README.textile in e9s-2.1.1 vs README.textile in e9s-2.1.2
- old
+ new
@@ -47,31 +47,49 @@
config.gem "e9s"
h3. Testing E9s out-of-the-box
-Set the default locale to @:nl@ in @environment.rb@:
- config.i18n.default_locale = :nl
Run the Rails console:
Start translating in Dutch:
+ >> I18n.locale = :nl
+ => :nl
-h2. Usage
+h2. Use the provided Rails generator
+In order to manage translations and/or CMS content. You need the following entities:
+* An @Authlogic@ authenticated user model
+* An @ActiveRecord@ model used for translation storage
+* An @ActiveRecord@ model used for CMS content storage
+Fortunately, E9s is provided with a Rails generator with which you can generate all the entities.
+h3. In your console
+Run the following command:
+ script/generate enrichments
+*Note*: The generator has the @-m@ or @--migrate@ option which runs @rake db:migrate@ after creating the files.
+Actually, this generator calls the generators of "Rich-CMS": and "Rich-i18n": For more information, please check the README files.
+h2. Start specifying translations
h3. Populating config/locales
At default, I18n uses @I18n::Backend::Simple@ of which translations are stored within YAML files located in @config/locales@. When adding a new language, it is adviced to copy a YAML file from "": in which you can add your translations. Of course, you can also use other I18n backends like @I18n::Backend::ActiveRecord@ for translations stored in the database.
h3. Words
@@ -159,10 +177,51 @@
- rijst
For a complete example, please open "": which contains Dutch inflections.
+h3. Labels and seatholders
+You can translate @labels@ and @seatholders@ (placeholders :D) within Formtastic forms without altering its code.
+*Note*: specified in @config/locales/nl.yml@
+ word:
+ password: wachtwoord
+ label:
+ user_name: gebruikersnaam
+ content: bericht
+ Question:
+ content: jouw vraag
+ Answer:
+ content: jouw antwoord
+ (search_form)
+ criteria: uw zoekcriteria
+ seatholder:
+ email_address:
+ Question:
+ content: Hoeveel uren zitten in een dag?
+ Answer:
+ content: 24 uur
+ (search_form)
+ criteria: '&Voorbeeld'
+h2. Start translating / pluralizing
h3. String / Symbol methods
E9s adds the following methods to strings and symbols:
* @t@ - which translates the string or symbol
@@ -242,83 +301,102 @@
>> "More houses".t
=> "Meer huizen"
-h3. Labels and seatholders
+h2. Render E9s in your views
-You can translate @labels@ and @seatholders@ (placeholders :D) within Formtastic forms without altering its code.
+h3. Alter your layout
-*Note*: specified in @config/locales/nl.yml@
+Add the following line at the beginning of the @<body>@ tag:
- word:
- password: wachtwoord
- label:
- user_name: gebruikersnaam
- content: bericht
- Question:
- content: jouw vraag
- Answer:
- content: jouw antwoord
- (search_form)
- criteria: uw zoekcriteria
- seatholder:
- email_address:
- Question:
- content: Hoeveel uren zitten in een dag?
- Answer:
- content: 24 uur
- (search_form)
- criteria: '&Voorbeeld'
+ <body>
+ <%= e9s %>
+ ...
+ </body>
+h3. Render CMS content
+The E9s module Rich-CMS requires a rendered DOM element provided with meta data of the content instance. Fortunately, you can call a method provided by Rich-CMS. Just specify the identifier of the content type and the key of the CMS content instance in question:
+ >> key = "test_content"
+ => "test_content"
+ >> Rich::Cms::Engine.to_content_tag(".cms_content", key)
+ => "<div class='cms_content' data-key='test_content' data-value='Hello world!'>Hello world!</div>"
+When using a combined key for content identification, just call it as follows:
+ >> Rich::Cms::Engine.to_content_tag(".cms_content", {:key => key, :locale => I18n.locale})
+ => "<div class='cms_content' data-key='test_content' data-locale='nl' data-value='Hallo wereld!'>Hallo wereld!</div>"
+*Note*: In this case, the content was registered with @Rich::Cms::Engine.register(".cms_content", {:class_name => "Cms::StaticContent", :key => [:key, :locale]})@
+We have also provided you a helper method to render Rich-CMS content tags:
+ ...
+ <%= rich_cms_tag ".cms_content", "test_content" %>
+ <%= rich_cms_tag ".cms_content", {:key => "test_content", :locale => I18n.locale} %>
+ ...
+For further documentation, please check the "Rich-CMS README": file.
+h3. Render translations
+The E9s module Rich-i18n has its own conventions which are simpler. A few examples:
+ ...
+ <h1>
+ <%= "application.index.Welcome_to_our_renewed_website".t %>
+ </h1>
+ <%= link_to "PRODUCTS".t, products_path %>
+ <%= "Hello world".t %>
+ ...
+For further documentation, please check the "Rich-i18n README": file.
+h3. E9s in your browser
+Open "http://localhost:3000/cms":http://localhost:3000/cms, log in and start managing translations / CMS content.
h2. Contact me
For support, remarks and requests please mail me at ""
h2. Credit
This Rails gem / plugin depends on:
+"": <br>
+"": <br>
+"": <br>
+h2. Enrichments
+The all-in-one gem at - "": - "":
-h2. E9s
-E9s - "":
h3. E9s modules
-* Rich-CMS - "":
-* Rich-i18n - "":
-* Rich-pluralization - "":
+* Rich-CMS <br> "": <br> "":
+* Rich-i18n <br> "": <br> "":
+* Rich-pluralization <br> "": <br> "":
h2. License
Copyright (c) 2010 Paul Engel, released under the MIT license