app/controllers/effective/providers/moneris.rb in effective_orders-3.2.3 vs app/controllers/effective/providers/moneris.rb in effective_orders-4.0.0beta1
- old
+ new
@@ -15,42 +15,36 @@
# Delete the Purchased and Declined Redirect URLs
purchased_url = params.delete(:rvar_purchased_url)
declined_url = params.delete(:rvar_declined_url)
if @order.purchased? # Fallback to a success condition of the Order is already purchased
- return order_purchased(details: params, provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], purchased_url: purchased_url)
+ order_purchased(details: params, provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], purchased_url: purchased_url)
+ return
- # Invalid Result
- if params[:result].to_s != '1' || params[:transactionKey].blank?
- return order_declined(details: params, provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], declined_url: declined_url)
- end
+ if params[:result].to_s == '1' && params[:transactionKey].present?
+ verify_params = parse_moneris_response(send_moneris_verify_request(params[:transactionKey])) || {}
- payment = params.merge(verify_moneris_transaction(params[:transactionKey]))
- valid = (1..49).include?(payment[:response_code].to_i) # Must be > 0 and < 50 to be valid. Sometimes we get the string 'null'
+ response_code = verify_params[:response_code].to_i # Sometimes moneris sends us the string 'null'
- if valid == false
- return order_declined(details: payment, provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], declined_url: declined_url)
+ if response_code > 0 && response_code < 50 # Less than 50 means a successful validation
+ order_purchased(details: params.merge(verify_params), provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], purchased_url: purchased_url)
+ else
+ order_declined(details: params.merge(verify_params), provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], declined_url: declined_url)
+ end
+ else
+ order_declined(details: params, provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], declined_url: declined_url)
- order_purchased(details: payment, provider: 'moneris', card: params[:card], purchased_url: purchased_url)
- def verify_moneris_transaction(transactionKey)
- # Send a verification POST request
- uri = URI.parse(EffectiveOrders.moneris[:verify_url])
- params = { ps_store_id: EffectiveOrders.moneris[:ps_store_id], hpp_key: EffectiveOrders.moneris[:hpp_key], transactionKey: transactionKey }
- headers = { 'Referer': effective_orders.orders_url }
+ def parse_moneris_response(text)
+ text.split("<br>").inject( { |h, i| h[i.split(' ').first.to_sym] = i.split(' ').last ; h } rescue {response: text}
+ end
- http =, uri.port)
- http.use_ssl = true
- body =, params.to_query, headers).body
- # Parse response into a Hash
- body.split('<br>').inject({}) { |h, i| h[i.split(' ').first.to_sym] = i.split(' ').last; h }
+ def send_moneris_verify_request(verify_key)
+ `curl -F ps_store_id='#{EffectiveOrders.moneris[:ps_store_id]}' -F hpp_key='#{EffectiveOrders.moneris[:hpp_key]}' -F transactionKey='#{verify_key}' --referer #{effective_orders.moneris_postback_orders_url} #{EffectiveOrders.moneris[:verify_url]}`