in eco-helpers-2.0.36 vs in eco-helpers-2.0.37
- old
+ new
@@ -1,11 +1,21 @@
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
-## [2.0.36] - 2021-08-xx
+## [2.0.37] - 2021-09-03
### Added
### Changed
+### Fixed
+ - `Eco::API::UseCases::OozeSamples::OozeBaseCase`
+ - `#update_ooze` only count dry run for changed pages (to have better feedack)
+ - stop downloading the people manager
+ - `Eco::API::UseCases::OozeSamples::RegisterUpdateCase`
+ - prevent queuing non page objects
+## [2.0.36] - 2021-08-31
### Fixed
- `Eco::API::UseCases::OozeSamples::OozeBaseCase`
- `#update_ooze` only count dry run for changed pages (to have better feedack)
## [2.0.35] - 2021-08-30