in eco-helpers-2.0.16 vs in eco-helpers-2.0.17

- old
+ new

@@ -1,25 +1,69 @@ # Change Log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. -## [2.0.16] - 2021-04-xx +## [2.0.17] - 2021-05-24 +Specific changes due to eP **release ``** (_Policy Group Abilities_) + - And some improvements as well as new tools + ### Added + - `Eco::API::Organization::PresetsFactory` added integrity validation for `person_abilities` ability + - `Eco::API::Organization::PresetsFactory` + - `#validate`: returns an `Array` with all the errors that a `permissions_custom` has + - `#valid?`: checks if a `permissions_custom` is valid + - `Eco::API::Organization::PeopleAnalytics`: a **helper** class to identify things in the People Manager and provide mitigation action methods to resolve them. + - Added dependencies to `fuzzy_match`, `amatch` and `jaro_winkler` **gems** + - `Eco::Data::FuzzyMatch` with string match helpers and a set of home-made generic libs. + - `Eco::API::Organization::PeopleAnalytics` to launch analysis on the People Manager + - `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::AnalysePeople` invokable via `-analyse-people` + - **new** -> a way to define a hierarchy of options (at least of 1 Level) + - `API::CLI::Config::OptionsSet` + - `API::CLI::Config::UseCases::CaseConfig` + - Integrated the new feature to the `--help` command and methods. + - **Usecase** `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::ResetLandingPageCase` added parameter to specify `-page-id` + - `Eco::API::Common::BaseLoader` new shortcut methods `#micro` (_MicroCases_), `#session` and `#config` + - At this stage of the execution workflow it uses `ASSETS.session` + - **Important note**: when the `#parser` or `#serializer` are called the `ASSETS.session` might already be linked to the specific invoked environment + - New method helpers in `Ecoporta::API::MicroCases` + - `preserve_filter_tags`, `preserve_default_tag` and `preserve_policy_groups` + +### Changed + - upgraded dependency on `ecoportal-api` and `ecoportal-api-v2` + - **removed** `Eco::API::MicroCases#refresh_abilities` + - `Eco::API::MicroCases#set_account` **removed** `refresh_abilities` + - `Eco::API::MicroCases#append_usergroups` **removed** `refresh_abilities` + - **removed** _usecase_ `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::RefreshAbilitiesCase` (`-refresh-abilities`) + - `Eco::API::Policies::DefaultPolicies::UserAccess`: **removed** `refresh_abilities` + - **removed** `Eco::API::Session#new_preset` + - `Eco::API::Organization::PresetsFactory` + - **removed** `rspecs` + - `.new`: **removed** parameters `presets_custom` & `presets_map` + - **removed** constants `DEFAULT_CUSTOM`, and `DEFAULT_MAP` + - **removed** private methods `#presets_custom` and `#presets_map` + - **changed** private method `#compile` receives directly an array of `permissions_custom` + - `Eco::API::Session::Config` **removed** methods `#presets_custom=` & `presets_map=` + - `Eco::API::Session::Config::People` **removed** methods `#presets_custom=`, `#presets_map=`,`#presets_custom` & `#presets_map` + - **removed** `eco/api/organization/presets_reference.json` + - **moved** case-specific options to only be active when the user case is previously invoked in the command line. + +### Fixed + - **handle** `Ecoportal::API:Errors::TimeOut` in `Eco::API::Session::Batch` by offering to retry. + +## [2.0.16] - 2021-05-04 + +### Added - Use case `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::SupersCyclicIdentify`, invokable via `-identify-cyclic-supers` - Use case `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::AbstractPolicyGroupAbilities`, invokable via `-abstract-policygroup-abilities` - Option to run `one-off` scripts, without org configurations: 1. `-api-key INTERNAL_API_KEY` 2. `-enviro [live|]` 3. `-org NAME_OF_ORG` -### Changed -### Fixed - - ## [2.0.15] - 2021-04-29 ### Added - - Use case `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::SupersHierarchy`, invokable via `-supers-hiearchy` + - Use case `Eco::API::UseCases::DefaultCases::SupersHierarchy`, invokable via `-supers-hierarchy` ### Fixed - `eco/cli/config/default/workflow.rb` prevent `rescue` looping ## [2.0.14] - 2021-04-15