lib/dynamoid/adapter.rb in dynamoid-0.4.0 vs lib/dynamoid/adapter.rb in dynamoid-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,32 +1,32 @@
# encoding: utf-8
module Dynamoid
- # Adapter provides a generic, write-through class that abstracts variations in the underlying connections to provide a uniform response
+ # Adapter provides a generic, write-through class that abstracts variations in the underlying connections to provide a uniform response
# to Dynamoid.
module Adapter
extend self
attr_accessor :tables
# The actual adapter currently in use: presently, either AwsSdk or Local.
# @since 0.2.0
def adapter
reconnect! unless @adapter
# Establishes a connection to the underyling adapter and caches all its tables for speedier future lookups. Issued when the adapter is first called.
# @since 0.2.0
def reconnect!
require "dynamoid/adapter/#{Dynamoid::Config.adapter}" unless Dynamoid::Adapter.const_defined?(Dynamoid::Config.adapter.camelcase)
@adapter = Dynamoid::Adapter.const_get(Dynamoid::Config.adapter.camelcase)
@adapter.connect! if @adapter.respond_to?(:connect!)
self.tables = benchmark('Cache Tables') {list_tables}
# Shows how long it takes a method to run on the adapter. Useful for generating logged output.
# @param [Symbol] method the name of the method to appear in the log
# @param [Array] args the arguments to the method to appear in the log
# @yield the actual code to benchmark
@@ -38,11 +38,11 @@
start =
result = yield "(#{(( - start) * 1000.0).round(2)} ms) #{method.to_s.split('_').collect(&:upcase).join(' ')}#{ " - #{args.inspect}" unless args.nil? || args.empty? }"
return result
# Write an object to the adapter. Partition it to a randomly selected key first if necessary.
# @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to
# @param [Object] object the object itself
@@ -52,16 +52,16 @@
def write(table, object)
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning? && object[:id]
object[:id] = "#{object[:id]}.#{Random.rand(Dynamoid::Config.partition_size)}"
object[:updated_at] =
- benchmark('Put Item', object) {put_item(table, object)}
+ put_item(table, object)
# Read one or many keys from the selected table. This method intelligently calls batch_get or get on the underlying adapter depending on
# whether ids is a range or a single key: additionally, if partitioning is enabled, it batch_gets all keys in the partition space
- # automatically. Finally, if a range key is present, it will also interpolate that into the ids so that the batch get will acquire the
+ # automatically. Finally, if a range key is present, it will also interpolate that into the ids so that the batch get will acquire the
# correct record.
# @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to
# @param [Array] ids to fetch, can also be a string of just one id
# @param [Number] range_key the range key of the record
@@ -70,86 +70,84 @@
def read(table, ids, options = {})
range_key = options[:range_key]
if ids.respond_to?(:each)
ids = ids.collect{|id| range_key ? [id, range_key] : id}
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
- results = benchmark('Partitioned Batch Get Item', ids) {batch_get_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))}
+ results = batch_get_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))
{table => result_for_partition(results[table])}
- benchmark('Batch Get Item', ids) {batch_get_item(table => ids)}
+ batch_get_item(table => ids)
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
ids = range_key ? [[ids, range_key]] : ids
- results = benchmark('Partitioned Get Item', ids) {batch_get_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))}
+ results = batch_get_item(table => id_with_partitions(ids))
- benchmark('Get Item', ids) {get_item(table, ids, options)}
+ get_item(table, ids, options)
# Delete an item from a table. If partitioning is turned on, deletes all partitioned keys as well.
# @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to
# @param [String] id the id of the record
# @param [Number] range_key the range key of the record
# @since 0.2.0
def delete(table, id, options = {})
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
- benchmark('Delete Item', id) do
- id_with_partitions(id).each {|i| delete_item(table, i, options)}
- end
+ id_with_partitions(id).each {|i| delete_item(table, i, options)}
- benchmark('Delete Item', id) {delete_item(table, id, options)}
+ delete_item(table, id, options)
# Scans a table. Generally quite slow; try to avoid using scan if at all possible.
# @param [String] table the name of the table to write the object to
# @param [Hash] scan_hash a hash of attributes: matching records will be returned by the scan
- # @since 0.2.0
+ # @since 0.2.0
def scan(table, query, opts = {})
if Dynamoid::Config.partitioning?
results = benchmark('Scan', table, query) {adapter.scan(table, query, opts)}
- adapter.scan(table, query, opts)
+ benchmark('Scan', table, query) {adapter.scan(table, query, opts)}
[:batch_get_item, :create_table, :delete_item, :delete_table, :get_item, :list_tables, :put_item].each do |m|
# Method delegation with benchmark to the underlying adapter. Faster than relying on method_missing.
# @since 0.2.0
define_method(m) do |*args|
benchmark("#{m.to_s}", args) {adapter.send(m, *args)}
- # Takes a list of ids and returns them with partitioning added. If an array of arrays is passed, we assume the second key is the range key
+ # Takes a list of ids and returns them with partitioning added. If an array of arrays is passed, we assume the second key is the range key
# and pass it in unchanged.
# @example Partition id 1
# Dynamoid::Adapter.id_with_partitions(['1']) # ['1.0', '1.1', '1.2', ..., '1.199']
# @example Partition id 1 and range_key 1.0
# Dynamoid::Adapter.id_with_partitions([['1', 1.0]]) # [['1.0', 1.0], ['1.1', 1.0], ['1.2', 1.0], ..., ['1.199', 1.0]]
# @param [Array] ids array of ids to partition
- # @since 0.2.0
+ # @since 0.2.0
def id_with_partitions(ids)
Array(ids).collect {|id| (0...Dynamoid::Config.partition_size).collect{|n| id.is_a?(Array) ? ["#{id.first}.#{n}", id.last] : "#{id}.#{n}"}}.flatten(1)
- # Takes an array of results that are partitioned, find the most recently updated one, and return only it. Compares each result by
+ # Takes an array of results that are partitioned, find the most recently updated one, and return only it. Compares each result by
# their id and updated_at attributes; if the updated_at is the greatest, then it must be the correct result.
- # @param [Array] returned partitioned results from a query
+ # @param [Array] returned partitioned results from a query
# @since 0.2.0
def result_for_partition(results)
{}.tap do |hash|
Array(results).each do |result|
@@ -160,17 +158,17 @@
hash[id] = result
# Delegate all methods that aren't defind here to the underlying adapter.
# @since 0.2.0
def method_missing(method, *args)
return benchmark(method, *args) {adapter.send(method, *args)} if @adapter.respond_to?(method)