lib/ecraft/extensions/string.rb in ecraft-extensions-0.3.1 vs lib/ecraft/extensions/string.rb in ecraft-extensions-0.4.0
- old
+ new
@@ -1,42 +1,16 @@
class ::String
# These methods should not be used in new code
- # Instead use
+ # Instead use the examples provided.
- # require 'active_support'
- # require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
+ # Don't use! Instead, write like this:
- # 'active_support_string'.camelize # result: "ActiveSupportString"
- def to_camelcase
- separators = ['_', '\s']
- str = dup
- separators.each do |s|
- str = str.gsub(/(?:#{s}+)([a-z])/) { Regexp.last_match(1).upcase }
- end
- str = str.gsub(/(\A|\s)([a-z])/) { Regexp.last_match(1) + Regexp.last_match(2).upcase }
- str
- end
# require 'active_support'
# require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
# 'ActiveSupportString'.underscore # result: "active_support_string"
def to_snake_case
gsub(/\B[A-Z]/, '_\&').downcase
- end
- # require 'active_support'
- # require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections'
- # 'Foo::Bar'.constantize # => Foo::Bar
- def to_class
- chain = split '::'
- klass = Kernel
- chain.each do |klass_string|
- klass = klass.const_get klass_string
- end
- klass.is_a?(Class) ? klass : nil
- rescue NameError
- nil
def to_bool
!self !~ /^(true|t|yes|y|1)$/i