lib/DOSDisk.rb in dsktool-0.2.1 vs lib/DOSDisk.rb in dsktool-0.4.1
- old
+ new
@@ -82,36 +82,72 @@
# 10-FF Up to 120 more track and sector pairs
class DOSDisk < DSK
- def dump_catalog
- files.each_value { |file|
- puts "#{file.locked ? '*':' '}#{file.file_type} #{sprintf('%03X',file.sector_count)} #{file.filename}"
- }
+ def dump_catalog
+ s=""
+ files.keys.sort.each { |file_name|
+ file=files[file_name]
+ s<< "#{file.locked ? '*':' '}#{file.file_type} #{sprintf('%04d',file.contents.length)} #{file.filename}\n"
+ }
+ s
+ def file_system
+ :dos
+ end
- def initialize(file_bytes)
- super(file_bytes)
+ def initialize(file_bytes,sector_order)
+ super(file_bytes,sector_order)
- #reads the VTOC, and populate the "files" array with files
+ #default file type is TextFile
+ #Tokenisation not currently implemented
+ def make_file(filename,contents,file_options={})
+ raise "Tokenisation not currently supported for DOS files" if (file_options[:tokenise])
+ file_type = case file_options[:filetype]
+ when nil then 0x00
+ when 'T' then 0x00
+ when 'I' then 0x01
+ when 'A' then 0x02
+ when 'B' then 0x04
+ else file_options[:filetype].tr("$","").hex
+ end
+ if file_type==4 && !(file_options[:base].nil?) then
+ base=file_options[:base].tr("$","").hex
+ s="\0\0\0\0"
+ s[0]=base%256
+ s[1]=base/256
+ s[2]=contents.length%256
+ s[3]=contents.length/256
+ contents=s+contents
+ end
+ return new_file
+ #reads the VTOC, and populate the "files" array with files
def read_vtoc
+ @files={}
- done=false
+ done=false
+ visited_sectors={}
while !done
break if catalog_sector.nil?
(0..6).each {|file_number|
break if (file_descriptive_entry[0]==0xFF) # skip deleted files
- file_descriptive_entry[3..32].to_s.each_byte{|b| filename+=(b.%128).chr}
- filename.sub!(/ *$/,"") #strip off trailing spaces
+ file_descriptive_entry[3..32].to_s.each_byte{|b| filename+=(b.%128).chr}
+ filename.gsub!(/ *$/,"") #strip off trailing spaces
+!("\x00-\x1f","\x40-\x5f") #convert non-printable chars to corresponding uppercase letter
@@ -133,33 +169,227 @@
if contents.length>0 then
@files[filename]= case file_type_code
- when 0x00 then,locked,sector_count,contents)
- when 0x01 then SCAsmFile.can_be_scasm_file?(contents)?,locked,sector_count,contents):,locked,sector_count,contents)
- when 0x02 then,locked,sector_count,contents)
- when 0x04 then,locked,sector_count,contents)
+ when 0x00 then,contents,locked)
+ when 0x01 then SCAsmFile.can_be_scasm_file?(contents)?,contents,locked):,contents,locked)
+ when 0x02 then,contents,locked)
+ when 0x04 then,contents,locked)
# when 0x08 then "S" #S type file
# when 0x10 then "R" #RELOCATABLE object module file
# when 0x20 then "a" #??
# when 0x40 then "b" #??
- else,locked,sector_count,contents,sprintf("$%02X",file_type_code))
+ else,contents,locked,file_type_code)
- next_sector=catalog_sector[2]
+ next_sector=catalog_sector[2]%0x10
if (next_track==0) &&( next_sector==0) then
- else
- catalog_sector=get_sector(next_track,next_sector)
+ else
+ #check we haven't got into an endless loop
+ s="#{next_track}/#{next_sector}"
+ if (!visited_sectors[s].nil?) then
+ done=true
+ end
+ visited_sectors[s]=true
+ catalog_sector=get_sector(next_track,next_sector)
+#iterate through the CATALOG to find either the named file or (if nil is passed in) an empty slot
+def find_catalog_slot(filename)
+ vtoc_sector=get_sector(17,0)
+ catalog_filename=DOSFile.catalog_filename(filename.upcase) unless filename.nil?
