in eco-helpers-2.0.41 vs in eco-helpers-2.0.42
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,50 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
-## [2.0.41] - 2021-09-xx
+## [2.0.42] - 2021-10-30
### Added
+ - `eco/api/organization/presets_values.json` added abilities:
+ - `visitor_management`
+ - `broadcast_notifications`
+ - `cross_register_reporting`
+ - Due to dev pipeline, the `ecoportal-api` version `0.8.4` hasn't been released
+ - This part of the current `eco-helpers` version depends on that gem version (to be upgraded later)
+ - Changed the `workflow` in
+ - `before(:post_launch, :usecases)` => post launch cases are not prevented for **partial** updates
+ - rectified message
+ - `run(:post_launch, :usecases)` => missing **people** error will log in `debug` level
+ - it won't break the script anymore (just prevent a post use case to be run)
+ - New use case `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::EntriesToCsv`: to export input entries as `csv`
+ - invokable via `-entries-to-csv`
+ - More errors:
+ - `Eco::API::Error::ExternalIdTaken`
+ - `Eco::API::Error::InternalServerError`
+ - **Added** option `processed-people-to-csv file.csv` to export a `csv` with the results of processing people
+ - This option allows to preview the final data when launching a `dry-run` (`-simulate`)
+ - **Added** ooze case sample `Eco::API::UseCases::OozeSamples::TargetOozesUpdateCase`
+ - Allows to retrieve the target entries based on a `csv`
### Changed
+ - Moved methods of `#person_ref`, `#get_attr` and `#get_row` as **class methods** of `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Feedback`
+ - `Eco::API::Session::Errors` methods above to use them via `Feedback` class
+ - `Eco::API::Session::Errors::ErrorCache`: **added** new property `response`
+ - `#by_type` added parameter `only_entries` to specify the output type
+ - `#errors` capture the `response` in the generated `ErrorCache` object
+### Fixed
+ - `Eco::API::Session::Config::Workflow#run` to validate **callback** output class
+ - It should be a `Eco::API::UseCases::BaseIO`
+ - Prevent **uncreated people** to be present in queues or people refresh (if the server side worked perfectly, this contingency shouldn't be necessary):
+ - `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Job#processed_queue`
+ - Sanity-check to exclude people that are **new** and do not have `id` when the current `Job` is **not** of type `:create` (meaning that it was supposed to be created but failed and it probably doesn't exist on server-side)
+ - This prevents errors when trying to update/delete a person that most probably does not exist on the server.
+ - `Eco::API::MicroCases#people_refresh`
+ - Remove from people run-time object those that are **new** that are `dirty` (with pending changes)
+## [2.0.41] - 2021-10-06
### Fixed
- `Eco::API::Session::Batch::Job` `backup_update`
- Saved `requests` filename was overlapping due to only batch job type being used
- Now it uses the name of the batch job as well