment from being saved:',
+ '%<nb>i errors prevented your comment from being saved:',
+ new_comment.errors.count), nb: new_comment.errors.count)
+ %ul
+ - new_comment.errors.full_messages.each do |message|
+ %li= message
- - if user_signed_in?
- .alert.alert--info
- -# haml-lint:disable LineLength
- = format(_('This comment will be posted as "%<name>s". By submitting this comment, you agree to be recontacted by the author.'),
- name: current_user.username)
- -# haml-lint:enable LineLength
- - else
+ - if user_signed_in?
+ .alert.alert--info
+ -# haml-lint:disable LineLength
+ = format(_('This comment will be posted as "%<name>s". By submitting this comment, you agree to be recontacted by the author.'),
+ name: current_user.username)
+ -# haml-lint:enable LineLength
+ - else
+ .field
+ = f.label :name
+ .field-input= f.text_field :name, required: true
+ .field
+ = f.label :email
+ .field-input= f.text_field :email, required: true, type: :email
+ .field
+ .field-input
+ = f.check_box :allow_contact
+ = f.label :allow_contact, _('I agree to be recontacted')
- = f.label :name
- .field-input= f.text_field :name, required: true
- .field
- = f.label :email
- .field-input= f.text_field :email, required: true
- .field
- .field-input
- = f.check_box :allow_contact
- = f.label :allow_contact, _('I agree to be recontacted')
- .field
- = f.label :comment
- .field-input= f.text_area :comment, required: true
- .actions
- .actions-buttons
- = f.submit 'Save', class: 'btn btn--save'
+ = f.label :comment
+ .field-input= f.text_area :comment, required: true, class: 'textarea--large'
+ = render 'elabs/layouts/form_honeypot', field: 'body'
+ .actions
+ .actions-buttons
+ = f.submit 'Save', class: 'btn btn--save'