+ catalog_track_no=vtoc_sector[01]
+ catalog_sector_no=vtoc_sector[02]
+ while (catalog_track_no+catalog_sector_no>0) do
+ catalog=get_sector(catalog_track_no,catalog_sector_no)
+ (0..7).each do |slot_no|
+ slot_start=slot_no*0x23+0x0B
+ if filename.nil? && (catalog[slot_start]==0x00)|| (catalog[slot_start]==0xFF) then
+ return,catalog_sector_no,slot_start)
+ end
+ if (!filename.nil?) && (catalog[slot_start+0x03..slot_start+0x20]==catalog_filename) then
+ return,catalog_sector_no,slot_start)
+ end
+ end
+ catalog_track_no=catalog[01]
+ catalog_sector_no=catalog[02]
+ end
+ nil
+#iterate through the sector usage bitmap, return a list of [track,sector] for sectors marked available
+def free_sector_list
+ end_of_sector_usage_bitmap=(track_count*4+0x38)-1
+ sector_usage_bitmap=get_sector(0x11,0)[0x38..end_of_sector_usage_bitmap]
+ free_sectors=[]
+ #skip track 0 - even if sectors there are unused, we can't include them in a catalog or track/sector list
+ (1..track_count-1).each do |track|
+ track_bitmap_lo=sector_usage_bitmap[track*4+1]
+ track_bitmap_hi=sector_usage_bitmap[track*4]
+ (0..7).each do |sector|
+ if ((track_bitmap_lo & (2**(sector)))!=0) then
+ free_sectors<<,sector)
+ end
+ if ((track_bitmap_hi & (2**(sector)))!=0) then
+ free_sectors<<,sector+8)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ free_sectors.sort
+ #given a track and sector, treat it as a track/sector list and return an array containing track/sector pairs
+ def get_track_sector_list(ts_list_track_no,ts_list_sector_no)
+ ts_list_sector=get_sector(ts_list_track_no,ts_list_sector_no)
+ ts_list=[]
+ for entry_number in 0..121
+ data_track_no=ts_list_sector[entry_number*2+0x0C]
+ data_sector_no=ts_list_sector[entry_number*2+0x0D]
+ if( (data_track_no!=0 || data_sector_no!=0) && data_track_no<track_count && data_sector_no<=0x0f) then
+ ts_list<<,data_sector_no)
+ end
+ end
+ ts_list
+ end
+ def delete_file(filename)
+ this_files_catalog_slot=find_catalog_slot(filename)
+ #if file not in catalog, do nothing
+ return if this_files_catalog_slot.nil?
+ file_descriptive_entry=get_sector(this_files_catalog_slot.track_no,this_files_catalog_slot.sector_no)[this_files_catalog_slot.offset..this_files_catalog_slot.offset+0x22]
+ #mark sector as free in sector usage list
+ sector_usage_bitmap_sector=get_sector(0x11,0)
+ sectors_to_mark_available=get_track_sector_list(file_descriptive_entry[0x00],file_descriptive_entry[0x01])
+ sectors_to_mark_available<<[0x01],file_descriptive_entry[0x00])
+ sectors_to_mark_available.each do |ts|
+ offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector=0x38+(ts.track_no*4)
+ if ts.sector_no<8 then
+ offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector+=1
+ end
+ byte_containing_this_sector=sector_usage_bitmap_sector[offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector]
+ byte_containing_this_sector=byte_containing_this_sector|(2**(ts.sector_no%8))
+ sector_usage_bitmap_sector[offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector]=byte_containing_this_sector
+ end
+ set_sector(0x11,0,sector_usage_bitmap_sector)
+ #mark slot as available in catalog
+ catalog_sector=get_sector(this_files_catalog_slot.track_no,this_files_catalog_slot.sector_no)
+ catalog_sector[this_files_catalog_slot.offset+0x20]=catalog_sector[this_files_catalog_slot.offset] #save the current "first track no" in last byte of filename
+ catalog_sector[this_files_catalog_slot.offset]=0xFF
+ set_sector(this_files_catalog_slot.track_no,this_files_catalog_slot.sector_no,catalog_sector)
+ end
+ def set_sector(track,sector,contents)
+ super(track,sector,contents)
+ #now mark sector as used in sector usage list
+ if ((track!=0x11) || (sector!=00)) then #don't bother marking the VTOC sectors used
+ sector_usage_bitmap_sector=get_sector(0x11,0)
+ offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector=0x38+(track*4)
+ if sector<8 then
+ offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector+=1
+ end
+ byte_containing_this_sector=sector_usage_bitmap_sector[offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector]
+ byte_containing_this_sector=byte_containing_this_sector&(0xff-(2**(sector%8)))
+ sector_usage_bitmap_sector[offset_of_byte_containing_this_sector]=byte_containing_this_sector
+ set_sector(0x11,0,sector_usage_bitmap_sector)
+ end
+def add_file(file)
+ raise "only DOSFiles may be added to DOS format disks!" unless file.kind_of?(DOSFile)
+ #if this file exists, delete it first
+ delete_file(file.filename) unless files[file.filename].nil?
