ext/ds9/extconf.rb in ds9-1.3.0 vs ext/ds9/extconf.rb in ds9-1.3.1
- old
+ new
@@ -1,16 +1,43 @@
require 'mkmf'
-if with_config("static")
- ldflags = pkg_config 'libnghttp2', 'libs-only-L'
+def using_system_libraries?
+ arg_config('--use-system-libraries', !!ENV['DS9_USE_SYSTEM_LIBRARIES'])
- archive = File.join ldflags.sub(/^-L/, ''), 'libnghttp2.a'
- if File.exist? archive
- $LDFLAGS << " #{archive}"
+if using_system_libraries?
+ if with_config("static")
+ ldflags = pkg_config 'libnghttp2', 'libs-only-L'
+ archive = File.join ldflags.sub(/^-L/, ''), 'libnghttp2.a'
+ if File.exist? archive
+ $LDFLAGS << " #{archive}"
+ else
+ raise "couldn't find archive"
+ end
- raise "couldn't find archive"
+ pkg_config 'libnghttp2'
- pkg_config 'libnghttp2'
+ message "Building nghttp2\n"
+ require 'rubygems'
+ require 'mini_portile2'
+ recipe = MiniPortile.new('nghttp2', 'v1.34.0')
+ # We need to compile nghttp2 with `-fPIC` option, so delete `--disable-shared` from MiniPortile#configure_defaults
+ recipe.configure_options = ['--enable-lib-only', '--enable-static', "--host=#{recipe.host}"]
+ recipe.files << {
+ url: 'https://github.com/nghttp2/nghttp2/releases/download/v1.34.0/nghttp2-1.34.0.tar.gz',
+ sha1: '2d0ad93a254a7a6e6c737f2fd2e10e4810a41f74',
+ }
+ recipe.cook
+ # `recipe.activate` uses invalid path for this package.
+ $LIBPATH = ["#{recipe.path}/lib"] + $LIBPATH
+ $CPPFLAGS << " -I#{recipe.path}/include"
+ $LIBS << " -lnghttp2 -lstdc++"
+abort 'nghttp2/nghttp2.h not found' unless have_header('nghttp2/nghttp2.h')
+abort 'libnghttp2 not found' unless have_library('nghttp2')
create_makefile 'ds9'