lib/dyndoc-html-servers.rb in dyndoc-ruby-1.0.1 vs lib/dyndoc-html-servers.rb in dyndoc-ruby-1.0.2
- old
+ new
@@ -1,10 +1,187 @@
require 'dyndoc/init/home'
require 'pathname'
require 'yaml'
module Dyndoc
+ module Browser
+ @@browser_cfg_file= File.join(Dyndoc.home,"etc","browser.yml")
+ @@cfg=nil
+ def Browser.cfg
+ unless @@cfg
+ @@cfg=(File.exist? @@browser_cfg_file) ? ::YAML::load_file(@@browser_cfg_file) : {}
+ end
+ @@cfg
+ end
+ def
+ mode=(Browser.cfg["browser"] || :safari).to_sym
+ case mode
+ when :chrome
+ "Google Chrome"
+ when :canary
+ "Google Chrome Canary"
+ when :firefox
+ "Firefox"
+ when :firefox_nightly
+ "FirefoxNightly"
+ when :firefox_developer
+ "FirefoxDeveloperEdition"
+ when :safari
+ "Safari"
+ end
+ end
+ @@browser_reload_osa= File.join(Dyndoc.home,"etc","browser_reload.osa")
+ def Browser.set_browser_reload
+ activate=Browser.cfg["activate"] || false
+ mode=(Browser.cfg["browser"] || :safari).to_sym
+ code=case mode
+ when :chrome
+ %Q{
+ tell application "Google Chrome"
+ #{activate ? 'activate' : ''}
+ "chrome"
+ set winref to a reference to (first window whose title does not start with "Developer Tools - ")
+ set winref's index to 1
+ reload active tab of winref
+ end tell
+ }
+ when :canary
+ %Q{
+ tell application "Google Chrome Canary"
+ #{activate ? 'activate' : ''}
+ "chrome canary"
+ set winref to a reference to (first window whose title does not start with "Developer Tools - ")
+ set winref's index to 1
+ reload active tab of winref
+ end tell
+ }
+ when :firefox
+ %Q{
+ set a to path to frontmost application as text
+ tell application "Firefox"
+ activate
+ tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using command down
+ end tell
+ #{activate ? '' : 'delay 0.2\nactivate application a'}
+ }
+ when :firefox_nightly
+ %Q{
+ set a to path to frontmost application as text
+ tell application "FirefoxNightly"
+ activate
+ tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using command down
+ end tell
+ #{activate ? '' : 'delay 0.2\nactivate application a'}
+ }
+ when :firefox_developer
+ %Q{
+ set a to path to frontmost application as text
+ tell application "FirefoxDeveloperEdition"
+ activate
+ tell application "System Events" to keystroke "r" using command down
+ end tell
+ #{activate ? '' : 'delay 0.2\nactivate application a'}
+ }
+ when :safari
+ %Q{
+ tell application "Safari"
+ #{activate ? 'activate' : ''}
+ tell its first document
+ set its URL to (get its URL)
+ end tell
+ end tell
+ }
+ end
+,"w") do |f|
+ f << code.strip
+ end
+ end
+ def Browser.reload
+ if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/
+ Browser.set_browser_reload unless File.exists? @@browser_reload_osa
+ `osascript #{@@browser_reload_osa}`
+ end
+ end
+ def Browser.load(url)
+ mode=(Browser.cfg["browser"] || :safari).to_sym
+ cmd_to_open='tell application "''" to set URL of current tab of front window to "'+url+'"'
+ `osascript -e '#{cmd_to_open}'`
+ end
+ end
+Commands = {
+ darwin: {
+ firefox: MacFirefoxCmd,
+ firefoxNightly: MacFirefoxNightlyCmd,
+ firefoxDeveloperEdition: MacFirefoxDeveloperEditionCmd,
+ chrome: MacChromeCmd,
+ chromeCanary: MacChromeCanaryCmd,
+ safari: MacSafariCmd
+ },
+ linux: {
+ firefox: [
+ 'search',
+ '--sync',
+ '--onlyvisible',
+ '--class',
+ 'firefox',
+ 'key',
+ 'F5',
+ 'windowactivate'
+ ],
+ chrome: [
+ 'search',
+ '--sync',
+ '--onlyvisible',
+ '--class',
+ 'chrome',
+ 'key',
+ 'F5',
+ 'windowactivate'
+ ]
+ }
+RunMacCmd = (cmd) ->
+ new BufferedProcess({
+ command: 'osascript'
+ args: ['-e', BrowserCmd]
+ stderr: (data) ->
+ OpenPanel(type: 'alert', message: data.toString())
+ })
+RunLinuxCmd = (BrowserArgs) ->
+ new BufferedProcess({
+ command: 'xdotool'
+ args: BrowserArgs
+ stderr: (data) ->
+ OpenPanel(type: 'alert', message: data.toString())
+ })
+RunCmd = (browser) ->
+ if OS.platform() == 'darwin'
+ RunMacCmd(Commands['darwin'][browser])
+ else if OS.platform() == 'linux' and browser isnt 'safari'
+ RunLinuxCmd(Commands['linux'][browser])
+ else
+ OpenPanel(type: 'alert', message: 'Unsupported platform')
+module Dyndoc
module HtmlServers
def HtmlServers.cfg
@@ -86,19 +263,21 @@
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/
options[:first] = html_file != old_html_file
if html_file != old_html_file
old_html_file = html_file
- cmd_to_open='tell application "Safari" to set URL of current tab of front window to "'+url+'"'
- `osascript -e '#{cmd_to_open}'`
+ # cmd_to_open='tell application "Safari" to set URL of current tab of front window to "'+url+'"'
+ # `osascript -e '#{cmd_to_open}'`
+ Dyndoc::Browser.load(url)
-tell app "Safari" to activate
-tell application "System Events"
- keystroke "r" using {command down}
-end tell
+ Dyndoc::Browser.reload
+# %x{osascript<<ENDREFRESH
+# tell app "Safari" to activate
+# tell application "System Events"
+# keystroke "r" using {command down}
+# end tell
+# }
if RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /darwin/