+ catalog_slot=find_catalog_slot(nil)
+ raise "CATALOG IS FULL!" if catalog_slot.nil?
+ free_sectors=free_sector_list
+ sectors_needed=1+file.length_in_sectors
+ raise "not enough free space - #{sectors_needed} sectors needed, #{free_sector_list.length} available " unless sectors_needed<=free_sectors.length
+ #TODO - allow files of more than 122 sectors
+ raise "only files up to 122 sectors currently supported " if sectors_needed>122
+#TRACK/SECTOR LIST FORMAT (from Beneath Apple DOS p 4-6)
+ # 00 Not used
+ # 01 Track number of next T/S list of one is needed or zero if no more t/s list
+ # 02 Sector number of next T/S list (if one is present)
+ # 03-04 Not used
+ # 05-06 Sector offset in file of the first sector described by this list
+ # 07-oB Not used
+ # 0C-0D Track and sector of first data sector or zeros
+ # 0E-0F Track and sector of second data sector or zeros
+ # 10-FF Up to 120 more track and sector pairs
+ track_sector_list="\0"*256
+ track_sector_list_sector=free_sectors[0]
+ (0..sectors_needed-2).each do |sector_in_file|
+ sector_to_use=free_sectors[sector_in_file+1]
+ track_sector_list[(sector_in_file*2)+0x0C]=sector_to_use.track_no
+ track_sector_list[(sector_in_file*2)+0X0D]=sector_to_use.sector_no
+ sector_contents=file.contents[(sector_in_file*256)..(sector_in_file*256)+255] || ""
+ set_sector(sector_to_use.track_no,sector_to_use.sector_no,sector_contents)
+ end
+ #write the track/sector list
+ set_sector(track_sector_list_sector.track_no,track_sector_list_sector.sector_no,track_sector_list)
+ #update the catalog file descriptive entry
+ #FILE DESCRIPTIVE ENTRY (from Beneath Apple DOS p 4-6)
+ # 00 Track of first track/sector list sector, if this is a deleted file this contains FF
+ # and the original track number is copied to the last byte of the file name (BYTE 20)
+ # If this byte contains a 00, the entry is assumed to never have been used and is
+ # available for use. (This means track 0 can never be used for data even if the DOS image
+ # is 'wiped' from the disk)
+ #
+ # 01 Sector of first track/sector list sector
+ # 02 File type and flags:
+ # 80+file type - file is locked
+ # 00+file type - file is not locked
+ #
+ # 00 - TEXT file
+ # 01 - INTEGER BASIC file
+ # 02 - APPLESOFT BASIC file
+ # 04 - BINARY file
+ # 08 - S type file
+ # 10 - RELOCATABLE object module file
+ # 20 - a type file
+ # 40 - b type file
+ #
+ # 03-20 File Name (30 characters)
+ # 21-22 Length of file in sectors (LO/HI format)
+ catalog_sector=get_sector(catalog_slot.track_no,catalog_slot.sector_no)
+ file_descriptive_entry="\0"*0x23
+ file_descriptive_entry[0]=track_sector_list_sector.track_no
+ file_descriptive_entry[1]=track_sector_list_sector.sector_no
+ file_descriptive_entry[2]=file.file_type_byte
+ file_descriptive_entry[3..0x20]=file.catalog_filename
+ file_descriptive_entry[0x21]=(sectors_needed-1)%256
+ file_descriptive_entry[0x22]=(sectors_needed-1)/256
+ catalog_sector[catalog_slot.offset..catalog_slot.offset+0x22]=file_descriptive_entry
+ set_sector(catalog_slot.track_no,catalog_slot.sector_no,catalog_sector)
+ raise "catalog not updated correctly!" if find_catalog_slot(file.filename).nil?
+ #reread the catalog to populate the files list
+ read_vtoc
+ end
# == Author
# Jonno Downes (
# == Copyright